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orangelotion like the answer
I had a nightmare i was gay and sucking some dudes dick and then my girlfriend walked in and whooped my ass . I woke up right next to her and cut BL out my life for like half a year cause it was fuckin with my head. Like ive done gay shit but i was suckin that dick for free and i aint even get paid 20 dollars.
orangelotion created a topic of Our Sunny Days

I feel like I'm breathing crisp fresh air with this manhwa among the other current toxic stories. It's so refreshing. Also, the baby's so ugly but cute as hell. I wanna squish her cheeks so bad.

orangelotion created a topic of Eternal Covenant

Personality, I'm getting bored of the flashback story, I want Ian back, no hate to Brian though. I just felt like they're not the same person. Sigh.

orangelotion followed a list
11 09,2023
orangelotion created a topic of Ordinary Person A

What a miserable spoiled brat that bicc was

orangelotion like the answer
this dream fucked me up when I was little. this is the only dream I remember when I was younger basically in my dream it was a toilet with like bright ass yellow pee and the goddamn bee from the bee movie. it was literally that and the bee would be laughing in slow motion I stopped watching the bee movie after that...
orangelotion answered question about get to know you
Bear with me. I legitly wrote this down immediately after I woke up few months ago cuz it's weird as hell. There's this weird place. Like a waterpark but it's typically for snow stuff. The weather was unsettling though. All the snow melted and what's left was a bunch of water and we're going through it all. The water came rushing down the waterwa......
orangelotion asked a question

Is it too much to ask for any manga recomendations that have similar vibes to hxh? Or any world building, adventure, shounen one? Thanks

orangelotion created a topic of Ordinary Person A
orangelotion created a topic of Jinx

I'm getting bored of this. Typical plot. Smh.

orangelotion created a topic of Pearl Boy

I need more story about the twins

orangelotion asked a question

Hi, I'm in need of more esper guide story. I don't really care if it's shounen ai/yaoi/straight. Thank you!

orangelotion created a topic of Oukoku no Ko

Imagine falling in love with your double who looks exactly like you. A bit weird but okay

orangelotion asked a question

Hi, I'm looking for any manga/manhwa about older seme, preferably middle age or they have huge age gap to the uke. Thank you!

orangelotion created a topic of Who Will You Kiss?

I really loves poly relationship where all of them are involved with each other, not just sharing one oerson.

orangelotion created a topic of Our Sunny Days

Head pats are my love language but sadly nobody's doing it sobs

Why is nobody talking about this man, old man married a literal child that's only older than his son by a couple of years. That's weird af, I don't care if it's considered normal back in the day..

orangelotion created a topic of Our Sunny Days

Baby girl literally living the live.

orangelotion created a topic of Our Sunny Days

I'm ready for the wholesome content ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶