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Paprika created a topic of Paljae

his original form is so damn fine..

Paprika created a topic of Ghost Gate

its still a bad idea to read this in the middle of the night.. alone in a dark room..

( ̄∇ ̄")

Paprika created a topic of Hellen

hmmm.. I wish its a little bit longer.. .

Paprika created a topic of Haikyu!! dj - loved

sooo good! I wish it was longer..

Paprika created a topic of Dear Benjamin

what chapter in the novel is the continuation of the manhwa?

Paprika created a topic of Cry Me a River

what happened to his foot??

Paprika created a topic of Paper Flower

does anyone know where to read the novel?

Paprika created a topic of Bank Run
Paprika created a topic of Mr. 100% Perfect

that muzzle on is soooo sexy...

Paprika created a topic of Momo To Manji

I wanna see what kind of development this side couple will get

Paprika created a topic of Wish You All the Best

please love yourself more..

Paprika created a topic of Dreadful Night

I love the story ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ