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Mozarella created a topic of Yarichin ☆ Bitch Club

Just one chapter a year is finee~ it makes my entire year of waiting worth it. I just hope Toono ends up either with Kashima or Yacchan or maybe Both AHAHAHAH
I want them at least have threesome heheheheh

Mozarella created a topic of Boy's Abyss

Everyone's wants to die yet deep inside they want to live. They're just waiting for someone to tell them to live then they'll stop pretending to attempt suicide. Life is a bitch so they cry about it. Lover's suicide is like dragging someone's to give you courage to commit suicide. They're just shy. I'll end this tomfoolery and encouraging you to die

The manga was short but that sting still lingers within me with emotional pain. That relatable pain Yuki felt when she's losing her feminine side, when she wanted to be more feminine, and when she wanted to change. There's many obstacles blocking her path yet the end was so satisfying it made me re-read the whole manga again. It was totally worth it. I love both Kaito and Nagao because they're were so well-written characters it made me sympathize to Nagao when I read her whole backstory.

I love that the story's approached to realism, it contains heavily topic about gender identity, sexuality , and sexual abuse. Yuki being misgendered, Kaito wanted to be accepted of what he is, and Nagao suffers from trauma and sexual abuse. Some parts of the manga seemed uncanny, weird, and painful to read but that's the best part of it those part shows reality.

Mozarella created a topic of Lost Motion

Let him be pissed. He's trashy shit anyways

Mozarella created a topic of Maria no Danzai

I love that they're getting what they deserved
I hope they all die

Mozarella created a topic of Comes In Threes

Plot is dumb and stupid.
No likable characters all characters are shitty, dumb, toxic, and gay for the shitty toxic MC. (MC is like a self-insert character for the Author) I dont see anything likable trait from the MC not even once.
Sex scenes are too plain
-I dont mind the art at first but I can't help it. I dont like the artstyle

-Ah-in's body got bruises all over his body despite his body looking like a Body Builder? Wtf is this plot? Is he still being abused by old granny-o or grampy-o even though he's already an adult? He has the power to take a shit. Maybe the scars will become believable if the scars old not fresh right in the fresh stove
-tf holding that flashlight wrong