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Aria H. July 20, 2021 12:56 pm

Ok boys and girls I have spoilers~
Keira and her brother are having tea time and they’re talking about the many rumors circulating Cosette and who’s the “fake” and “real daughter”. At the moment, the household is tense while the staff is on Keira’s side but Cosette’s conniving ass is slowly gaining favor in some of the maids. Keira practices her swordsmanship until Cosette approaches her with flowers, trying to act all innocent. Keira tells her to get back because it’s dangerous for her to be close to her since she’s using her sword but Cosette ignores and starts her bs like “Keira, why are you so cold to me? Is it because you’re not father’s real daughter? It’s ok! We can still be friends! It’s not your fault your adulterous mother cheated on father!” Cosette is trying to make Keira lash out but Keira, already lived through this, just smiles and asks Cosette, “Oh you poor thing! The Baron has convinced you that you’re father’s actual daughter! I really pity you but it’s ok, it’s not your fault. I’m sure when the truth is out, you’ll be given a light sentence.” Cosette actually snaps and yells at Keira for lying but Keira remains calm and a maid finds them. Keira acts kind to Cosette, letting the maid leave with Cosette while the blond ass hoe is glaring at Keira.

    Ella July 20, 2021 2:29 pm

    That’s my girl!! Stay calm in front of her fake ass

Aria H. July 8, 2021 7:29 am

So I got my hands on the raws and I can’t speak a lick of Korean but I had a friend try to explain the translation to me.

So obviously both little boys (yes, both Seme and Wonwoo are acting like little kids and need to talk this shit out instead of yelling.) Wonwoo’s gray haired friend is making his way towards Wonwoo ( I suspect he has feelings for him or is very protective of him) which incredibly pisses off the seme and a fight happens (nothing physical). During a talk with his manager or the team’s manager, Seme has all these thoughts about Wonwoo, the nice things he did for him, and he realizes he caught feelings for him. Wonwoo and his friend with other workers go out to drink and gray haired guy gets wasted so he ends up bringing him back to his apartment to let him sober up. Seme who doesn’t believe in boundaries manages to barge in and gray haired guy is like “WTF”. More bs ensues. So after what felt like a hundred years for me, Seme goes after Wonwoo and they talk and make amends. So they’re actually dating; going to eat, going to the movies, Wonwoo getting his back thrown out by the Seme hehe, and all is good until a game with another baseball team is happening and I forget if Seme was the pitcher or not but his arm got damaged/broken by the ball. Wonwoo takes care of him and this only makes their relationship grow stronger.

    tiddybear July 8, 2021 9:34 am

    damm i usually hate spoilers but i needed no to make sure the angst would eventually go away #-.-) really like how the author is developing the drama tho

    anyways, thank you so much for explaining! have a good day :)

Aria H. July 8, 2021 7:11 am

Chloe accepting Trigger’s proposal is a smart move on her part because she’s a slave and maybe marrying him will grant her freedom and citizenship. And yeah it breaks my heart that she’s blind to the Archduke’s feelings but Chloe doesn’t know that he has feelings for her. It’s safe to say that the Duke at the moment is infatuated with Chloe, probably lusting for her judging by the way he envisions her as his wife/mother to his children in his thoughts. Also, how would the people and the King react when the ArchDuke wants to marry some enslaved princess from the enemy’s country? There are many political implications just alone and I’m praying for Trigger’s safety when the ArchDuke finds out because HONEY, he will hunt down my poor boy. I’m just sharing my two cents here so I’m interested in where this will go.

Aria H. January 23, 2021 5:33 am

I’ve mentioned some spoilers a few comments back but now that I’ve read the raws here is the new info!
Keira finds the old diary of her ancestor/relatives I assume who can also see the water spirits. In the diary, written by the eldest sister, I’m calling her Ruby for the sake of me not getting confused, is the destined saint of her family. Her younger sister, Blondie, has unlocked her powers which makes Ruby doubt herself about never being able to see the water spirits. She isolates herself due to the embarrassment and rumors, until Blondie comes in and touches her hand, allowing Ruby to see the water spirits. Ruby asks how this is possible and they both came up with the conclusion that in order for one of the sister’s power to show up is if they make contact, creating this resonance. Both sisters have happy endings and Keira realizes that in order for her to awaken her dormant powers, Colette a.k.a McBitch has to resonate with her. With this new information, Keira realizes it’s unavoidable and decides to stay in her residence with the Duke. During Keira’s brothers birthday, Colette makes her grand entrance and this time, Keira is prepared to take her on.

    Rom_reader January 23, 2021 6:26 am

    Thank you. Oh that spices things up!! I can’t wait to see their encounter

    maryeet January 23, 2021 6:35 am

    your writing style is so endearing- i feel so excited for the next future chapters because of you!

    Ayi January 23, 2021 6:44 am

    Do u have more spoilers :)

    CATCHA January 23, 2021 12:54 pm

    Do you have more spoilers?

Aria H. January 10, 2021 8:33 am

Some spoilers for future chapters and it involves Adele’s psychotic brother

Aria H. January 7, 2021 5:40 am

Let’s get on with my rant about how much I despise Keira’s sperm donor. So in case any of you have read the spoilers from either the comments or raws of the manwha, we can all agree that sperm donor is a shit person. So not only him ignoring and having these high expectations of Keira, he was fine with having his daughter, his own blood, to be sentenced to death. This man reversed not to save Keira’s life BUT HIS! You see, after Keira was executed, it was revealed Blondie McBitch face is actually a demon. Chaos ensued and the Gods were pissed that Keira, someone with divine powers, was falsely accused and hanged. So sperm donor with the help of the magician had to reverse time not for the sake of the people, the world, or his family, he just didn’t want to die/be held accountable for the death of Keira. I don’t care with the excuses people will give me, at the end of the day, this man was willing to sit by and let his daughter die. His blatant favoritism towards Blondie McBitch face just because she looks like him just pisses me off because it’s so strange how he was able to somehow open up to her, show some interest to a stranger that claims to be his daughter whereas his actual daughter has loved and cared for him but he chooses to ignore her because he’s an idiot. I don’t want a redemption arc, all I want is for Keira is to be happy and ditch her horrible father.

Aria H. January 2, 2021 7:02 am

Spoilers gals and gents!
So the Claude look alike basically reveals to Keira that he basically brought her back (reversed time or whatever magic crap he was able to drag out of his cape) but he doesn’t reveal much because he wants her to unravel the truth. Rumors spread about Keira being involved with him, which spreads to her dead-beat dad (can’t stand his guts) and Keira decides to pay a visit to her grandmother. This visit is incredibly important because she find the old journal of her relatives (either of her grandmother or ancestor, this part was a bit muddy for me). The journal belongs to this red haired woman, (for the sake of me trying to remember names, we will call her ruby and her blonde sister, Blondie.) Ruby is the oldest daughter of her family and she’s excited to be able to see the spirits when she’s older. Her parents have another child, blondie, which Ruby is happy and becomes close to her and they both develop a strong bond. The years tick by and Ruby hasn’t been able to see or contact the water spirits meanwhile her younger sister has. It’s mentioned that after the age of 25, if the supposed saintess hasn’t been able to contact the water spirits, then she’s illegitimate. Ruby writes the dates of her days; a noble was beheaded for malicious rumors of Ruby’s birth, her parents constantly fighting and her father doubting his wife, and after her birthday, we see her spiraling into a maddening depression. She doesn’t leave her room, she’s afraid of her parent’s reaction and she’s isolated herself to the point she doesn’t handle contact well. Blondie, comes to her room and tells her to touch her hand as she wants to give her a gift. The water spirits emerge and fill up the entire room as Ruby is in awe but still questions how she is able to see them. The chapter ends with a cliffhanger as we see the original scene where Keira is jailed and her sister (I don’t give a fuck about her name) reveals to her she’s actually the daughter of the Duke and the “real one”. But the prime key mentioned is “contact”; Blondie touched Ruby’s hand and showed her the spirits whereas bitch face evil sister also touched Keira and showed her the spirits. The chapter ends with the word “resonance” (could be that or a similar word that means to connect) so my hunch is that in the first case, both girls are the legitimate daughters of the family but it seems Ruby’s power was dormant a.k.a hidden until activated. I’m theorizing that possibly, there can be more than one destined saint and her abilities appear when in presence of the other sister’s spirits. Again, I’m speculating this theory because I didn’t quite understand the final pages of the chapter. So what does this mean for Keira? I think bitch face evil sister has something to do with her activation of her abilities and you’re all wondering, but Keira is the actual daughter of the Duke, what about bitch face? Well she is the Duke’s daughter....technically. Bitch face is actually a demon (yeah not surprised) who has taken over the body. It’s a clusterfuck of backstory but bitch face’s mother made a deal with the devil (remember kids, don’t make deals with demons) but possessed the body of her baby. That’s all I have for you all and hopefully my theory could be right. I’ll just have to see.

    kyanma January 2, 2021 1:20 pm


    jam January 2, 2021 3:02 pm

    If you're not a blessing, then what are you? TYVM BB

Aria H. December 30, 2020 8:47 am

At first, I reeeally tried hard to sympathize with Trashta since she’s a runaway slave who was given this once in a lifetime opportunity to become the Emperor’s concubine but she’s just so greedy and self entitled it’s just so frustrating to keep reading when she appears. It’s hard being a woman during that era, especially an in slaved woman, who caught the attention of the Emperor but instead of living quietly on one side of the fucking palace, she stirs up drama, constantly stalks Navier, and never ever shuts up in that third person talk. Why couldn’t she have bettered herself by actually getting a tutor to teach her proper etiquette and learn how to read and write? Soviet Union isn’t getting off the hook so easily with me; this idiot should have COMMUNICATED with Navier about their fertility issues and what’s best to keep the bloodline in the future. Instead he brought a whole ass woman and expected her to be fine with it because he thinks with his dick but GOD FORBID NAVIER EXCHANGES LETTERS WITH HEINLEY. His whole plan of getting Trashta pregnant and divorcing Navier is the most foolish thing I’ve ever heard. I don’t know what in that pea sized brain of his would make him believe that after the constant humiliation of his side piece parading around the palace in front of Navier’s face, the rumors of her being infertile, and now this divorce would make her take him back?! Even if Navier didn’t agree to marry Heinley or didn’t get close to him, she could have easily asked the Pope to never remarry, to become a nun, or she could remarry to anyone. Hell, she might have moved far fucking away from Soviet, I sure as hell would have moved across the damn globe just to stay away from him. These two by far and possibly Rosemund from Lady to Queen are my most hated antagonists that I’ve ever stumbled upon.

    grace juice December 30, 2020 5:08 pm

    LMAOOO not soviet union i cackled

    EatMyNut69 December 30, 2020 6:59 pm

    I lost all my will power to live the moment I read it "Soviet Union" broooooo

    grace juice December 30, 2020 7:07 pm
    I lost all my will power to live the moment I read it "Soviet Union" broooooo EatMyNut69

    not eatmynut69 losing their will to live

Aria H. December 29, 2020 8:53 am

I’m really upset at the direction this manwha has taken, especially Tia’s final outcome. The idea of her falling in the arms of her abuser just bothers me because it feels like this manwha is normalizing it. I don’t blame the artist, she’s probably following the original novel but it would have been great if she changed the story, (Spoon changed some of the storyline in Who Made Me A Princess). Some of the common arguments I’ve seen are “Well this is a different timeline, technically none of this has happened, Aristia should just get over it” have their points but it doesn’t negate the fact Aristia experienced it. Aristia has suffered through PTSD and BWS (battered woman syndrome) to the point she would have nightmares and couldn’t sleep. It just seems that most FL leads like herself are subjected to this abuse/mistreatment and are expected to overcome it because it’s their duty, they have to otherwise how will they win the heart of their ML who has either caused the abuse or didn’t know they existed. Ruvelis only changed because Aristia ignored him. He didn’t have some sort of epiphany from out of the blue, he didn’t try to seek her out, he only started remembering she existed when she ignored him or seemed to be weary of him. I wouldn’t go out of my way to find out why so and so hates or dislikes me, I’d move on with my life or I’d forget. Ruvelis only lusts after Aristia because she’s so mysterious and secretive around him and she’s willing to let other men in her life; Carsein and Allendis. Allen and Carsein’s admiration and love for Aristia are more genuine and sincere because they know how she acts, what she likes and her personality. This manwha had the potential to rewrite Aristia’s destiny by continuing to inherit her father’s dukedom and staying single or her marrying someone that’s not Ruvelis. Hell, Ruve’s secretary/personal assistant (I forgot his name so I’m going to call him blondie) could have been another male lead since he’s considered to be part of Ruve’s conscious and his close friend. I’m not expecting miracles at this point; I’ve seen and read the raws and I know how this story will end. I just wish that if there’s another novel out there with a similar story like this one, to please stop writing abused victims falling in love with their abusers. This is my rant and thank you to all those who read it fully.

    Adulcet December 29, 2020 1:47 pm

    this is so true like he only wants what he can’t have then what if later he switches to hating her. and istg that was the perfect time to say thanks for coming to my ted talk

Aria H. December 28, 2020 3:50 am

I’m curious as to what will happen when Chloe finds out that he knows she’s the former princess of her homeland. Our poor baby is gonna freak but also, I’m more interested about the political part of the story. We know her kingdom fell etc but what if it makes a revival? I’m really looking forward to see how the plot unravels and more of the ML’s abs~ (๑•ㅂ•)و✧

    LazyParrot December 30, 2020 6:38 pm

    Who is going to do that? She is the last remaining royal and have the least interest to the kingdom. Gilbert is probably the only other person who could confirm Chloe's legitimacy as princess Beatrice. Ugh somebody needs to kill him pronto.
    Also +1 for more eye candies. ლ(´ڡ`ლ)

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