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bluelynch created a topic of Spinach Bouquet

i love them so much (╥﹏╥)

first of all: thank god is over
second of all: you know who the baby looks like? CAIN FROM DEAR DOOR. coincidence???? i think not!!!!

I'm 100% with fujie in this
like, if all you ever do is try to get in his pants then it will pass the impression that you just want to date that person to have sex with them. haruki needs to learn other ways to show his love asap

bluelynch created a topic of Spinach Bouquet

he was "I'm gonna lie till it turns true"
man wanted to meet his boyfriend so bad he cured himself in one year with willpower

bluelynch created a topic of Jungle Juice

i don't trust professor Ma, this man has a hidden agenda I'm certain

bluelynch created a topic of Jungle Juice

the mad scientist is sooo sus

bluelynch created a topic of Jungle Juice

the mad scientist do be mad

bluelynch created a topic of Dark Fall

"i miss you"? wtf? what kind of gaslighting is this?

bluelynch created a topic of Jungle Juice

am i living or just waiting for jungle juice update?

bluelynch created a topic of Spinach Bouquet

i don't think is necessarily magic BUT there's a brazilian book series that have this premisse, the protagonist discovers whatever she writes becomes truth, and accidentally she relives her own grandma
it's called "A Poderosa"

bluelynch created a topic of Jungle Juice

never a good sign when the supposed "good guys" are torturing people

bluelynch created a topic of Waterside Night

this kid is so cute omg, his face on that last panel is amazing

bluelynch created a topic of Jungle Juice

I'm already getting withdrawal symptoms
i need another chapter

bluelynch created a topic of Rix Vanus

please just revive chu, i love it so much I'm tired of crying every week
this chapter was even worse with the flashbacks of it being the cutest little demon blob in the world

bluelynch created a topic of Jungle Juice

what's the reasoning behind putting the captain gang (forgot the name) as allies with the june bug juice gang?? like ???? do you guys have good vision? you guys need glasses?
like, if they're in the same team why are they so beat up when you giys JUST got there? why wouldn't they try to help when you attacked the big monster? like, make it make sense

36 chapters and still waiting for this to be BL (as in boys love not blood love)
"oh but there's hints and fanservice and yada yada" then this shit is not not BL is just hanging the fruit on top of our heads and taking out before we can bite and hoping we will be satisfied that way without real commitment.

that being said I'm so frustrated with this story that I don't even want Sayo to be with Yamadera, the more time passes the more bland and uninteresting they become to me, both as a potential couple and as characters

bluelynch created a topic of Jungle Juice

I'm addicted to this
could it be that propolis will fight with the leader after? or will they realize the others are good
AAAAAAA can't wait for next week