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Izzie created a topic of The Fox's Thief Marriage

Spoil me did this bish ever got humbled ?

Izzie created a topic of Desharow Merman

I summon a kind soul who would spoil me

Izzie asked a question

Ok so it's a josei where both the fl and ml(??) are single. So fl,ml and 2 other coworkers(a pink haired girl who talks with fl and another guy) co out in a company dinner where their male superior nags them for not being married. Fl and ml (?) then go out and have a smoke break and then go home. This happened in the very beginning and this is a coloured manhwa.

Izzie asked a question

Recommend me angsty manhwas(not mangas). It can be both straight or bl where the ml chases and grovels for forgiveness

Izzie created a topic of Healer

The latest novel chapter is making me so angry. Fck u Cocaine, u slimy two faced, attention seeking hoe.

Izzie asked a question

So this is a bl manhwa where the uke is an employee and the seme is his boss. Seme saw uke carrying his drunk brother from a gay bar and assumed that uke was gay. He then adds uke's name to a company outing where uke has to work(when uke was just planning on celebrating his weekends). Also uke has an ex gf who comes from a rich family and is absolutely shitty at her job and frequently gets scolded by the seme. She whines to uke but uke brushes her off so she finally leaves the job she got out of nepotism and exits the team.

Izzie created a topic of Paper Flower

I have read lots of toxic bls where the seme is a flaming pos and so people would come again and again after each update to cuss the seme AND cuss the readers reading gets tiring after a point and at point they should just shift their energy to somewhere positive

BUT why the hell are some people siding with the cp when he is the root of all the problems ?? And undermining the kindness and generosity of the general ?? The editors of the chapter said that without the cp mc would have died but if I am not wrong it was because of cp raping him violently in the middle of the winter that his body became frail and he fainted.

Everyone had been so cruel and unkind to the mc since his birth except his bio mom but the general cared. Whether or not he harbours feelings for mc, he never forced those on the mc and simply stood by his side, showing kindness and being caring to him. He protected him, putting his own life at stake and gave advice to him like a good friend. Some people have literally got brain rot by reading too much of 14 year written Justin bieber / Harry Styles Stockholm syndrome fanfics

But he doesn't miss you BITCH !!! BWAHAHAHHA SUCK ON THAT

Izzie like topic of Half of Me

Just asking.. but what’s wrong with just letting the bot upload to here too? Like I don’t mind but it’s the same thing so what’s the point no offense

Izzie created a topic of Plum Candy Love

Widjejwjhsjsja who in their right minds kisses their love interest NEAR THEIR RESIDENCE ESPECIALLY WHEN YOU HAVE AN ANNOYIJG OLDER SIBLING TO WATCH OUT FOR !!!! AIGOO I can't..... They are literally asking to be caught

Izzie created a topic of Jinx

Dan needed to be given that reality check by Green hair. He can think of it as a vaccine so that he can overcome feeling sad when JJK says the exact same words to him later.

As for greenie, green suits him coz he reels of jealousy. He talked about how he knew he was just a sex toy for JJK but if I remember right, greenie got quite mad seeing Dan standing near the door in the early chapter. He even asked if JJK is breaking up with him (when they were not even a thing in the first place) and cusses him out when he realises he is getting replaced. Feels like greenie was more involved in that physical relationship EMOTIONALLY than he lets on. Oh well whatever it is.

Izzie created a topic of Healer

So the ml has a pet . No it's not a cat, dog or bird. It's a orange coloured python named Soonyi. Yaba thinks ml having a snake as a pet is befitting coz he is a snake himself (his personality).

Yaba isn't much fond of animals in general much less a snake. Everytime Yaba would leave ML's apartment, he would go out only after stuffing the python in odd places like the washing machine, cupboard etc. This python also kind of as a crush on Yaba acc to ML (lol) so ML contemplates on finding him a mate.

It's a HE. Yaba is the fabled perfect Healer whose voice can both heal and kill. In the final showdown , Cha Yiseok gets stabbed (don't know who the stabber is but my guess is Giha? He really hates him) and Yiseok dies. Yaba goes berserk and starts screaming in pain. His screams kill off Giha and his goons. Also Yaba manages to revive Yiseok. Both of them continue living together whereas Cocaine and company open a cafe.

Izzie created a topic of Jinx

Okay so we all know Dan's life is bottom of the barrel shitty right. Dan has no family apart from grandma, no friends and was about to become a homeless bum on the streets since the rundown house he had been living in all these years from childhood was going to get demolished. He and his grandma's had been getting terrorized by loan sharks since he was a small kid. His grandma got cancer and now he works menial jobs till odd hours at the night to pay the hospital bills, living expenses, treatment bills etc. On top of that add that interest which has been snowballing like anything.

- Loan sharks beat him for fun and even tried to gangrape him. His good job at the hospital ended because a nurse caught the hospital director trying to sexually assault Dan. He works when people are sleeping, lives in constant fear.... And then this mofo JJK comes in. Horsey is not a good guy by any chance but ATLEAST he kept his word and paid Dan the money he promised after they had sex. There are trashier people who would have violated Dan, kicked him out buck naked and would not have paid him a single penny. I am not excusing for JJK behaviour, I am just telling that JJK's BARE MINIMUM FEELS A LOT TO SOMEONE LIKE DAN WHOSE HAS BEEN LIVING LIKE A DOORMAT FOR OTHERS.

- When you have been dumpster driving in rotten trash your whole life, expired food tastes like caviar. That's Dan's deal with JJK. Now add his occasional sprinkles of kindness like visiting his grandma, being kind to her, allowing Dan's grandma's closet to remain in his apartment, defending Dan from the UFC officials, cooking chicken for him and oh he is handsome too. His arrogance and foul behaviour combined with some acts of kindness is more than enough to move an abused victim like Dan who has NEVER been given even that amount of support by anyone other than his granny.Dan has no other family members or relatives to support him or tell him better.

-Dan's bar is in hell and he is willing to lap up anyone who offers him an iota of kindness. He is latching on to that and has a painfully low self esteem. Why do you think some spouses with low esteem remain in abusive marriages for years ???

-So kindly stop hating on Dan like he is a serial murderer or smth..Bro is trying to hold hope for something miniscule to give him happiness in his rotten life when we all know how JJK treats him. And apart from all this, Dan's attitude towards JJK is making me cringe too coz we all know how stone hearted JJK acts

Housewarming done now it's time to warm their bodies ig ლ(´ڡ`ლ)

Izzie created a topic of Healer

So Kang Giha's father and his mistress/ assistant did intensive research on healers and found that there are 3 types of healers: the first one can sing songs to heal, the second can sing songs to kill whereas the third one can do both but their singing have drug like effects on their listeners with side effects like headache, tinnitus etc. Yes it has been heavily implied that YABA(MC) IS THE 3RD TYPE OF HEALER. His screams can kill people. Kang Giha had been searching for that type of healer as he can use them as contract killers. He thinks Cocaine has that ability hence the microchips. The idea of microchips was not of the owner, as Yaba heard but was actually of Imsoo, Kang Giha's loyal subordinate.

Izzie created a topic of Healer

Mc (Sejin) and Chaewoo are kidnapped by Kang Giha (guy with scorpion tattoo on his neck)and his goons and are turned into castrato who work in a depraved club named Paradiso. This is a shady club where all the rich, affluent people engage in unspeakable activities like drugs, orgies, perverted kinks etc.There are other singers too although only Chaewoo is the true healer who can sing songs that cure diseases. Chaewoo is the main character of Paradiso and is in high demand among the clients. People who listen to his songs become addicts. Kang Giha came to know about the existence of "healer" from his father's research papers.

- Mc is extremely bitter and jealous of Chaewoo(Cocaine) and has an inferiority complex towards him. Due to prolonged use of antidepressants (which are actually date rape drugs given by Kang Giha) Yaba has become unhinged and mentally ill. He is paranoid and babbles like a mad man. He also has body dysmorphia and an insect delusion where he thinks bugs are crawling on his skin and laying eggs. He often attempts self harm, takes frequent baths and spends the little money he gets on body creams.

-He meets ml (Cha Yiseok) who is a powerful chaebol with handsome looks and scheming personality. Ml wants to get rid of his older half bro who is suffering from gall bladder cancer so he poses Yaba as Cocaine and brings him to visit his half bro. He just wants his older bro to die and wants to do it in a way his father won't be able to detect his intentions.

- Ml and mc due to the deal get close and intimate. Mc who, is already obsessed with ml after he had kissed him in the past, grows green in jealousy whenever he feels Cocaine is trying to steal ml. He starts talking about how he is poisoning the water in the water purifier that Cocaine drinks which later turns out to be a delusion. Cocaine is an attention seeker and gets jealous and passive aggressive with Yaba when ml starts to show interest in him.

- Mc and ml have developed a twisted sexual relationship now. Mc once said to ml that Kang Giha and his goons had implanted chips in the singers of Paradiso so by pressing a button they can easily blew the brains of any misbehaving boy. Hence no one attempts to escape from there. The chip also acts as a gps locator.

- Ml's father Chairman Cha and everyone soon gets to know that that the "Cocaine" they had been meeting is not Cocaine but a fake. Ml somehow manages the unfavourable situation. Cocaine now starts to visit Cha Munghyun for treatment.

- Relationship between ml and mc progresses and Ml often asks mc to sing him a lullaby. When Kang Giha (who is sexually attracted to mc) sees love bites on him, he loses his cool and attempts to rape mc. Kang Giha also reveals that ml visits the basement floor in Paradiso which is the floor dedicated to providing bodies for necrophiliacs to have sex with.Ml offers to buy mc but Kang Giha refuses.

- Chairman Cha, to sent a warning sent goons to destroy Paradiso. Both Giha's goons and the singers were attacked. The guy tailing Yaba on ml's orders somehow protects him from harm. Mc also reunites with his older bro who ran away from him when he was 14. Older bro (Sejun)now works as a gardener in ml's mother's house. He has incestuous feelings towards Yaba.

- Mc's feelings for ml deepens and he steals necrophilia tape recordings while cleaning the warehouse. Mc under permission from Giha visits Ml for the last time. Ml , while pretending to be enjoying an orgy in yacht secretly brings in an X ray machine to check MC's brain. MC's words prove true and there IS a microchip in his brain. Ml becomes stunned whereas Yaba give him the recordings so that Giha won't be able to expose the dirt on him. A sweet moment occurs and both of them kiss for a long time.

- Ml's older bro Cha Munghyun who was suffering from cancer gets magically cured. Credit is given to Cocaine. Ml often suffers from tinnitus and headaches even though he had stopped doing drugs for a long time. Cha Munghyun develops a potent attraction towards Yaba and he attempts to remove the mask he wears and also forcefully kisses him at one instance. The ml however obstructs him.

- Ml devises a plan. When mc is returning to the dorm (residence of the singers) a car crash orchestrated by ml occurs. Ml replaces mc with the burnt body of a boy with similar physical build. Mc undergoes a surgery for removing the chip in his brain.

- Kang Giha, thinking Yaba died goes crazy and had kept the dead body in his office, in hopes that Cocaine's singing can bring him back to life. Only a. "perfect Healer" possesses the ability to revive the dead. Cocaine doubts Yaba's death and does a DNA testing of the corpse's blood with Sejun's semen to find that they are not related.

- Kang Giha, who is actually the manager visits the club owner of Paradiso since the latter promised to make him the owner. The owner turned out to be Cha Yiseok who had made the club in hopes of saving his mentally ill sister with the help of songs. Ml tortures Kang Giha, castrates him, seals him in cement and throws him away.

- Unfortunately, Imsoo Giha's loyal dog managed to save him and threatens Cocaine to sing. Due to Cocaine's songs, Kang Giha is saved. After Kang Giha learns the truth from Cocaine, he swears revenge on both of them. Cocaine says that's he knows a healer who can take his palce after he leaves Paradiso. He bargains Giha for his freedom. Giha contemplates the deal since he came to know that the more songs, a healer sings, the shorter their life span becomes. Cocaine has little time.

- Cocaine, the fishes for info about ml's residence from his SIL and finally managed to get it. This SIL has a huge crush on ml and lusts after him. Yaba hates her.

- After the operation, Yaba and Yiseok live together in his apartment as a couple. Yiseok takes good care of him but at night he becomes a savage who forces Yaba to sing and also has rough sex with him. This is later revealed to be a side effect of listening to Yaba's songs. Yes YABA IS A HEALER TOO. Ml realises this when his wounds get cured after Yaba sang him a lullaby. He cuts himself and forces Yaba to sing to prove it.

Izzie created a topic of Healer

The novel has themes of body dysmorphia, drug abuse, physical abuse, mental illness. Also mc is an unreliable realtor much like Rue from Euphoria so basically you get the idea

Izzie created a topic of Healer

I am currently reading the light novel Healer and it's way better than I had expected. Mind you, it's not for people who are queasy with nfsw, adultery, incest themes. Both the mc and ml are interesting and uncanny. The English translated is well written and engaging.. so give it a try

Izzie created a topic of Into The Thrill

Rich people doing effed up rich people stuff and giving mental health issues to their offspring

Izzie created a topic of The Priest of Corruption

My man is so fine I think I can actually understand why Dalkia simps for him..His body is bodying