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StaleStaz created a topic of Love in Orbit

A lot of people don’t understand him like I do. Especially when your parent is fucked your whole life but at the end of the day you have life because of your parents. He was technically abandoned by his mother and “raised” by his father, it’s guilt. Bro feels guilty for being born, for being a burden to his father and it’s basically instilled into him to be grateful that his father actually went through the trouble unlike his mother.

Also I feel like the dad is in debt again and those guys at the end were debt collectors and Shiwa called them

StaleStaz created a topic of Lost in the Cloud

Grief does horrible things to a person, him saying he wished it was Cirrus.. eh, I could see with some therapy sure.. But the bed??! THATS UNFORGIVABLE! You know Cirrus alr don’t fuck with your wife- and you’re gonna fuck her on his bed? Your fucking son?! That nigga need to die, that’s the only way things will work out ( ̄へ ̄)

There’s no way this the same guy that tried to assault Lily in the canon- (⊙…⊙ )

This art style makes my ass itch

StaleStaz created a topic of Hit on By a Kinky Guy

The sex scenes in this make me feel violated, like I’m having baby dicks shoved in my eyes or something Σ(  ̄□ ̄||)

Something about this gives me old Yaoi flashbacks in a bad way. Idk.. Riddler is just eh to me. But the story is good, consent, communication, love it

StaleStaz created a topic of Miscreants And Mayhem

.. does this author just make the exact same characters but just switched around a bit. Maybe it’s the art style but I seriously feel like they always make tan/pale pairs, some kind of secondary love interest who’s like a snake, and then some other random thing that happens but then h the ey fuck and it’s all better(⊙…⊙ )

StaleStaz created a topic of Love Sick Dog

Since when were they even together though? ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍ it’s not like you were boyfriends

StaleStaz created a topic of Love Sick Dog

It’s not even that bad frfr. Like.. My pookie bear didn’t mean it, he was ovulating your honor, frfr

StaleStaz created a topic of Be My Baby

So is my nigga gon get pregnant or what? Bro literally got a gallon of baby making batter or more, he’s knocked tf upヾ(☆▽☆)

StaleStaz created a topic of Hit on By a Kinky Guy

Please bring it back please please please. This was my guilty pleasure before it became shitty romance they aren’t even that compatible the mc wasn’t even gay.. Also Taka clearly is kinky asf and Ume ain’t feeding into it, I say bring it back ten fold ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍

The proportions are questionable

StaleStaz created a topic of Hit on By a Kinky Guy

I hate when non neglected or abused people try to highroad people into making up with their abusive parents. His father clearly was emotionally unavailable for his son in childhood and adulthood, why is it his job to try for reconciliation? (︶︿︶)=凸

The little wolf is so cute(▰˘◡˘▰) this whole manga is so good. They communicate, solve their issues in a mature, adult way. I love how the omega isn’t just a bitch boy and seems like an actual human with autonomy and desires other than “be bred by alpha”. I really like the Seme too, he’s good to the Uke and looks good as a father

1000 more chapters

StaleStaz created a topic of Hit on By a Kinky Guy

The blonde guy isn’t even kinky anymore.. tbh their sex is kinda bland ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

StaleStaz created a topic of Waterside Night

They’re fine ig.. Lesbian side story tho? I’d love to see the cousin rail a female omega ong 100%. It’s kinda boring now that they’re in love ngl.. ( ̄∇ ̄")

StaleStaz created a topic of Lost in the Cloud

Chapter 101 is going to burn me.. I want to to choose happiness

StaleStaz created a topic of Majo no Inu

I need Iida absolutely barebacking my guy, the witch folded into the mattress, begging for a break but Iida’s stamina is godly. Plsss, I love them so much