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Izzie's feed

Izzie created a topic of Jinx

Okay so we all know Dan's life is bottom of the barrel shitty right. Dan has no family apart from grandma, no friends and was about to become a homeless bum on the streets since the rundown house he had been living in all these years from childhood was going to get demolished. He and his grandma's had been getting terrorized by loan sharks since he was a small kid. His grandma got cancer and now he works menial jobs till odd hours at the night to pay the hospital bills, living expenses, treatment bills etc. On top of that add that interest which has been snowballing like anything.

- Loan sharks beat him for fun and even tried to gangrape him. His good job at the hospital ended because a nurse caught the hospital director trying to sexually assault Dan. He works when people are sleeping, lives in constant fear.... And then this mofo JJK comes in. Horsey is not a good guy by any chance but ATLEAST he kept his word and paid Dan the money he promised after they had sex. There are trashier people who would have violated Dan, kicked him out buck naked and would not have paid him a single penny. I am not excusing for JJK behaviour, I am just telling that JJK's BARE MINIMUM FEELS A LOT TO SOMEONE LIKE DAN WHOSE HAS BEEN LIVING LIKE A DOORMAT FOR OTHERS.

- When you have been dumpster driving in rotten trash your whole life, expired food tastes like caviar. That's Dan's deal with JJK. Now add his occasional sprinkles of kindness like visiting his grandma, being kind to her, allowing Dan's grandma's closet to remain in his apartment, defending Dan from the UFC officials, cooking chicken for him and oh he is handsome too. His arrogance and foul behaviour combined with some acts of kindness is more than enough to move an abused victim like Dan who has NEVER been given even that amount of support by anyone other than his granny.Dan has no other family members or relatives to support him or tell him better.

-Dan's bar is in hell and he is willing to lap up anyone who offers him an iota of kindness. He is latching on to that and has a painfully low self esteem. Why do you think some spouses with low esteem remain in abusive marriages for years ???

-So kindly stop hating on Dan like he is a serial murderer or smth..Bro is trying to hold hope for something miniscule to give him happiness in his rotten life when we all know how JJK treats him. And apart from all this, Dan's attitude towards JJK is making me cringe too coz we all know how stone hearted JJK acts