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ixpion's experience ( All 0 )

ixpion's answer ( All 33 )

we getting yaoi class now tf   2 reply
12 11,2020
ya'll got friends-   1 reply
27 10,2020
skip that shit or if you don't have an option take a picture and pretend your camera is frozen. i don't go so-   reply
10 10,2020
i will not laugh. now shoot the gun.   reply
06 10,2020
my fuckin parents don't knock when coming in, they also look threw my sketchbooks.   reply
06 10,2020

ixpion's question ( All 1 )

ixpion 05 07,2020
I'm gonna make an Instagram GC about yaoi so yea DM me on ig to get in: Softy.coffe
05 07,2020

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did song lyrics stuck in head

We're such a mess together
You make me lose my temper

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did song lyrics stuck in head

Ruthlessness is Mercy Upon Ourselves

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did song lyrics stuck in head

“How about me?
Who already fell for you.
Did you really just let me go?”
Pano by Zack Tabudlo. His songs always hit hard.

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