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PussyQueen's experience ( All 0 )

PussyQueen's answer ( All 11 )

about question
Sometimes the problem could be cuz ur always in the same place 24/7. I recommend sometimes just going out and walking for a bit as a form of exercise. It can help clear your mind. And this is something I learned in my psych classes which can help u remember more during the exam. You should always wear a certain strong scent while ur studying. And a......   reply
08 04,2024
PussyQueen 02 04,2024
I think they're like called taco salad bowls??? smth like that   reply
02 04,2024
about question
Girl they look mad scary idk it's just not for me ig   1 reply
25 02,2024
Personally I think it's bad lol like 2 year age difference isn't bad nor is it too much of a problem but between a 16 y/o and an 18 y/o the difference in maturity is HUGE like if a 20 y/o and a 22 y/o date it's ok because they're aren't separated by grade levels especially in terms of maturity. They have more in common in experiences but a 16 y/o a......   reply
12 02,2024
nothing interesting   1 reply
13 11,2023

PussyQueen's question ( All 0 )

People are doing

did song lyrics stuck in head

what could he do? should have been a rockstar; but he didn't have the money for a guitar

3 hours
did song lyrics stuck in head

I've been a nasty girl nasty I've been a nasty girl nasty (some song of TikTok lol)

7 hours
did virginity

havent lost it but i want to, i would just feel guilty to do it before marriage so im waiting for the right time

8 hours