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SomeCatMaybe created a topic of The Eve Festival

theres some dialogue missing in ch3

SomeCatMaybe created a topic of Blaze Out

he just realized????? "you turn me on" bitch you didn't realize before???? huh then what why you on him like that ong xd

the fact that the real hikaru might've loved yoshiki as well and it could've been sth since it was mutual is making me even sadder...yoshiki might never know :(

SomeCatMaybe created a topic of Dawn of the Dragon

i just see an obsessed kid in a big body and an adult, it's not working aaaaa

SomeCatMaybe created a topic of Please Love Me (upi)

bruh you acting like one, he is your caretaker basically ofc he doesn't see you as potential love interest haha.

//only at ch. 2

i hope bottom is inked too, never makes sense to have a non-tattooed tattoo artist, but so far I've not seen it on him

idk if it's been shown already or just hinted at that he liked her first, but i vaguely recall reading it but can't find the chapter, so mb I'm wrong?