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Izzie's feed

Izzie created a topic of The couple breaker

The glasses guy reminds me of my ex in not a good guy. Just because some people say that they have been in a relationship with 10 years doesn't necessarily mean they love her. Look in this case here. Does the glasses guy hate red hair ?? Nope. He likes her because she is good to him and LOVES him. But he doesn't love her if he truly it he wouldn't have been entertaining some other girl there. Guys like Glasses stay in a relationship where they don't actually love the girl and deflect talks of marriage because they think they can't do any better and in certain cases they may even end up marrying the partners they don't feel strongly about because they don't want to end up lonely.
However the very moment a "prettier and out of his league's" girl appears, he dips. Glasses is just testing the waters and buying time. Trash