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daddyrie March 31, 2024 7:25 pm

cirrus literally had no one to lean on when he was growing up, it’s no wonder why his personality has ended up the way it is. in fact, i’m surprised he’s not even more unhinged considering the fact that almost every adult figure in his life has traumatised and failed him

daddyrie March 28, 2024 3:07 pm

now there’s 4 different translations that have been mixed up together, which makes it a bit difficult to read from beginning to end. both the official and the new chapters labelled “better translation” are good quality and in order, so there’s no issue with them. but the manhwa clan translation honestly should just be deleted, it’s sounds machine translated, the resolution is poor and it has been placed in between the asura scans translation for some reason

daddyrie March 26, 2024 8:20 am

it’s so funny seeing everyone jumping with joy now that kallisto is back, i remember how so many people hated the fact that he was the ML a few years ago when he was first introduced and everyone loved eclise back then. how times have changed

    Sonadow2865 March 27, 2024 12:25 am

    Oh! I remember this too. I think I previously stopped at the trail after the assassination. At the time I wrote a comment that was a little creeped out by Eclise since it seemed like he was going to be manipulative to get what he wanted. I also wrote that I thought Kallisto was endgame because he was the hardest in original hard mode. Hardest to win over, but the first to fall in love hard! So glad that I'm right!

    ganberry March 27, 2024 10:22 am

    Lmao yes fr no one wanted him to be ML when they're all introduced. It was really good writing for the author to turn things around and make him the most likeable from the most hated. I still remember trying to defend him so much especially for those who wanted to drop the manhwa without spoiling lol

    daddyrie March 27, 2024 3:10 pm
    Oh! I remember this too. I think I previously stopped at the trail after the assassination. At the time I wrote a comment that was a little creeped out by Eclise since it seemed like he was going to be manipula... Sonadow2865

    i didn’t even think about it, you’re right, the love interest who seems the most difficult and at odds with the mc is usually the ML. i should’ve guessed just from that. i assumed he was ML because of kallisto’s implied dark backstory, it made him and penelope seem tailor-made for each other since they had similar stories. eclise bothered me from his introduction too, he seemed very fake and too servile to penelope to the point it was questionable. there was no way he’d witness his homeland being destroyed and then become a slave just to quietly settle with penelope. i was not surprised at all that he turned out to be a yandere

    daddyrie March 27, 2024 3:12 pm
    Lmao yes fr no one wanted him to be ML when they're all introduced. It was really good writing for the author to turn things around and make him the most likeable from the most hated. I still remember trying to... ganberry

    i hear you, i didn’t even know the spoilers back then but i felt like there was more to him than meets the eyes when he was first introduced and so i felt like the only one rooting for him as ML back then lol

daddyrie March 26, 2024 8:06 am

i’m genuinely baffled, i can’t believe the first season just ended like that… we have literally been given like 5 chapters of plot with 19 chapters of ugly porn that has basically gone nowhere. the pacing was just awful. i was honestly thinking that the story might finally start picking up here but no, it just abruptly ends ☠ and now we’ve been thrown some cliche and boring mommy issues about the ml to explain why he’s such a dick, it’s so corny and lazy. doo down needs to stick to working with authors because her talent is limited to art, her writing is just not good

daddyrie March 24, 2024 12:58 pm

i feel like the seme is gonna react badly when he finds out the uke hasn’t actually been into him like that from the start

    Boobs March 24, 2024 5:57 pm

    Bro I'm so anxious, but uke likes seme, and is starting to develop feelings

daddyrie March 20, 2024 1:56 pm

i’m rereading this story and honestly it’s so frustrating having to watch penelope constantly have to play nice and lower herself just so she doesn’t get killed by the people within the duchy who have never bothered to care for her. i wish this was more like the villainess turns the hourglass and that penelope would just get revenge on all of them without forgiveness. they’re treating her better now but after all they’ve done they don’t deserve anything good from her. even emily used to prick her with needles and feed her rotten food for no good reason, i don’t like how they’re all getting redemption arcs that they don’t deserve. all these “sweet” moments leave a bad taste in my mouth considering how they insulted, neglected and abused her before. derrick is shit but reynold doesn’t deserve to be forgiven either, he made penelope’s life a living hell before she changed and watched silently as even the servants disrespected her. now he’s trying to act like all his behaviour towards her in the past never happened, has he even apologised properly? no one tried to understand her and she was basically forced into being a villainess by a family who took her in just to neglect her. now that she’s acting servile towards them, suddenly they care…honestly can’t wait until she leaves the duchy with the ML

    Suzzu March 20, 2024 1:44 pm

    GOD I HOPE NOT. Villainess turn hourglass is basically a "Mean girl" fantasy. Both FMC and ML are bullies pretending to be the victim lmao. They are both evil, manipulative, self centered and opportunistic duo. The time that cares only about themselves and the people that worship and support them. The protag bullies and constantly torment a girl who still didn't do nothing to her because that girl in a different timeline brought her downfall because she was foolish and naive. A complete Mary sue. Note that the protagonist have always been in the position of power in that webtoon. An overkill both in terms knwolege of the future and the power to literally fix any mistake she could and any senseless bullying she did. Utterly lacking any emphathy despite being a victim before. It's basically a frustrated bullied kid fantasy of becoming the bully. Only time she was in disadvantage was when she lost the hourglass and even then the Prince and others had her back. Penelope on the other hand is hated by everyone, doesn't have anyone at her side, doesn't how the story ends or how the character reacts, doesn't have any cheat, and against ab evil woman that is like the protag if the hourgalss: manipulate people and turning them against each other, having a cheat that always put them in a position of power both in magical terms and background (the hourglass girl was a secret royal too.)

    daddyrie March 20, 2024 1:57 pm


    daddyrie March 20, 2024 2:10 pm
    GOD I HOPE NOT. Villainess turn hourglass is basically a "Mean girl" fantasy. Both FMC and ML are bullies pretending to be the victim lmao. They are both evil, manipulative, self centered and opportunistic duo.... Suzzu

    yes the mc in the villainess turns the hourglass wasn’t a good person, so? i don’t expect protagonists to be always be “good” people, morally ambiguous characters are less boring anyways. it’s not like aria was evil for the sake of being evil, she just got revenge on those he treated her and her mother like a worms just because of their backgrounds. you’re acting as if mielle was some innocent saint, she constantly mocked and plotted against even after aria’s regression. remember that all aria did at the beginning of her second life was show off that she was smarter than mielle at their family dinner and mielle then decided to sabotage her carriage so that she could have an accident. mielle literally framed aria and had her executed in the first life and you’re calling her foolish and naive? how was aria in a position of power from the start when she was an adopted daughter born from a prostitute who was treated like a worm in that household? i don’t see why aria should have any empathy towards people like mielle and her brother he mistreated her, i honestly hate characters who forgive those who bullied them. the only ones who aria came after, were those who come after her fast. the only exception was the maid who was the reason aria was framed for murder in her past life. did you read that story with your eyes closed?

    daddyrie March 20, 2024 2:13 pm
    GOD I HOPE NOT. Villainess turn hourglass is basically a "Mean girl" fantasy. Both FMC and ML are bullies pretending to be the victim lmao. They are both evil, manipulative, self centered and opportunistic duo.... Suzzu

    and honestly i don’t see how much of what you’re saying is relevant to what i said. i just said i hope penelope would take revenge on those who mistreated and abused her instead of having to act servile and forgiving them just so that she can live. i didn’t say i wanted the story to be exactly the same as the villainess turns the hourglass. it’s just frustrating how penelope has to act nice even when she doesn’t want to towards people who haven’t considered her feelings

    Suzzu March 20, 2024 2:41 pm
    and honestly i don’t see how much of what you’re saying is relevant to what i said. i just said i hope penelope would take revenge on those who mistreated and abused her instead of having to act servile and... daddyrie

    I think you need to reread this webtoon because if you did you should known Penelope DOES NOT HAVE THE LUXURY OR THE MEANS to be an immature girl like the hourglass protagonist and second she is not that evil girl. I dare say your comment is objectively speaking the irrelevant and technically impossible for her.
    As for the later comment... It's spoiler but technically most of the lack of empathy comes from forces outside of their controll. SPOILER *Theyarecurrentlybeingbrainwashed* SPOILER END.

    Suzzu March 20, 2024 2:51 pm
    yes the mc in the villainess turns the hourglass wasn’t a good person, so? i don’t expect protagonists to be always be “good” people, morally ambiguous characters are less boring anyways. it’s not lik... daddyrie

    Mean girl fantasy ~ I guess your a sociopath sympathizer...

    Mielle was not a saint but does a person need to be one to no be of subject of bullying without them doing anything wrong? Need I remind you that the protag of hourglass constantly tormented and attacked the girl after she regressing Fei absolutely no reason?? The girl never hurted or harmed the protagonist. The protagonist continuously harmed the girl without any reason other than pure pleasure and absolutely not for survival reasons... I guess you only read the webtoon because webtoon utterly skipped the that part to make the protagonist look good. And clearly you also didn't read the webtoon as well either.

    Anyways I see it is useless to reason to someone that is hardcore fan of the serie and love bullies and sociopaths... Reply if you want. I won't I don't have time to talk to a wall.

    daddyrie March 20, 2024 4:17 pm

    i’m aware she doesn’t have the luxury lol im not criticising the story, i was just saying it’s frustrating watching her bend over to people who have constantly disrespected her. it would be more satisfying to watch her plan out revenge but i’m aware it’s not that sort of story, can i not just vent frustrations about annoying characters like those in the duchy? many other people have expressed similar thoughts, it’s not that serious

    daddyrie March 20, 2024 4:22 pm

    are you unable to separate reality from fiction? “sociopath sympathiser”, you can’t be serious. and you clearly didn’t read that webtoon properly of you think mielle did nothing to aria in the second life, she literally has aria’s carriage sabotaged so she could have an accident just because aria’s embroidery was better than hers. i’m only talking about the webtoon, i don’t care whatever happened in the novel because i’m not talking about that. you need to calm down, it sounds like you don’t even know what a sociopath is

    honey bunny March 21, 2024 1:37 pm
    GOD I HOPE NOT. Villainess turn hourglass is basically a "Mean girl" fantasy. Both FMC and ML are bullies pretending to be the victim lmao. They are both evil, manipulative, self centered and opportunistic duo.... Suzzu

    I love that story and this story, and the other one with black haired and rabbit (forgot the title), both of them shows that they are not perfect protagonist unlike the other 'villainess' who becomes nice and every thing else falls into places.

    This stories, we show that they struggle and they are not 100% good.

    Meercat March 23, 2024 5:24 pm

    Right?? Like "if I change my behavior and not acknowledge the wrong I've done, people will just assume I've changed". It's like those youtubers who did bad things in the past, and then in their apologies they're saying they've changed and stuff

    Lyricalbunny March 26, 2024 5:53 pm
    GOD I HOPE NOT. Villainess turn hourglass is basically a "Mean girl" fantasy. Both FMC and ML are bullies pretending to be the victim lmao. They are both evil, manipulative, self centered and opportunistic duo.... Suzzu

    What do you expect from a story titled “the villainess reverse the hourglass”? Sunshine and rainbows? She a villainess, she did all the actions a villainess would do to take down her enemies.

    Mielle isn’t a saint nor she was a bullied girl(in terms of power balance Mielle had more influence than Aria since she the biological daughter), she planned to kill Aria since the start. Thinking about Aria as a disgusting existence.
    She manipulated Aria in the OG timeline and then got her killed; she poisoned Aria mother for hell sake. And than used that same poison the farm Aria for poisoning her; Mielle was a narcissist and classic bitch that believed in the supremacy of noble blood (she only started to feel sorry for her actions when she learned that Aria has noble blood in her)
    Aria only gave Mielle back the karma and did basically the same things Mielle did to her in the OG timeline, she basically took the uno reverse card and said “no u”

    You all say you want complex FL or a vengeance seeking FL but you can’t handle it when the FL does just that; seek vengeance or that she a morally grey character.

    Lyricalbunny March 26, 2024 6:03 pm

    Now about the original comment of this post, I agree it’s kinda gets tiring to see Penelope gets treated like horse shit and the fact that she needs to act nice and lower her head is frustrating.
    Penelope is amazing character and I enjoy her strength and persistence to stay alive.

    It’s obvious that the system is restricting her in lots of ways and situations, she can’t do anything without the system knowing and restricting her and before the “hard route” ends and the “normal route” begins, she will probably have more freedom after her coming to age ceremony and I can’t wait for her to get away from that house.

    daddyrie March 26, 2024 6:07 pm
    What do you expect from a story titled “the villainess reverse the hourglass”? Sunshine and rainbows? She a villainess, she did all the actions a villainess would do to take down her enemies. Mielle isn’t... Lyricalbunny


    daddyrie March 26, 2024 6:08 pm
    Now about the original comment of this post, I agree it’s kinda gets tiring to see Penelope gets treated like horse shit and the fact that she needs to act nice and lower her head is frustrating. Penelope is ... Lyricalbunny

    yeah i’m currently reading the novel and the coming of age ceremony is a massive turning point

    Lyricalbunny March 26, 2024 6:29 pm
    EXACTLY! daddyrie

    I’m so tired of people viewing everything in black and white, good or bad… it’s obvious that most of them can’t think critically and think that fiction is reality.
    Calling someone a sociopath sympathizers just because they love the “gaslight gatekeep girlboss” main character of a fictional story set in historical times is insane.

    Sociopath sympathizers are those who sympathize with serial killers irl, or those who did horrible things (Andrew Tate for example who is a literal criminal) and their fans get into white knights mode to defend their idols even though their idols her pieces of garbage that can’t be recycled

    Lyricalbunny March 26, 2024 6:30 pm
    yeah i’m currently reading the novel and the coming of age ceremony is a massive turning point daddyrie

    Honestly can’t wait for it because it’s a point that got talked about since the start of the manhwa and I waited so long for it

daddyrie March 17, 2024 9:15 pm

just binged this and i really enjoyed it at the beginning but it got so messy and convoluted in the last 40 chapters. even the ending felt pretty abrupt idk

    Urghh March 19, 2024 10:33 pm

    Same just finished this at an ungodly hr. I felt pretty scammed…

daddyrie March 17, 2024 9:23 pm

i don’t get why the MC views the ML as some heartless playboy, he has never been shown to act like that at all??? he keeps on calling him an asshole because of some misunderstandings he’s made up in his head but like where is he getting these ideas from because the ML is very obviously into him and has only shown interest in him

    Esther Berethnet March 17, 2024 6:08 pm

    As he mentioned from the previous chapters ML looks handsome and is a dominant alpha or something like that so thats how he came up to the assumption that the ML is a playboy plus MC is so dense (dense as fuck)

    Wolves March 18, 2024 2:36 am

    Fr. Like, the seme isn't even that flirty or suggestive. He's like a doctor who gives his recommendations to his patient

    Esther Berethnet March 18, 2024 4:26 am
    Fr. Like, the seme isn't even that flirty or suggestive. He's like a doctor who gives his recommendations to his patient Wolves


daddyrie March 15, 2024 4:18 pm

i dropped this 3 and a half years ago because the MC was basically a mary sue and the plot just comprised of everyone being wowed at how smart and kind she is while some lame repetitive minor villains get humiliated by her. also it was weird how the author was trying to build up some romance plots even though she was only like 8 back then so i wanted to wait for her to at least be 16. but it seems now very little has changed, except the story has gone even more off the rails and the revenge plot has basically been forgotten. welp i’ll come back in another 3 years lol

daddyrie March 14, 2024 4:00 pm

i’m surprised so many people thought yayul was the ML? he is the typical 2nd ML who gets saved by the FL and forms an almost unhealthy obsession over her, those types almost never end up with the FL. i just hope he doesn’t go down the yandere route later. he is cute though so it’s a bit of a shame but i can’t see the FL falling for someone who slit her throat in her past life, that past trauma would make it impossible for them to be together even if he’s different in their current life. i wish the FL and him could have a beautiful platonic friendship since i like their dynamic already but it seems like he’ll end up developing feelings for her sigh…

(and honestly once you guys find out why he killed her in their past life, you’ll realise how nice the FL is for taking care of him in their current life…)

as soon as ryu cheong and the FL were introduced in their present life it was so obvious that they’re endgame, the way the artist drew flowers everywhere and made it look like they were the only people in the room just spelt it out. i’m not mad at ryu cheong being the ML even if he’s bratty now, he looked hot in that panel from her past life where he was crying at her dad’s funeral so good enough for me lol. from what the spoilers say, they end up having a lot of chemistry together. i think people are judging too soon, this is still very early on in the story and how the characters are now is obviously not gonna be how they’ll stay in the future. i mean the MC is literally 6 years old, the rest are no older than 10

    daddyrie March 14, 2024 4:36 pm

    idk if the manhwa author will do it differently but the romance in the novel literally only happens in the last third of the story so if you’re deciding to read this based on romance you might as well just not bother. this is VERY VERY plot heavy, the romance is a small subplot

    baby March 16, 2024 6:59 pm

    yayul’s the ml

    baby March 16, 2024 7:01 pm
    yayul’s the ml baby

    oh nevermind.. he’s not.. WHERE DID I READ THAT HE’S THE ML

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