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vveebss July 4, 2021 10:08 am

The blonde man such a disturbing thing, and his fetish ugh. And why would the uke have to stick on the blonde too. He knows already that the blonde man has a kinda disturbing fetish, suh a manipulative. U just have to atick on Alex. Even hes kinda psycho atleast he help u several times lol

    Erys July 4, 2021 11:15 am

    I think morally speaking he’s just a little bit messed up because apocalypse and everything and it does seem more like survival style at first when he thought he was younger he just wanted to all your interesting he wanted to play like he was the cat and he was the mouse but then he learned that he was older and then we became attracted to him but like

    He’s not as much of a psycho he’s just messed up and probably traumatized because of the situation he has just dealt with The situation the way he could he clearly seems emotionally intelligent but kind of stupid at the same time while the other ones legitimately a psychopath I’m not saying that Alex is good good I’m just saying he has Morral
    And also the fetish would be OK if it wasn’t because he was a psychopath about it because I’ve seen fetishes that are like that like a crying fetish and stuff like that but it’s always been in a proper manner it’s been done in a consenting and actually really cute matter I’m not gonna lie it’s just really fucking messed up because he’s a psycho

    Blackie July 6, 2021 3:22 am

    I haven't read after the first 5 chapters. Can you please tell me what's his fetish ?

    Erys July 6, 2021 7:54 pm
    I haven't read after the first 5 chapters. Can you please tell me what's his fetish ? Blackie

    It’s like crying and seeing people scared basically like non-consensual kind of actions in my opinion it doesn’t really change the story but just saying I’m talking about the blonde one you haven’t met him yet maybe I’m not sure how far you’ve already read it’s really weird I really don’t like him

    vveebss July 7, 2021 1:13 am
    I haven't read after the first 5 chapters. Can you please tell me what's his fetish ? Blackie

    He's like to see someone crying and when ppl crying or freak out he's horny.
    Well he's kinda sadistic person

vveebss July 4, 2021 4:46 am


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