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PussyQueen answered question about question
Sometimes the problem could be cuz ur always in the same place 24/7. I recommend sometimes just going out and walking for a bit as a form of exercise. It can help clear your mind. And this is something I learned in my psych classes which can help u remember more during the exam. You should always wear a certain strong scent while ur studying. And a......
PussyQueen answered question about going to arcade
I think they're like called taco salad bowls??? smth like that
PussyQueen answered question about question
Girl they look mad scary idk it's just not for me ig
PussyQueen answered question about have a wild imagination
Personally I think it's bad lol like 2 year age difference isn't bad nor is it too much of a problem but between a 16 y/o and an 18 y/o the difference in maturity is HUGE like if a 20 y/o and a 22 y/o date it's ok because they're aren't separated by grade levels especially in terms of maturity. They have more in common in experiences but a 16 y/o a......
PussyQueen answered question about question
Eat sum good food purr and if ur making food, be a little more extra like ur making ramen go fry an egg n shit like so simple so yummy and no more stress ong
PussyQueen answered question about question
Ok so like this is just MY experience and what I'VE seen in person but I don't think k pop groups like bts became popular bc of fetishization. Like yea they're good looking to ppl so more ppl tune in to listen to them but like ppl genuinely like their songs and listen to them. Personally I don't rlly listen to kpop. But I think this like kinda caus......
PussyQueen answered question about question
Me and my besties dressed up as willy wonka and the oompa loompas or whatever they're called LMAOO
PussyQueen answered question about question
ik it's not coffee lmaooo but I LOVEEE chai tea with biscuits literally the best it's so yummy it's so fun dipping them in all types of biscuits and cookies like I used to LOVEE dipping oreos lmaoo ever since my introduced chai tea to me it's been a part of my life ever since ♡♡♡