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spoiler the second male lead is just like the first one
2021-02-17 13:13 marked
Y'all go read and see this change your mind. YES TO SMOL TOPS AND BIG BOTTOMS!
2021-02-12 23:40 marked
Raws plz
2021-02-12 14:24 marked
They had seggs scene but it'll be shown in the side story wherein the crossbreed fox height is in teen's average height. (he'll f*cking grow -,-)

The previous alpha, which is their father is a bisexual. Because in the raws it was shown that he also had seggs with men also.
2021-02-10 01:00 marked
I honestly can appreciate Taku as a fictional character because I do find him interesting and layered. But I am TIRED of ppl claiming he was incredibly sincere and cared about Haesoo so much. Idk if some of y’all skipped these parts, or chose to ignore it... but pls do see the following examples of Taku's manipulative and selfish behavior, and taking advantage of Haesoo:

Exhibit 1 - He wanted to use his sex tape to guilt trip Haesoo in their relationship. He said: “I hoped that guilt would bring you to me”. It only didn't happen cause Haesoo turned down publishing the sex tape. It was not that Taku backed away and stopped himself because he realized how fcked up his actions were. It made Haesoo uncomfortable and weirded out too,, pretty sure this can count as sexual/workplace harassment lmao

Exhibit 2 - In chapter 96’s flashback Taku says "i just want to read the story he writes about me when i'm gone” (his friend calls him an asshole too lol). This is a throwback to Leo telling Joowon over the phone about how Taku uses his models for his work, and then tosses them aside with little regard. He was planning the same with Haesoo, until he later got “attached”. that’s karma ig~

Exhibit 3 - Haesoo expressed that he was unsure/not ready for a relationship. Yet literally RIGHT AFTER his quasi breakup with Joowon, Taku is pressuring him like, "I'm still waiting for an answer". It's weird cause Haesoo's wounds are fresh from his breakup, and Taku is NOT stupid. He knew this and persisted. Haesoo shouldn't have agreed and that's his own fault (HS is not entirely a victim here lets make that clear). Meanwhile Taku? He was flat out taking advantage of Haesoo's broken emotions.

Exhibit 4 - Quote: “It must have been painful for him no doubt, but I still wanted to see more". This was Taku's thought during a photoshoot with Haesoo, which later made Haesoo cry at the exhibition (Chapter 92/93). Taku told Haesoo: "think about having sex with someone you love, but you can never see them again". This was RIGHT AFTER Joowon and Haesoo's big separation. To inflict emotional pain in your partner, and then say you were interested in seeing more? Bruh no… just no.

Exhibit 5 - Quotes: “Every time I saw how sad you were, it felt good.” “You were lonely. You need me because of your unhappiness.” —Chapter 58. This is from Taku's monologue of how Haesoo’s unhappiness made him feel good, because he felt depended on by Haesoo for comfort // hs get away from this man pls haha

Exhibit 6 - Another quote: “If I can’t beat him [jw] one-on-one, then I at least want you [hs] to feel bad” —Chapter 66 ...Can Taku stop wishing for Haesoo depression, like he's already sad jfc

Exhibit 7 - "I want to bury inside the void he [jw] left in you. And later I'll push him aside however I can." ...honestly this quote struck me as Taku taking advantage of Haesoo's heartbreak and being hella 'opportunistic' (btw: Taku called HIMSELF that in his interview in chapter 5 so I mean... lol). Maybe that's just me though idk.

Exhibit 8 - In Chapter 84 when Joowon's scandal broke out, notice how Taku starts texting "are you okay?" to Haesoo, then deletes it and instead tells him to stop caring about Joowon? This moment said a lot to me, because it's the fact that Taku is SO AWARE of how Haesoo must be feeling, but he purposely chooses to ignore that and cares more about winning and keeping him away from Joowon. Kinda struck me as the opposite from Joowon's phone call after Haesoo's modelling news dropped in chapter 68. JW asked Haesoo to not do the exhibition because he knew its not what HS wanted (he is right: haesoo always wanted to be known for his writing not his face, and felt crappy abt it all day). But when Haesoo said he was fine, JW told him he'll always be on Haesoo's side even as a hyung/friend. He made it so clear how he cares the most about HS simply being okay, even after Haesoo left him.

Exhibit 9 - Taku tells Haesoo he hopes he has a hard time with Joowon after their breakup (Chapter 99). It felt wrong to me cause Haesoo genuinely apologized and gently let him down in their breakup... but Taku tries to make Haesoo feel worse. I honestly understand being spiteful towards exes who mistreated you in some way. HOWEVER with this relationship: it seemed to highlight Taku’s selfishness. Taku is out here acting like Haesoo wronged him for simply not liking him back in a 1 month TRIAL relationship. As if he wasnt the one who initiated and *insisted* on their relationship. As if he was unaware of Haesoo’s feelings for Joowon. As if Taku didnt say it was better that they use each other. Him wanting to make Haesoo feel bad over this is wild considering all the conditions of their relationship and his past manipulation too.
((Also, Taku in this scene to Haesoo: “Sorry I told you I'm not a good person” … Like sir, if you know you’re not a good person, THEN FIX IT. Joowon spent almost 40 chapters self-reflecting n trying to correct the mistakes he made, when he never *intentionally* wanted to hurt Haesoo lol. Meanwhile some Taku fans: “omg he’s a good person that was wronged. haesoo never deserved him!” lmaooo))

///end of examples

Anyway I’m gonna have to start sending this to some of y’all who selectively read Taku’s character to all hell. He was really manipulative with Haesoo and had some bad intentions. And when Taku grew to stop being a robot and showed “real feelings” getting all attached to Haesoo and liking him more than he expected, he was STILL selfish and wanted Haesoo to suffer for him. He didn’t get enough development to stray away from that, but imo that’s exactly why he’s the second lead
╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭
2021-02-02 20:08 marked
I read spoilers and found out....

there’s a happy ending!! Thank fucking goddddd my heart couldn’t handle it anymore o(╥﹏╥)o
2021-01-29 14:43 marked
oops, this item doesn't exist any more
2021-01-27 05:47 marked
oops, this item doesn't exist any more
2021-01-27 05:42 marked
The queen dowager is understandable as in that time period most woman were brought up that with that kind of mindset. To think any other way is wrong of a noble lady. The queen talks about noblesse oblige which was a huge thing during those times. And if a woman display greed for money that would be bad. If the roles were reversed and she were a man then it would be viewed as making money for his future/family. All in all woman were really suppressed in thought and action back then. To think or do any differently was wrong. (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ
2021-01-19 18:34 marked
gimme spoiler pls
2021-01-09 14:30 marked
Any raw guys? Pls?
2021-01-09 14:29 marked
When are you going to update it's been over 2yrs since you started and stopped come on next chapter please if you can.
2021-01-08 14:01 marked
as much as that backstory for sungha Explains doesnt rly explain why his form of "revenge" on sooin for like existing basically lasted for SO many years? like...he p much planned to keep sooin as a idk sex slave even after he got married? idk what the author is trying to pull with this. this would be a good "reasoning" for sungha bullying and beating sooin all thru highschool and then ignoring him after. how in the world did he manage to make sooin so reliant on him and literally trap him in the house for what seemed like years just 1. cause of his daddy/mommy issues and 2. how did he trick sooin into becoming so vulnerable and have literally no other support system? (like does sooin have a family and if not why?). idk i hope there's more to this story cause if we're gonna go into the abuser's tragical backstory then i want to know how things got where they got to. cause from the looks of it Sooin knew he was rejected early on. i thought it was more subtle with him manipulating Sooin into being in a relationship and slowly but surely eroding his self confidence and isolating him and THEN graduating into physical violence and rape. the way this plays out. he was beating and crusing at sooin from the start. i know he lost his shit at sooin after the initial "confession" cause we saw that from sooin's pov. but never how he and sungha went from That point to being in a relationship toxic or otherwise. also is this intentional from the author or are am I supposed to believe that sungha isnt partially so furious cause he ALSO had feelings for Sooin but refused to acknoweldge that and decided to blame it all on Sooin for being a seductive harlot or smth or tricking sungha into liking him. THAT woulda made more sense in terms of making him want to crush Sooin for years esp if it made him question his sexuality or he was unable to feel things for others cause of his attachment to Sooin but he refuses to allow himself to love Sooin or "forgive" Sooin for "tempting" him so he goes on that whole years long convoluted revenge plot of a relationship with Sooin. but..that's not what redhead's monologue said so...either HE doesnt know that or the author is holding off on that reveal or maybe I'm putting more thought into this psycho bastard's motivations than the author is ? lol. anyway, if this is all we were gonna learn about sungha's reason for being an evil fucker then im gonna have to say Pass. tbh. (like i wont feel bad for him no matter what his reasons are but as far as reasons go? this was kinda lame. ya his mom killed herself but firstly her killing herself without first Confirming her fears says to ME that she was prob thinking about suicide long before her 12 yr old son made goo goo eyes at his classmate. like jfc lady they were children. like it sucks to be cheated on but most people dont kill themselves because of it and sungha thinking he or sooin were to blame is absurd but i guess expecting logic from a sex comic about vampires is perhaps too much .) off i trot to look at the raws i guess.
2021-01-07 07:01 marked
I don't have korean raws but I have chines if anyone knows it and wants to continue it here's the link
2020-11-23 13:24 marked

ok so seonghyun meets up w blondie after and confirms its not him. seonghyun then meets up brown haired dude (the chef) and finds out that the brown haired dude woke up naked that night w obvious signs of sleeping w someone but doesnt know who. so seonghyun confesses that hes pregnant and brown haired dude is like "WE HAVE TO HAVE THIS CHILD" he was offputtingly adamant ab it.
anyways, as it turns out, the one who brown haired boy slept w that night turns out not to be seonghyun but blondie!!!
(PSA: blondie is absolute kinky sadist)
brownie and blondie both know this but brownie keeps it to himself and doesn't tell seonghyun. so seonghyun thinks brownie is the father and keeps meeting up w him but its not him.
on another note (i'm not 100% sure ab this) but i think grey hair likes seonghyun. grey hair keeps trying to meet with him although seonghyun adamantly refuses him.
there actually isn't that much screen time for the black haired dude but im 90% sure he is the father.
the reason being after some flashbacks to the past what happened was the grey hair took seonghyun somewhere after he passed out. but before grey haired boy could do anything, black haired boy and seonghyun end up fucking.

i think theres a lot more to unpack concerning their past in high school but there aren't that many chapters out for season 2 yet. season 2 is where the entire past gets told i think
some shit WENT DOWN
2020-11-15 03:20 marked
Ahem i want to fuck my lover like mr kang even tho i got no d*ck
2020-11-11 20:23 marked
2020-11-10 18:46 marked
I do hope that Mia will not pursue the emperor anymore. Reading all her scenes is so annoying and giving me the Trashna vibes from remarried Empress. I wanna punch her back to Korea seriously!

I hope that the Empress develops a feelings for the Emperor already. And is the governor a bad guy or not? I think he is the rebel's leader. Hope I'm wrong. I really don't like it when cute brotherly moments be ruined by greed, jealousy, and hatred. (╯°Д °)╯╧╧
2020-10-15 01:43 marked

2020-10-15 01:42 marked
This webtoon is alot more detailed than I expected especially when it comes to culture in Oman, some of it is ehhh and I’m scared to know how they’ll dabble in Islamic topics but it did a little more than I expected and I do love all the characters so far but goddd

Ashan or whatever is hot don’t get me wrong but man why is it such a trend for fair-skinned or white passing characters to be basically the main leads in stories or cultures where people tend to be anything but that? LMAO like I don’t know but it’s sad to think that sometimes they won’t even think about making the character brown-skinned or anything and dark eyed in fear that it might not be interesting enough or something lol.

And don’t even get me started and female characters who are leads, I can probably count on my fingers the amount of FL that aren’t fair skinned please lol. Like really what was stopping them from just putting this story in Europe or something and making Ashan a european prince or something or at least making his cousin the lead like noooo we gotta make the one white looking guy here the most important one.

It definitely follows the same layout as the White Savior trope (which is a pretty documented and researched trope I implore you to look it up if you don’t know of it). I’ve got an issue with it ngl, like I said I do really like Ashan as a character and he is handsome with his aryan-like features but I’m just pointing out this trope lol.

Also another thing I really like, personally, I really like how Hani looks like an actual korean. Nothing wrong with having your korean girls be bright haired and bright eyed of course like it’s all fictional but I really do appreciate that sometimes they’ll keep it simple and still show that despite having none of that she can be quite the looker and she is very pretty to me like that.
2020-10-13 18:23 marked

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