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ᘛ⁐ᕐᐷgoofy gooberꈨ 's feed

HOLY FUCK THAT WAS BEAUTIFUL CALCION WANTED TO STAY WITH SELENA LIKE HE'LL BE WITH HER EVEN THOUGH HE WILL HAVE NOTHING IN THAT WORLD BECAUSE HE LOVES HER SO MUCH LIKE AHHH THATS SO BEAUTIFUL THIS IS DEFINITELY GOING TO MY TOP TIER ROMANCE LIST THIS IS SO GOOD anyways enough ghussing about these two i hope there's a side story of what if calcion and selena decided to actually jump i wanna see him navigating the world with her and also imagining all those article on selena coming back like "breaking news!! famous korean actress selena has now come back but now with a handsome man with her?!?!?" like that be funny to see all her crews reaction like how did girl selena get this man after jumping a cliff?!?!? ALSO CALCION IN MODERN CLOTHING HELOO???? HE WOULD LOOK SO GOOD