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akira July 16, 2021 4:47 pm

when Ernon cried ackk my heart how hard must it be for him I can't even begin to imagine

akira July 16, 2021 3:29 pm

lowkey want the orince to die for angst

akira July 15, 2021 1:16 pm

coach K really dissappointed me you took him from living aimlessly, giving him reason, you became a savior in his eyes and all that was gone just bc you found a stronger toy

akira July 15, 2021 12:47 am

read the was bored so I decided to upload the chap early and immedietely came back to the previous chap and saw the asura scans was and still the team working on this manhua so like what??

    Gottem_Sir3 July 15, 2021 12:57 am

    How does your explanation also not make sense?

    LatteGratte July 15, 2021 12:59 am


    Gottem_Sir3 July 15, 2021 1:01 am
    How does your explanation also not make sense? Gottem_Sir3

    Ya oops wrong place. Dont come for me i was arguing with someone.

    akira July 15, 2021 1:03 am


    akira July 15, 2021 1:05 am
    Ya oops wrong place. Dont come for me i was arguing with someone. Gottem_Sir3


akira July 14, 2021 4:47 pm

this is getting annoying doesnt anyone know which chapter they will get if the misunderstanding train?

    akira July 14, 2021 4:48 pm

    they will get off*

akira July 14, 2021 1:11 pm

its just my opinion but I really wished authors dont make second mls just one bc imo you can create a healthy relationship without hurting anyone please educate me if I'm wrong but yeah

    ilovemitski July 14, 2021 2:33 pm

    i do think that second male leads add to the plot but yeah it would be nice to have some without them

akira July 14, 2021 1:00 pm

ah shit people saying the author is islamaphobic idk if thats true ot confitmed but if its true sigh I feel lost and confused on what to do bc I enjoy reading this but assuming that the author really is islamaphobic I dont want to continue supporting someone that disrespects others religion not that I am aware of it

    akira July 14, 2021 1:01 pm

    now that I am aware of it*

    Ision July 14, 2021 1:42 pm

    What really? I hope not.. But just so you know being on mangago does mean you are supporting the author. Unless you have been buying their work it's ball for naught.

    Altairarose July 14, 2021 6:05 pm

    Lmao we are quite literally reading from illegal sites so those islamophobic and trashy authors won’t get a dime from us anyway so we’re good don’t worry.

    curiousreader July 19, 2021 7:44 pm
    Lmao we are quite literally reading from illegal sites so those islamophobic and trashy authors won’t get a dime from us anyway so we’re good don’t worry. Altairarose

    Lol so just because they aren't getting money from you reading this on an illegal site means you are able to turn a blind eye to the authors blatant racist remarks? Regardless of them not getting money the fact is that those who continue reading this obviously don't have a problem reading work from an author who is racist. Guess some people don't have a conscious :-/

    Altairarose July 19, 2021 8:41 pm
    Lol so just because they aren't getting money from you reading this on an illegal site means you are able to turn a blind eye to the authors blatant racist remarks? Regardless of them not getting money the fact... curiousreader

    Nobody is supporting the author nor excusing their actions honestly this hurts them way more bc they resorted to being islamophobic bc of illegal translations so it feels like great payback to continue reading on the sites that they hate bc it makes them even more angry which is great. Also newsflash I’m a Muslim so bold of you to assume I support islamophobic trash like that when they insulted me to begin with. You should really think before you speak and judge someone bc you don’t know shit about their lives. Guess people think they’re entitled to assume shit about others without knowing the whole story. ~ Sincerely a Muslim who’s going to read this story illegally so the shitty author doesn’t get anything from me bc I don’t condone hatred for my own fucking people thank you very much idiot on the internet

    Ision July 19, 2021 8:52 pm
    Nobody is supporting the author nor excusing their actions honestly this hurts them way more bc they resorted to being islamophobic bc of illegal translations so it feels like great payback to continue reading ... Altairarose

    I too told them that wailing from here does nothing. In the end we are screwing the author anyway.

    curiousreader July 19, 2021 9:57 pm
    Nobody is supporting the author nor excusing their actions honestly this hurts them way more bc they resorted to being islamophobic bc of illegal translations so it feels like great payback to continue reading ... Altairarose

    But like i said it doesn't matter that you are reading illegaly what matters is that you are STILL reading it even though the author made racist remarks towards your religion. And it's not bold of me to assume you support the author it's literally the impression you're giving off since you chose to continue reading their work. I cannot understand how you reading it illegaly is "payback" cause to me payback would be not giving any attention or my time to the authors work. Guess you're just willing to look the other way. Cause in the end the author IS getting something from you & that is your time & attention.

    Altairarose July 19, 2021 11:50 pm
    But like i said it doesn't matter that you are reading illegaly what matters is that you are STILL reading it even though the author made racist remarks towards your religion. And it's not bold of me to assume ... curiousreader

    Love how people always feel entitled to telling minorities how they should feel about the hatred and violence we face on a daily basis. Your performative bullshit doesn’t help anyone in reality and only helps your ego bc you pretend you’re solving all world problems. What I choose to do bc someone was hateful towards me is MY CHOICE and you don’t get to gaslight minorities and say the way they’re acting is wrong when they are being hate crimed. Do you know how insensitive and idiotic you sound telling people how they should feel about their own oppression. The author isn’t getting anything from me by me reading their work on illegal sites lmao they would much rather I either pay to read or never read their work again bc these people hate illegal scans more than anything else in the world and it drives them crazy to the point of being islamophobic and hate crime people I guess. You trying to pull out some manipulative bullshit about how I’m condoning their behavior when I’m doing none of that is vile and so performative. Goes to show how little you truly care about being an ally when you go an harass people and add onto the current issue. The ignorance in your comment is loud bc you don’t know what shit ive gone through because of my beliefs and the fact that you’re adamant on saying I approve or complicit about islamophobia when I go through that shit everyday says a lot. Also it’s not racism it’s islamophobia at least pretend to care if you’re going to gaslight someone.

    Altairarose July 19, 2021 11:50 pm
    I too told them that wailing from here does nothing. In the end we are screwing the author anyway. Ision

    They’re really out here harassing the victims in the situation and saying we’re wrong for feeling how we do and hate ourselves. Performative activism is a plague. Authors get shit from illegal translations lmao

    curiousreader July 20, 2021 12:54 am
    They’re really out here harassing the victims in the situation and saying we’re wrong for feeling how we do and hate ourselves. Performative activism is a plague. Authors get shit from illegal translations ... Altairarose

    Well what do we have here.. Hm how BOLD of YOU to assume that I'm not a minority who hasn't experienced racism when in fact I am and have also experienced racism from ignorant people like this author lol. Listen honey idk why calling out blatant islamophobia and being against it is being "performative". I never told you how you SHOULD feel nor did I ever say you should hate yourself. Seems you're explosion is coming from the fact I pointed out your "payback" is not payback cause you still give them your time & attention. Never gaslighted you cause I just pointed out all of your backwards actions & words. Just say you're embarrassed I called you out & now you can't say anything but make baseless claims of gaslighting lol

    curiousreader July 20, 2021 1:00 am
    They’re really out here harassing the victims in the situation and saying we’re wrong for feeling how we do and hate ourselves. Performative activism is a plague. Authors get shit from illegal translations ... Altairarose

    Keep giving the author your precious time if that's what you truly want hun. I'm merely calling out how backward it seems cause if I found out an author whose work I liked said some really racist/ignorant statements about my race or religion I wouldn't give them my valued time or attention. But hey if you're fine with that and feel your personal "payback" is you continuing to read that then good luck with that payback.

    Altairarose July 20, 2021 12:19 pm
    Well what do we have here.. Hm how BOLD of YOU to assume that I'm not a minority who hasn't experienced racism when in fact I am and have also experienced racism from ignorant people like this author lol. Liste... curiousreader

    The hypocrisy in your statement is loud when you’re throwing a temper tantrum about the exact situation you’re enforcing. Once again it’s not racism it was islamophobia stop trying to fit this issue to your narrative and tell people how they should react and call them that the way they’re feeling or acting is some “backwards bs”. Not you thinking you did something to “call me out” when it absolutely proves nothing about how I stand on the situation. It is performative dumbass when you’re just harassing people who have been attacked and telling them their way of thinking is wrong as if your entitled ass is in charge of determining how people should behave towards their own fucking oppression. Instead of harassing people who were attacked and doing the same thing the author did maybe you should actually do shit that actually changes anything in real life and help. Instead of being a bitch to people on an illegal translation website bc you have no life and feel like you have to insert yourself into every issue bc your ego is too big. If you don’t want to read the manwha why are you obsessed with yelling at people in the comments. Just bc you’re a minority doesn’t mean you get to shit talk other minorities on how they react towards an issue as if it’s your place to say anything and tell them what they’re doing is wrong and they should do what you do bc apparently you’re a egotistical maniac who does no wrong and believes their thinking is the only right way to go. Keep this energy for the people actually defending the author instead of bitching st people who don’t but don’t act how you want. The entitlement you have lmao

    Altairarose July 20, 2021 12:21 pm
    Keep giving the author your precious time if that's what you truly want hun. I'm merely calling out how backward it seems cause if I found out an author whose work I liked said some really racist/ignorant state... curiousreader

    I don’t recall speaking to in the first place at all but you felt as if you needed to include yourself in the convo as if harassing the people who were attacked was the best move to go by as if that solves anything. You really don’t give a shit about this issue all you want is to be a performative activist who thinks you’re helping when in reality you’re being just as bad as the author.

    curiousreader July 20, 2021 4:26 pm
    The hypocrisy in your statement is loud when you’re throwing a temper tantrum about the exact situation you’re enforcing. Once again it’s not racism it was islamophobia stop trying to fit this issue to yo... Altairarose

    Haha you know people who try to point out hypocrisy always don't look at their own hypocrisy and you just proved that. No one is throwing a tantrum except you since you're the one who started to say derogative curses and claim I'm making you hate yourself (which sounds like a personal inward problem you have i hope you get help for that). This is racism and everyone who is commenting on this situation both here and on platforms agree so, if you have a problem then try to correct them as well lol. I'm not at all being performative cause it doesnt take a genius to know this won't solve islamophobia since the author mustve felt this way for a long time if they said that so boldly. So then by your logic are people who aren't black but advocate BLM also performative? What about those against the racism against asians during this pandemic? Just because your ego is obviously bruised doesn't mean you can just devalue others efforts in speaking against racist remarks & racism in general.

    curiousreader July 20, 2021 4:37 pm
    I don’t recall speaking to in the first place at all but you felt as if you needed to include yourself in the convo as if harassing the people who were attacked was the best move to go by as if that solves an... Altairarose

    Again there is no harrassing here babe I was merely speaking out on a subject thats being discussed here on the internet on a comment forum where anyone else can join in. If you didn't want people chiming in w/ a different opinion as you on a publicly posted comment then idk what else you can do. I also never stooped so low as to say any derogative curses as quick as you did. But hey if thats what you're used to doing then I guess nothing can help that lol. Anyways I'm done if you wish to keep ranting then please continue. Good luck with your "payback" :)

    Altairarose July 21, 2021 3:49 am
    Haha you know people who try to point out hypocrisy always don't look at their own hypocrisy and you just proved that. No one is throwing a tantrum except you since you're the one who started to say derogative ... curiousreader

    You’re not combating any racism or islamophobia by harassing Muslims. That isn’t the “activism” you think it is and doesn’t combat any issues regarding the authors islamophobia. If you want to address islamophobia go confront the author but no you don’t care about it bc you really would rather harass actual Muslims instead of addressing the real issue at hand. Demanding people who are being attacked to act a certain way isn’t activism or helpful at all. Also it’s extremely idiotic how people continue to bring up BLM in situations that have nothing to do with it as if you’re weaponizing racism to prove your point. Also again you refuse to listen to actual Muslim voices and don’t actually care when you think telling a Muslim how they read act wrong and disgraceful. It’s islamophobia not racism bc news flash Islam isn’t a race but you don’t really seem to care about this issue bc you want to weaponize it against real Muslims and only want to seem “woke” for the sake of appearance. If you do care go fucking confront the author rather than harass Muslims on their opinion on a situation that affects them.

    Altairarose July 21, 2021 3:54 am
    Again there is no harrassing here babe I was merely speaking out on a subject thats being discussed here on the internet on a comment forum where anyone else can join in. If you didn't want people chiming in w/... curiousreader

    Are you going to cry bc someone decided to speak a certain way now as if you’re entitled to a certain manner of speech. I’m not going to respect someone who’s going to tell me how to feel about my own oppression and tell me how to react to it. It’s entitlement and fake wokeness. You really don’t care about actual issues if you’re not taking it up with the actual islamophobe in this situation. You bitching to Muslims in the comments and trying to control them isn’t progressive lmao.

akira July 14, 2021 12:36 pm

she said that in front of THAT lord karnov

akira July 14, 2021 11:48 am


akira July 14, 2021 11:47 am

first of all even if it is favoritism the fact that your self centered arrogant bitch of a child hurt mc for fucking no reason remains and not only that he shows absolutely no remorse whatsoever he also geniunely thinks that he has done absolutely nothing wrong and that mc was the one at fault really shows how much influence a parent has to their child he is just like you

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