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i bet we'd have to wait until chapter 200 for her to stop being such a damn pushover

boots with the purr created a topic of Jinx

its honestly funny af how much people cheat to win. like- bro you obviously didnt have much confidence let alone skill in the first place. what a fcking coward

i never believed he was female honestly lol

theres alot of real life couple issues other than jealousy. i may be way ahead of myself but if this makes akane jealous again id be disappointed knowing how well the story's been thus far. and whyd they jump from the province trope?? we hardly got enough info on the guy who liked akane

i hate how its always minato who gets jealous. like- this is petty but i wish we couldve gotten a jealous shizuma too. it paints a bad picture on minato when his jealousy is all justified. lets also not forget about shizuma's dumb btch ex girlfriend. like wtf she never got her karma

boots with the purr created a topic of Full volume

dicks and balls slapping against each other

bruhh Thai natural rubber plantations i cant-

boots with the purr created a topic of Haikyuu!!

thats so adorable pls come back

boots with the purr created a topic of Veil

bury me alive under lava in outerspace with a parrot astronaut calling me a lonely btch

boots with the purr created a topic of Veil

i am single. i am single. i am single. why tf am i single

boots with the purr created a topic of The Red Thread

honestly thought theyd go for the slow-burn route a bit more. now that they seem to be aware of their past lives its hardly clear what theyll have to face next

definitely didnt expect that that just goes to show not everyone is what they seem

boots with the purr created a topic of Jinx

so fcking glad he didnt confess. itll make the chasing arc all the more satisfying. idegaf if dan chooses not to be with him at the end. i just need him to get the karma he deserves

glad he doesnt end up being a one-dimensional character. for once itd be nice to read a shoujo that doesnt have a 2nd male/female lead you're drawn to hate cause they like the mc

im sorry i didnt like the duchess's dress at all all those layers and random ass patterns. and that blondie's dress i- the huge ass necklace just throws me off like wtf its so out of place it probably weighs a ton too lmao but edith's looks really good tho the black lace is

boots with the purr created a topic of Veil

if you go to the artist's twitter you'll see more of their work. im very updated with their posts and am quite surprised theres hardly been any updates here
