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Izzie created a topic of The couple breaker

The glasses guy reminds me of my ex in not a good guy. Just because some people say that they have been in a relationship with 10 years doesn't necessarily mean they love her. Look in this case here. Does the glasses guy hate red hair ?? Nope. He likes her because she is good to him and LOVES him. But he doesn't love her if he truly it he wouldn't have been entertaining some other girl there. Guys like Glasses stay in a relationship where they don't actually love the girl and deflect talks of marriage because they think they can't do any better and in certain cases they may even end up marrying the partners they don't feel strongly about because they don't want to end up lonely.
However the very moment a "prettier and out of his league's" girl appears, he dips. Glasses is just testing the waters and buying time. Trash

Izzie created a topic of Actually, I was the Real One

This is about Keita's bio mom and dad tho.... Like in the canon it's said the pop didn't love her like he loved that redhead but yet they had 2 KIDS... I mean how does one even procreate with someone they don't like I don't understand???

Call me petty but if I was in uke's place I might had consider forgiving him but i would NEVER even think of rekindling my relationship with him. LIKE BIG FAT NO!! Things would never work and my feelings would towards him would never be the same if I came to know I was just a bet

Izzie created a topic of Non-Refundable Alpha

Uke is worth as much as a single gaming console...that killed me

Izzie created a topic of Dead man Switch

If he wants a homicide our seme can show it to him how it's done starting with a demo on him...

Izzie created a topic of Dead man Switch

Call yo homicidal ass... There is no need to act like a little b just because someone who has been leading a completely normal life some days ago can't bring himself to kill a human being.

Izzie created a topic of Jinx
Izzie created a topic of The couple breaker

Glases guy and Sanghee are going to break up in the near future ig

Izzie created a topic of The couple breaker

Been in her position and I can actually vouch how shitty that feeling is. I don't really think her bf loves her the way she does. He is not abusive and is good to her but that's it. There is fondness from his side because she is good to him and they know each other for a long time but he definitely doesn't much attraction towards her if his eyes are wandering even after being in a relationship with her for 10 years. Very sad. Not a douchebag but definitely not a lover. Fond of her but not in love and is miles away from taking the next step. Somehow this type of relationship is worse at times since it boggles ur mind and at the same time makes it hard to break it off too.

Izzie created a topic of To You In The Swamp
Izzie created a topic of Frenzy Train

If anyone wants to read more of hard-core, brain rot inducing bl smut like this then try Dirty XX

Found Jaekyung's brother

Izzie created a topic of The edge of ambiguity

Did Jihwan kill that orange cat when he was a kid ? Wth. That's sick

Izzie created a topic of The couple breaker

Jooah is so effing annoying..... Former idol thinks everything revolves around. Taerin needs to slap her into her place if she tries to harm her. Lowkey a white lotus b

Izzie created a topic of The couple breaker

With how different their thinking they were never meant to be that seaside couple who hosts their wedding at sunset. Taerin is confident and unlike the snake like girls she doesn't bring others down to show she is better. Kyungmo is painfully insecure and has an inferiority complex towards Taerin because of how outgoing and confident she is. Unlike him, she doesn't nitpick or limit her actions based on what others think. Kinda glad Kyungmo cheated and broke it off. Now Taerin is finally free. #TeamBongsik

Izzie created a topic of Jinx

Even Heesung won't go this far and the fact he too finds this disturbing says all that the bar is in hell. How the heck am I supposed to move past this ????? Jiwon's character development was palatable coz he wasn't a twisted little cunt like this mofo and was an reddish orange flag at best.
This guy is just a fresh pos. He could get hit by a school bus or trip down the staircase and dislocates his knee bones for all I care

Izzie created a topic of Jinx

Imagine the amount of pain and humiliation Dan will experience if he ever finds out what happens. What happened to PRIVACY, CONSENT? There are actually some users in other sites that were not at all disgusted by this and actually started making excuses for JJK painting him as the victim somehow. Wtff
I am disgusted, my day is ruined and I wish to undo my memory of reading this sick act.

Izzie like topic of Sugar Rain

Gurl what's the butler cooking i'm too drunk for this shit rn.
Also omg, never seen a rejection reaction this TRAGIC omg, i felt the heart breaking ngl, actually hurts

Hell ye this is good

Izzie created a topic of True Education

This kind of portrayal is not really surprising though. SK is predominantly a sexist and racist country altogether. You are talking about them being racist to other races when many of them can't stand or are racist against mixed SK children especially if the Non Korean parent is a Pinoy etc i.e discrimination against OTHER Asians. Many of them have preconceived perception of an individual based on where he is from and are absolutely flabbergasted when someone tries to correct them. They can pass cruel and insulting remarks with a smile and see nothing wrong with it. I know a SK youtuber who would make racist jokes and would laugh at some of his viewers chastising him by saying that the viewer is too sensitive. However when he went to the states he was absolutely shocked when some of his classmates did the same to him and had a breakdown in one of his videos.

Also I find it funny how many of the non Koreans STILL seem to want to defend SK and say they are not actually that racist because they have a make believe perception of SK being this being that solely from the fact that they seem to believe whatever is shown in Kdrama and way too much into it. Some people act like they know better when even the permanent Korean residents especially high schoolers and the genz speaks out about how sexist and racist the people of the country is. It's hilarious. Blind worship and delusion based on infatuation of their sitcoms is stupidity. Their judgement is certainly clouded and are biased to the core but refuse to accept it.