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⭒mars⭒'s experience ( All 0 )

⭒mars⭒'s answer ( All 2 )

reading the replies I'm guessing most of y'all are still teenagers lmao but even I still had some privacy as a teenager ??? I would read it on my laptop and sometimes on my phone at school,, I still prefer reading it on my laptop tho cuz it's more comfortable and the pages are bigger I still read on my laptop in uni tho when the class is boring lm......   1 reply
10 12,2020
So first of all, fujoshi aren't 'mostly' cis straight girls, people need to get that out of their heads. Consumers of BL are not only cis straight women, but all possible members of the LGBTQIA+ community, stop assuming that all of us are white straight cis woman. Just so you know, if you're an anti-fujo : if you consume mlm content you're a fujosh......   reply
22 09,2020

⭒mars⭒'s question ( All 0 )