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IVE READ THE RAWS AND IM STUDYING KOREAN PLEASEEE the next eight chapters are going to be a flashback from when sesam first joined heejae’s guild and how over time he fell in love w seyeong at first he approached and kept sticking to him because he was frustrated and annoyed that seyeong was nice to all the other guild members except him, but iirc around the time he got sick before seyeong called the ambulance for him, he started like blushing and kicking his legs and gradually realising he’s in love w him…

+ 42 shows when heejae was abandoned as a child so that’s probably partly why he flipped out so bad when sesam suddenly left even tho he’s still lwk crazy for that… guy has a fear of abandonment

& honestly from the raws i dont think heejae is really the type to lock seyeong up like everyone’s saying, so far he hasn’t done anything crazy like that this guy is honestly pathetic in a loving loser way
2023-11-21 17:41 marked
oops, this item doesn't exist any more
2021-10-01 05:52 marked
The emperor and empress confess their feelings. A concubine asks for the ML, FL says not to go cause she has a bad feeling. The FL gets kidnapped and is taken away for 2 years. ML becomes a tyrant.
After the empress’ death, the MC goes back to her original body (she actually knew she had to leave the empress’ body that day but so she asked the emperor to stay with her which became a huge trauma to the ML) and after two years she goes back to the palace disguised as a male escort/bodyguard due to political shenanigans. The MC was actually summoned for a reason, and it involves this radical group founded by the Ryeokuk’s royals who wants to assassinate the emperor.

MC felt somewhat attached to the group though she enters the imperial palace and wants to protect the emperor seeing how the ML blames himself hard for everything and turned into someone completely different. The ML also left the empress’ place exactly as it was before, and gave out harsh punishments for everything involving the ‘late’ empress. The story kind of turns into a ‘BL’ romance as naturally the ML is reminded of his one true love-the empress from the MC’s expressions/habits when she starts working as the emperor’s escort and falls in love. ML admits his feeling for the new MC pretty early on, even though he is a ‘male escort/bodyguard because he really regretted losing the empress without admitting his feelings. The ML even gets jealous saying you should be my man even in front of beautiful women lol and that causes Gong Lin to panic again and she tries the frame the MC, and even going as far as recreating the bloody ML’s trauma by harming herself and then copying the last words of the empress to hold onto the ML (which is pretty messed up IMO).

MC felt angry about that incident and tried to tell him the truth, asking what if the empress is not dead but just hiding due to circumstances...but the ML reacted pretty violently and storms out to go see his concubine. MC was disappointed because it reminded her of her last day - even when it is extremely important, he always chooses Gong Lin. So MC starts acting cold to the ML, refusing the snacks he orders for her, not meeting his eyes, and trying to avoid eating together, etc. ML was scared that he hurt the MC, and he didn’t want to lose ‘him’ too so he asked why he was mad and he will try to fix whatever it is which surprised MC since he would have never done this before with the empress. ML even confesses that he is in unrequited love with him in front of everyone, and tries his best.

That’s why when it was revealed MC is part of the infamous group that abducted the empress, it hurt him pretty bad as he thought she approached him on purpose and how he really fell in love with the person who killed the one he loved the most. While in prison, she tries to say she was trying to protect the emperor all along, but the ML was very conflicted with his guilt for the empress. Then when MC is alone with Hoon, she confesses her real identity considering her group obviously abandoned her and left her to die and to prove it she recounts how they met the first time, with the intruder and the stone... The prison guard listening to their conversation was a member of the group, so the guard murders the MC while Hoon and the emperor were on their way to the prison. ML sees another bloody gory dead MC, a repeat of his worst nightmare, is shook to the core for the second time.

Fortunately, MC goes back to the empress’ body and a lot of political stuff about this prophecy about her and how she will rid of this group from Ryeokuk. She is given three choices including one where she goes back to her original world and forgets everything. But MC chooses to stay with the emperor and goes to the palace and meets the ML. He couldn’t believe his eyes and kept asking Hoon if he was seeing a ghost and is over the moon when the MC comes back in the empress’ body. Then she teases him saying I heard you were having an affair while I was gone and then kind of explains all the prophecy/politics to him. She couldn’t come back officially due to the threats from the group and the ML wanted to kill all the people involved in the group right away, but MC persuades him to wait to avoid shedding innocent blood and work to eliminate all the discrimination against Ryeokuk people which was the root of all this. The stubborn emperor couldn’t even believe himself that he actually listened to her and put out an edict while she is sleeping. The book ends with the emperor kissing the sleeping MC saying I can endure everything for you (or something similar) with tears
2021-06-01 23:24 marked
Ngl I'm not getting most of yall rn. There are literally 3 different categories of reactions after people read the new chapter (ch.63):

1. Nine is obsessive, he is trying to control Melissa, he is iffy, he thinks Melissa is weak, Nine is weak Melissa should get rid of him, he is becoming more and more like the 4 og fls
2. Melissa is annoying and condescending, Melissa is fucking mean, she is so dense
3. The understanding bunch who try to see where both the sides are coming

Don't get me wrong no one is obliged to have the same opinion as me but frankly speaking; I just don't get where the 1st 2 reactions are coming from.

1: How is Nine even close to the mls of the novel. JUST HOW? Yeah, he is worried but so what. Nine literally serves Melissa, he is her friend and he is *oh-so-obviously* very much in love with Melissa. It's not he has no place to be worried for Melissa.

- Servant (butler): As a servant other than serving all her commands he is obligated to protect her (yes she is strong and she doesn't need him to be there to protect her and keep her out of danger still falls under one of his duties)
- Friend: As a friend, he has the right to be worried about her; I dunno about anyone else but I don't think I'd let a friend of mine drink poison (yes ik he/she will not die) and more so? serving them poison? really?
- Someone who loves her: As of now Nine's love for Melissa is obviously unrequited; so it doesn't really matter to Melissa much since she is completely unaware of his feelings; but that doesn't mean this doesn't affect Nine, feelings can't be changed overnight, just like how someone can't serve their friend poison people can't feed poison to the people they truly love either (EVEN IF THEY KNOW THE OTHER PARTY WILL SURVIVE BECAUSE THIS WAS ALL PLANNED)

All his life Nine lived as the black sheep of his family. He was cast away by his own kind only because he refused to hurt humans. His brother abused him and his clan degraded him as much as they like. In the end, he lost his tongue and fangs which absolutely disgraced him as a werewolf.

Melissa found him when he was at his lowest, extended her hand to a 'broken' Nine, and pulled him out of the darkness. She gave him hope and restored his honor as a werewolf by restoring his fangs and tongue with the help of yuri's magic). Just like that Melissa became his world. In a world where no one wanted Nine, she gave him his worth. He fell for her because she was strong, not because she 'needs' to be protected. He loves her because 'she' protected 'him.

Never once did Nine ever say Melissa is weak. NEVER. In fact, he is only worried about her because she's so strong that she keeps on doing reckless things. Just because someone is strong doesn't mean people close to them won't worry, things just don't work like that. People who are strong are just as human as others, that's Nine's whole point. What he's trying to convey is just because she is strong doesn't mean she can throw her wellbeing away. Not that she's a glass doll, and only a small touch will make her shatter.

Poison is a very lethal substance. You'd argue that Yuri being the genius mage she is can carefully procure an antidote, but keep in mind one small mistake can mess up a lot of things. Let's say everything goes well, and Melissa is safe, but do yall realize how much psychological damage it can do to Nine?

Whether Melissa is completely fine after ingesting the poison or not will still very likely affect Nine's mentality in a detrimental way. I've seen many instances where characters are put into a similar situation, in the end, no matter what the outcome is the nagging feeling of them putting their loved ones in danger plagues them in the long run.

I don't know how people are noticing how emotionally frail Nine can be after 63 chapters. It's been pretty clear that he is like this for quite a while now. Considering his traumatic childhood his soft personality is very much justified. Nine is someone who has a very loving nature, he'd rather sacrifice himself rather than harming or killing others. This is also the very reason why he was singled out of his clan and abused. His kind and soft-heartedness also cost him his fangs and tongue, and he was thrown away like he didn't matter, but even in the midst of all that he never lost himself. He remained kind and still refused to hurt others.

Keeping his nature in mind how could you even expect him not to lash out when Melissa told him to serve her the poison. He never hurt anyone his whole entire life and you expect him to be okay with giving her the poison? Mind you, this was also the same Melissa who stopped Nine when he lost control for the first time because she knew well enough that if he dirties his hands with blood, he's the one who is gonna be in pain tho he made it very clear that if it was for Melissa he'd walk to the depth of hell. Only for her.

Also, considering how Melissa almost lost her life to Migen if not for Yuri's magic not too long ago, it's kinda obvious why Nine is so paranoid. In those few seconds when Nine witnessed Melissa's body fall after getting bitten, his entire world crumbled. It broke him so much so that he awakened his dormant powers and almost lost his mind since he charged with the intention to kill Migen.

And how exactly is he obsessive? Obsession is what Peacock did to Yuri, he locked her up and kept her to himself., but Nine? When? All he did was not want her to get hurt. How does that even fall under obsession. He never wanted to lock her up, rather he literally sees Melissa as his sun. He is the happiest when she smiles the brightest. She is his light in the dark world, something he fears losing again. If something were to happen to Melissa he'd probably fall back to the abyss Melinstantly.

Melissa is not only Nine's only beacon of hope but also his savior, master, friend, and one-sided love. She's the most important person to him, someone he cherishes a lot. So I don't get how worrying over her makes him 'obsessive, a worrywart, controlling, etc.'

2: Melissa is a very independent woman. She knows she is strong and uses her strength to protect the people who work for her. She knows how to grow her strength, and she's very aware of herself. She knows how to hold her ground, keep her head high and walk with pride.

Those are the characteristics that make her such a great fl since she's someone who doesn't need a man to protect her. This makes her a very unique character.

Melissa isn't a mind reader, sure she has outdone a lot of people by now but it still doesn't change the fact that she's only human. She draws a line between herself and Nine, and constantly dismisses his feelings because she doesn't know that Nine has fallen for her.

She is thankful for his loyalty and considers him as a valuable asset to her (not that she thinks of him as an object tho). Since she's unaware of his feelings it's only normal
that she questions his concerns.

From Melissa's pov she thinks that Nine deems her as a 'weak human who must be protected because he is an awakened werewolf. In her mind, since humans are inherently weaker than werewolf he must think of her as weak especially because he had awakened. She didn't know the reason he felt so helpless was that he doesn't want to see her in pain like that anymore.

It's not her fault that she was momentarily taken back when he said he felt helpless since to her it sounded like he was calling her weak, but in reality, it is Nine's own weakness that he fails helpless about. His helplessness is his guilt that he isn't enough to protect the one he loves.

Conclusion: From how I see it none of both are wrong from their standpoint. Nine can't give in to Melissa's plan that can hurt her while Melissa doesn't see why Nine is so worked up.

Nine has gone through enough trauma from his childhood, and this could only make things worse. He is used to losing things, if he loses Melissa he might actually lose himself. People, who think he's being oversensitive...just how do yall forget all the things he has had to go through up until now?

And as for the ones who question why he left in the first place if he didn't want Melissa to be reckless. Yall have to remember that there's always a line dividing them, the line is their difference in class. He knows their differences, hence he doesn't cross the line.
The most he could do is the question of why she keeps throwing herself away and refuse to serve her the poison, and that exactly what he does. He could refuse her because it wasn't an 'order' from her as his master, thus he wasn't obliged to act as she said. Similarly, he just can't control her/stop her from carrying out her plans because he is in no position to. He just can't so he does what he can at least.

Nine isn't stopping her from saving Yuri, he is asking her to find an alternative, a way where she doesn't have to harm herself in the process.

Even Kartena (who herself is a strong female character in the manhwa) pointed it out that Nine isn't worried that Melissa is weak, he is worried because she is reckless because she is strong.

Maybe the reason behind Melissa not even giving the concept of 'love' a second thought is because no one truly loved the real Melissa, so she doesn't notice it.

And finally coming to the argument about tea, the whole thing that he would rather drink poison than have her drink is to show how much he loves her. Don't get me wrong but Melissa doesn't love her, at least not yet. He loves her so much that he'd rather die than getting hurt, that's it. As mentioned he can't bear to see Melissa in pain so he'd rather be in pain in her stead.

[+ I also wanted to add this point since a lot of people have been pointing it out that I missed it: As we all know Melissa is currently is inside a novel (called 'The man I love'), however people who were originally from the novel (like Nine) don't know that. To some extent, Melissa's decisions are more or less affected because she is aware of the plot of the book, and so is her confidence. However, to people who are unaware of the novel, her actions can seem very reckless and dangerous. Hence, it's only normal that others get worried.]

I told myself I wouldn't write such a big essay since my exams are just around the corner buT hEcK- I couldn't handle everything going on in the comments section, I had to get it all out of my system.

Again, this isn't meant to offend anyone, no one is obliged to share the same opinion as mine.

I don't know if anyone will read something as big as this but oh well ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭
2021-05-11 16:45 marked

I'm the author of this manga. I'm happy to know some of the readers here like to read my work, it's a great hapiness. However, I'm asking for all of you who truly likes this work, will you please read and support me in Lezhin? For Lezhin's author, there're certain number of coin burn I have to achieve, and while it was good in the beginning, it wasn't anymore when The Dragon's King is up on mangago. If this keeps up, I'm afraid the story will be take down. I'm working on eps 21 right now, and there're still a lot of more to come. Some of you who worry about the angst genre, the next eps will be much brighter and much more interesting in conflict. If you guys want to read it until the end, will you please support me?
I stopped working on my job when I started this comic, since as a webcomic artist it's not possible to work both of them in the same time. I planned to do the best with this title, when the story ends, I probably won't be able to draw full time anymore due to certain condition with the family. So...please walk by me and help me thread on the path to end the The Dragon's King well.

The Dragon's King link on Lezhin:

My twitter acc if you guys want to get small updates:

thank you everyone!
2020-09-02 07:54 marked

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