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ajonais created a topic of Smyrna & Capri

all that angst just to have a fluffy af ending. not complaining, but that stalker royal guy (don't remember his name, don't wanna either) I want to see his death but I won't be reading the raws anymore because I'm illiterate in Korean.

I avoided reading such mangas but i guess my urge to read people die won

ajonais created a topic of That Sexapparition

Awww… burn the village. The chief needs to be burned on a stake. Castrated. All the rapists castrated and be choked on their dicks and burned alive.

ajonais created a topic of Crush and Burn

Hope the new chapters won’t be disappointing for long. I don’t want to see that creepy old geriatric ass mf break my children apart. It’ll be all for nothing. Building their relationship just to crush them. The author will be hearing from me. Ffs.

ajonais created a topic of Jinx

Blood is red, so is the flag. It’s the red sea, it’s salty, but Dan is drowning. Hope he finds a way to float, he needs to get out.

Should’ve smacked the blonde bimbo harder

ajonais created a topic of Yours to Claim

Dang this is beautiful. I want to read an open conclusion similar to chap 98 without seeing tbc at the end of the chapter.

Wanted to reread this again but the updates are so fucked up. The chapters are uploaded like a schizophrenic episode.

So they took a video? I hope this bites them back and also, ten times worse. I hope all of those cunts get hospitalised and then thrown into jail.

ajonais created a topic of Do You Still Like Me?

I’m never reading the prequel. Never. Because i read this first i’m gonna be biased against those two shits

ajonais created a topic of Define The Relationship

Who is the blonde dick i forgot, is he relevant?

ajonais created a topic of Perfect Buddy

Her wanting to go alone and getting dragged into a group trip instead makes me relate to her more

ajonais created a topic of Topsy-Turvy

The main couple’s story was so much better what nonsense is thissss i am tired

ajonais created a topic of Yours to Claim

I just want to say this
Moye more moye more *sad dance*

Am i getting update notification every day for each and every bulk uploads? Wtf

ajonais created a topic of For My Abandoned Love

Will there be an execution or something for that pink rag?

ajonais created a topic of Smyrna & Capri

I will continue reading this after 10-15 chapter updates. I vow to not break into temptation and stress my mental health. May the odds be in your favour, dear readers.