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Jreadsall May 4, 2021 7:30 am


Jreadsall April 13, 2021 8:31 am

Jooseong deserved so much better...jonggu was absolutely terrible to him so for no reason.. I don’t understand why everyone kept telling jooseong no one loved him like ??????? Wtf??? Overall this is a 5.5/10 cause it’s like the attitudes of most of these characters made me so grossed out

    Your local Fujoshi April 13, 2021 4:08 pm

    Jonggu did nothing wrong to no one in this story dude. You have the wrong person

    Jreadsall April 13, 2021 7:11 pm
    Jonggu did nothing wrong to no one in this story dude. You have the wrong person Your local Fujoshi

    So when he threw scorching hot tea on jooseong he did nothing wrong ?

    cookie April 13, 2021 7:52 pm
    So when he threw scorching hot tea on jooseong he did nothing wrong ? Jreadsall

    he’s a dog and a child. it is wrong but idk part of his character is literally hating every other human aside from his master because of the abuse he suffered. i just wish he treated jooseong better near the end...

    Your local Fujoshi April 13, 2021 9:55 pm
    So when he threw scorching hot tea on jooseong he did nothing wrong ? Jreadsall

    Yes, he did nothing wrong. He also explained his actions for doing what he has been doing for the longest. Plus it couldve been accidentally on purpose to get that dude the hell out of there before their cover was blown. Istg people like you dont use the common sense you are supposed to have or better yet, the comprehensive skills you should've learned to have.

    Jreadsall April 13, 2021 11:26 pm
    Yes, he did nothing wrong. He also explained his actions for doing what he has been doing for the longest. Plus it couldve been accidentally on purpose to get that dude the hell out of there before their cover ... Your local Fujoshi

    Babe he did it on purpose. So now I don’t have common sense ??? LMAOOOOOO I cannottttt so even after the explained his actions please tell why in the last few chapters he told jooseong “is there anyone that loves you that much”. Pleaseee babee and don’t ever insult my intelligence he threw the tea on him because he was jealous and angry.

    Jreadsall April 13, 2021 11:28 pm
    he’s a dog and a child. it is wrong but idk part of his character is literally hating every other human aside from his master because of the abuse he suffered. i just wish he treated jooseong better near the ... cookie

    Exactly he is a dog but wants be a human right ? Then he has to learn how to behave like one you can’t lash out and possibly injure another because you like someone and jealous that they’re not with you.???

    Jreadsall April 13, 2021 11:32 pm
    Yes, he did nothing wrong. He also explained his actions for doing what he has been doing for the longest. Plus it couldve been accidentally on purpose to get that dude the hell out of there before their cover ... Your local Fujoshi

    Also based off your name it seems like you have a fetish I think that’s something you should get checked out. I think you should be worried about that instead my comprehensive skills. You can’t be upset at me for calling out wrong behavior in your favorite character?

    Your local Fujoshi April 14, 2021 12:57 am
    Also based off your name it seems like you have a fetish I think that’s something you should get checked out. I think you should be worried about that instead my comprehensive skills. You can’t be upset at ... Jreadsall

    Actual no, it doesnt "seem like I have a fetish" when I said nothing that could make it seem like that and plus I really dont. Bold of you to say and be shameless about saying it. Anyway he is learning to be like a human so that has nothing to do with spilling a drink on someoen since humans do that????

    Your local Fujoshi April 14, 2021 1:01 am
    Also based off your name it seems like you have a fetish I think that’s something you should get checked out. I think you should be worried about that instead my comprehensive skills. You can’t be upset at ... Jreadsall

    Being a "Fujoshi/Fudanshi" is not what anyone should associate with fetishes since it completely different. It literally me calling myself something based off the type of books/manga/comics/anime I read and watch amd frankly I only read bl or yaoi on this app and rarely since I have stuff to do inrl. You are basically saying people who like gl, science, psychology, fantasy, adventure, etc books/manga/comics/anime have fetishes as well. Educate yourself.

    cookie April 14, 2021 1:10 am
    Exactly he is a dog but wants be a human right ? Then he has to learn how to behave like one you can’t lash out and possibly injure another because you like someone and jealous that they’re not with you.??? Jreadsall

    like you said, he has to “learn” to behave like a human...

    cookie April 14, 2021 1:12 am
    Exactly he is a dog but wants be a human right ? Then he has to learn how to behave like one you can’t lash out and possibly injure another because you like someone and jealous that they’re not with you.??? Jreadsall

    you can’t just be mad at a child like what you’re doing rn. he was already scolded that what he did was wrong, but he’s still being a spoiled brat. it’s up to eunchol to continue educating him.

    Jreadsall April 14, 2021 1:34 am
    you can’t just be mad at a child like what you’re doing rn. he was already scolded that what he did was wrong, but he’s still being a spoiled brat. it’s up to eunchol to continue educating him. cookie

    Honestly though if he is a child why even date a “kid” ?? I mean even kids wrong know when they are wrong but yeah

    Jreadsall April 14, 2021 1:40 am
    Being a "Fujoshi/Fudanshi" is not what anyone should associate with fetishes since it completely different. It literally me calling myself something based off the type of books/manga/comics/anime I read and wat... Your local Fujoshi

    Honestly you have to educate yourself you’re trying to come off as smart to excuse yourself and it actually weird. You know damn well when people especially people called themselves fujoshi is because they clearly have an obsession with yaoi/boys love and everything they read or watch it based off that and you know that being a fujoshi was always had a negative stigma around it?? If you were to say that irl how would people view you? They would say it is a fetish and obbession. Your last sentence makes absolutely no sense also it applies the same to gl.

    Jreadsall April 14, 2021 1:43 am
    Actual no, it doesnt "seem like I have a fetish" when I said nothing that could make it seem like that and plus I really dont. Bold of you to say and be shameless about saying it. Anyway he is learning to be li... Your local Fujoshi

    Would you consider a human that spills a scorching hot drink on someone on purpose a bad person? Yes! If a dog were to rip up furniture or were to attack someone would you not consider them a bad dog ? Yes ! Anyway have a goodnight cause I can’t keep doing this with people that make no sense

    Jreadsall April 14, 2021 1:48 am
    Actual no, it doesnt "seem like I have a fetish" when I said nothing that could make it seem like that and plus I really dont. Bold of you to say and be shameless about saying it. Anyway he is learning to be li... Your local Fujoshi

    It’s just ridiculous that you’re sitting here pretending that jonggu wasn’t a terrible person to jooseong the evidence is literally in the reading but you’re sitting telling me here I have no common sense and no comprehensive skills because you wanna excuse jonggu’s actions. I don’t have to use my comprehensive skills to understand that jonggu was terrible to the guy. This is crazy lmaooo

    cookie April 14, 2021 1:50 am
    Honestly though if he is a child why even date a “kid” ?? I mean even kids wrong know when they are wrong but yeah Jreadsall

    i mean that’s the story eunchol was struggling to accept doing these things with his dog whom he raised. jonggu is literally a puppy. if he’s 24 (in dog years) that means he’s actually 2. this isn’t an ordinary slice of life manhwa. if he looked like a child that was throwing a tantrum you probably wouldn’t be as mad. also, not all kids know they’re wrong of the bat.

    Jreadsall April 14, 2021 1:55 am
    i mean that’s the story eunchol was struggling to accept doing these things with his dog whom he raised. jonggu is literally a puppy. if he’s 24 (in dog years) that means he’s actually 2. this isn’t an... cookie

    The story didn’t start off with trying to date a kid mad honestly ok and if he was kid I would just as uncomfortable :/

    Jreadsall April 14, 2021 2:00 am
    i mean that’s the story eunchol was struggling to accept doing these things with his dog whom he raised. jonggu is literally a puppy. if he’s 24 (in dog years) that means he’s actually 2. this isn’t an... cookie

    I don’t even have any hate towards jonggu I hate how the story discarded jooseong. I hated how the story/characters used him , let other characters treat him shit and have him a shit ending and it was like no of the characters that did that shit to them ever felt bad for it also how others readers let that shit slide

    cookie April 14, 2021 6:31 am
    The story didn’t start off with trying to date a kid mad honestly ok and if he was kid I would just as uncomfortable :/ Jreadsall

    okay not maybe not a LITERAL child, i’m talking about his mentality

    cookie April 14, 2021 6:36 am
    I don’t even have any hate towards jonggu I hate how the story discarded jooseong. I hated how the story/characters used him , let other characters treat him shit and have him a shit ending and it was like no... Jreadsall

    oh yea i agree :( some people said the angst was weird and that they hate all 4 of the characters, but i really think jooseong deserved better. tbh i need more moments of him being happy (that extra was insufficient). i actually ended up crying during his backstory bc of how much i relate. i’m the youngest but i grew up with my mom so everyone else in this household actually loves my older brother more ╥﹏╥

    Your local Fujoshi April 20, 2021 9:10 pm
    Honestly you have to educate yourself you’re trying to come off as smart to excuse yourself and it actually weird. You know damn well when people especially people called themselves fujoshi is because they cl... Jreadsall

    "In the eyes of others" Idgaf what no one else thinks. If you call it a fetish then you clearly dont know what it means therefore proving my point. More. Thanks for saying "I'm trying coming off as smart" because if I tried to sound stupid we wouldnt be here now would we?

Jreadsall April 12, 2021 7:11 pm


Jreadsall April 9, 2021 6:56 am

I honestly believe that she might to sleep with jihyun. She doesn’t want a gay friend so I’m thinking she has a fetish which is wanting to sleep with a man (peg) and she thinks that the best guy to do it with is a gay guy and as jihyun returns to the school he is the best candidate since he was outed and she saw the video of him having sex with his sex hence the “I want to do that too” panel.
I honestly don’t believe she is a lesbian either or she might want to sleep with him then expose him all over again. SHE IS JUST WERID AND IF THEY NEED ME TO STOMP ON HER NECK IM HERE

    Bunny April 9, 2021 7:20 am

    Isn't she lesbian. Don't think this theory pans out

    Jreadsall April 10, 2021 12:49 am
    Isn't she lesbian. Don't think this theory pans out Bunny

    I honestly feel like she is pretending to be lesbian and being a lesbian doesn’t always stop you from wanting to horrible things to people. Even if she is a lesbian I mean what other way would find to hurt a gay man who’s sex tape was leaked and him outed also while watching the video feeling to urge to do the same?? I think being a lesbian doesn’t stop you from having fetish’s that doesn’t correlate with your sexual Preferences it might be a rare but it could happen especially if she is dominant?

    Jreadsall April 10, 2021 12:49 am
    Isn't she lesbian. Don't think this theory pans out Bunny

    And I think she might have said she was a lesbian just to bother her friend at the lesbian bar

    Bunny April 10, 2021 3:06 pm

    Qh kk. And true it dosnt stop u

Jreadsall February 18, 2021 8:15 am

I simply could not get through this knowing he was dating a 13 year old !!!!!!!!!!! I remember reading this for the first time and I hated kento I accidentally re read this for the second time . Then they tried to add in that dialogue “he is so mature” .....

Jreadsall February 13, 2021 2:15 am

not y’all all of a sudden want minhyuk. HE IS SEXUAL PREDATOR, MOLESTER HELLO??!! Is y’all brains empty ??? Taesung is good until you know.....

Jreadsall February 5, 2021 6:08 am

I wholeheartedly don’t believe seonjin (uke) is dead

Jreadsall January 26, 2021 4:49 am

It never fails to amaze how NO ONE in that school can mind their business!!!! Always in their relationship for what?

    >UnknowN< January 26, 2021 7:07 am

    indeed!!! LIKE SERIOUSLY! just leth
    the two of them do their business

Jreadsall January 21, 2021 6:44 pm

my guy seungchan BEATING IT UP

    Izzy January 21, 2021 9:43 pm


Jreadsall November 22, 2020 12:57 am

This topic is still going around so I just wanna say this I truly believe that taku stans(some) would realize how manipulative and toxic(since loh fans love this word) he was if Haesoo was not a man but a woman.

    EilaneDash November 22, 2020 1:24 am

    Stop throwing gasoline on the fire. Haesoo chose Joowon. It's over.

    Both Joowon and Taku had a somewhat unhealthy relationship with Haesoo. Both guys could build something with him. But many of you don't seem to understand that you don't have to destroy Joowon to justify your Taku/Haesoo preference, or to destroy Taku if you prefer Haesoo/Joowon. The author wrote both of them as very different but viable options for Haesoo. Both relationships are interesting, and both need work. It's just a matter of taste and choice.

    And I won't even comment on the post you linked, but seriously. You'll never make anyone changer their minds by insulting them and talking to them like they're stupid because they have a different opinion. So let this post be forgotten. It makes all of us Haesoo/Joowon shipper look very bad.

    Jreadsall November 22, 2020 3:52 am
    Stop throwing gasoline on the fire. Haesoo chose Joowon. It's over.Both Joowon and Taku had a somewhat unhealthy relationship with Haesoo. Both guys could build something with him. But many of you don't seem to... EilaneDash

    I’m not throwing no gasoline on anything nor am I insulting anyone to make it seem like they are stupid. I was simply stating this for the people that acted like taku wasn’t as toxic I know all the characters are toxic. I simply said if Haesoo was a female the people that say taku wasn’t toxic would see what toxic was because they could relate. I am not trying to change anyone’s mind either I don’t care too. So you’re comment was completely unnecessary since it didn’t relate to anything I said.

    Nevergrass November 22, 2020 6:23 am

    Well said. I hate how they're making out him to be an angel and saying he deserves better. As if they weren't rooting for him to be with Haesoo until now. Clowns.

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