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levipleasecallmeback February 18, 2024 2:14 am

anything that fits the bill! please no rape or sa scenes, i want something very wholesome. if it’s underrated even better.

if its popular on this site or mainstream, i mightve already read it

levipleasecallmeback January 31, 2024 5:19 am

tired of seeing petite pretty twink bottoms and buff, extremely tall tops. it’s giving patriarchy disguised as boys love by the stereotypes they use

any bls, doesn’t matter what genre just couples having similar body types or their body difference isn’t too drastic, thanks!

    zora January 31, 2024 5:26 am

    love interest zone love interest zone pls read it im going feral

    Manuii January 31, 2024 5:59 am

    my favs list is literally just that. Im tired of the pretty twink bottom stereotype so all i read is pretty twink tops or manly ass bottoms lol

    Manuii January 31, 2024 6:09 am
    my favs list is literally just that. Im tired of the pretty twink bottom stereotype so all i read is pretty twink tops or manly ass bottoms lol Manuii

    for longer ones tho you can try

    -Dear Sister, I’ve become a Blessed Maiden (brown hair bottom)
    -The Pizza Delivery Man and The Gold Palace (black hair bottom)
    -Ghost Window (black hair bottom)
    -Smyrna & Capri (brown/black bottom)
    -Plaything (brown hair bottom)
    -The Man At Night (brown hair bottom)
    -Between coincidence and inevitability (brown hair bottom
    -Don't Mix Business with Pleasure! (dark hair bottom)
    -Love in Orbit (dark hair bottom)
    -The Northern Grand Duke's Secret Contract (dark hair bottom)
    -Reincarnated into Demon King Evelogia's World (dark hair bottom)
    -Arthur (dark hair bottom)
    -Ang Ang (dark hair bottom)
    -The One Under The Wing (dark hair bottom)
    -I Was Reborn as His Highness the Prince's Little Evil Dragon (dark hair bottom)
    -A Guide Thicker Than Blood (dark hair bottom)
    -Delivery Complete (dark hair bottom)
    -Our Sunny Days (dark hair bottom)
    -Neck and Neck (dark hair bottom)

    these are a few off the top of my head, i just realized all the tops hair lighter hair then the bottom lmao

levipleasecallmeback December 27, 2023 11:58 am

it makes me cringe when im reading and the top says “you’re so wet” “it’s dripping” and shit when he talks about the bottoms hole . dirty talk aside, it bothers me because asses don’t lubricate but if it’s not properly cleaned before penetration it can still be dirty with doodoo…

all this to say when tops say that stuff, makes me think they’re talking about how unclean the ass is instead of it as part of foreplay LMAO SORRY

    Lâine December 27, 2023 12:03 pm

    Dirty talk always makes me cringe I just wanna burst out laughing

    Aaa- December 27, 2023 3:35 pm

    Yes and no I agree on everything but I’ve never thought that it could imply that they are dirty af you’ve ruined everything for me
    Like I knew it wasn’t logical but I looked past it and now—- ╥﹏╥

    Gravenshi December 27, 2023 3:47 pm

    Ass is self-lubricated... it just needs stimulation. If your ass did not lubricate, pooping would litteraly be a pain in the ass.

    levipleasecallmeback December 28, 2023 2:53 am
    Ass is self-lubricated... it just needs stimulation. If your ass did not lubricate, pooping would litteraly be a pain in the ass. Gravenshi

    it’s not self lubricated for penetration… i was only focusing on that. it does not get “wet” through stimulation if that’s what you mean, it only loosens up through other means using actual lube or spit. ofc it’s not dry like the sahara desert but i thought it was obvious i was comparing it to a vagina? like this was jus supposed to be a joke making fun of bad dirty talk

    levipleasecallmeback December 28, 2023 2:55 am
    Dirty talk always makes me cringe I just wanna burst out laughing Lâine

    I know right sometimes it’s too much

    levipleasecallmeback December 28, 2023 2:56 am
    Yes and no I agree on everything but I’ve never thought that it could imply that they are dirty af you’ve ruined everything for me Like I knew it wasn’t logical but I looked past it and now—- ╥﹏╥ Aaa-

    NAH IM SORRY LMAOOO. but if it makes you feel better, most of the bottoms in manhwa or manga do shower before penetration or sex!! so no worries their bussys are clean <3

    Gravenshi December 28, 2023 3:15 am
    it’s not self lubricated for penetration… i was only focusing on that. it does not get “wet” through stimulation if that’s what you mean, it only loosens up through other means using actual lube or sp... levipleasecallmeback

    My dear, you can stretch the narrative however you want, the whole digestive system is self-lubricant. Penetration is a stimulus. If stimulated, the no-no square might secrete further mucus to moist the area. Stimulation could be very well the canal signaling poop is in his way or muscle movements - because the body has muscle memories, stimulation mimicking the poop arrival might enhance secretion.

    Despite the obvious fact that vjj can get "wet", there are still commercial lubricant available for it. Why? Putting medical complications aside, those parts need stimulation (being psychological, physical or physiological) to secrete more of this substance. It takes time and can be tacky in some instances. So, those really smart corporate created a product that fasten or just skip the natural body process.

    Even though you put lotion on your body, your body synthesize a decent amount of vitamins or whatever stuffs found in those products? But it's not seemly enough for the human senses, so big corporate created this.

    Furthermore, the "substance" in the vjj also has "cleaning properties" as well as "movement facilitator". Despite the vjj being self-cleaning, big corporate created products to clean the vjjj. Because why the heck not?

    When you get sick, the immune system, in most cases, can pretty much "treat" you. But there are medicines for it? Why? Because it fasten the process.

    At the end, what can the body do itself, the big-big brain humans decided to create a product to make it more efficient or more pleasant... I mean, those lubricants do be coming in funny scent. The end.

    levipleasecallmeback December 28, 2023 4:53 am
    My dear, you can stretch the narrative however you want, the whole digestive system is self-lubricant. Penetration is a stimulus. If stimulated, the no-no square might secrete further mucus to moist the area. S... Gravenshi

    ?? i don’t know why you got all serious. it’s very well known that lube is for vagina and asshole alike, you’re taking this whole conversation to a different point from its original intention. me saying the asshole doesn’t lube for SEX doesn’t = me saying it doesn’t lube at all! you’re going through great lengths to over-correct me on something you assumed i wasn’t knowledgeable about, and it’s really funny since my original opinion was about dirty talk being cringe. my point stands that assholes don’t get wet for the purpose of sex and penetration but rather excretion, aka to shit, which you further proved so idk why youre getting so heated about this. there’s no argument here, it feels like im talking to a wall because we are agreeing with each other but you’re trying to prove me wrong for no reason

    just laugh at the silly joke and move on, you don’t have to prove yourself to anyone. it seems like you wanted to feel smart by inserting your unasked info dump, instead of trying to actually educate or have a good laugh

    levipleasecallmeback December 28, 2023 4:54 am
    My dear, you can stretch the narrative however you want, the whole digestive system is self-lubricant. Penetration is a stimulus. If stimulated, the no-no square might secrete further mucus to moist the area. S... Gravenshi

    please relax and unclench, the end

    Gravenshi December 28, 2023 2:43 pm
    please relax and unclench, the end levipleasecallmeback

    What you said "asses don’t lubricate". My point being as simple as the moon being far from your home : ass is self-lubricant.

    I don't need to assume anything about you to say facts. You can keep your excuses. Misconception is not a sin and I don't judge you for. You're welcome.

    levipleasecallmeback December 29, 2023 9:46 am
    What you said "asses don’t lubricate". My point being as simple as the moon being far from your home : ass is self-lubricant. I don't need to assume anything about you to say facts. You can keep your excuses.... Gravenshi

    my goodness, you just nitpick and assume :/ people can be wrong yes, but in this case i explained why your opinion about me was incorrect because you generalized my point. in the context i said “assholes don’t lube”, it’s very clear im addressing how it doesn’t get wet for sexual purposes? but then you go on to say i meant assholes don’t lube at all and try to over-correct me

    it’s safe to say both of us are knowledgeable about the human body, because asshole doesn’t lube FOR sex, it lubes for health reasons and through stimulus for the purpose of shitting… idk why one person has to be in the wrong or in the right here when we were on the same path. you called me out for nothing and i only pointed it out? the pretentious attitude was so unnecessary and tbh very rude over such a simple misunderstanding. you should really fix this flaw of yours and keep that hostility to yourself. your welcome

    levipleasecallmeback December 29, 2023 9:51 am
    What you said "asses don’t lubricate". My point being as simple as the moon being far from your home : ass is self-lubricant. I don't need to assume anything about you to say facts. You can keep your excuses.... Gravenshi

    and one last time. assholes don’t get wet, they lubricate but it’s not the same thing as a vagina producing arousal fluid for the purpose of sex (or reproduction). if you think they lubricate the same way, then you would be misinformed and that’s also okay. but don’t act like im wrong when you jumped to conclusions, practically ignoring that we were on the same page

    Gravenshi December 29, 2023 2:24 pm
    and one last time. assholes don’t get wet, they lubricate but it’s not the same thing as a vagina producing arousal fluid for the purpose of sex (or reproduction). if you think they lubricate the same way, ... levipleasecallmeback

    What you said "asses don’t lubricate". My point being as simple as the moon being far from your home : ass is self-lubricant.

    After scrolling through a lot of excuses, I saw "they lubricate". I know it was not easy; some facts can be hard to swallow. It might have took you a lot of efforts. But you finally acknowledge it. Congratulations. You're welcome.

    Gravenshi December 29, 2023 3:20 pm
    my goodness, you just nitpick and assume :/ people can be wrong yes, but in this case i explained why your opinion about me was incorrect because you generalized my point. in the context i said “assholes don�... levipleasecallmeback

    Last but never the least, I had no opinion about you and I don't need to assume anything about you. It has no added value.

    You keep saying I do, it finally made a Pygmalion on me : I read your pseudonyme for the first time today and I think your a SnK Levi's fan. Here. Have it. Happy now? I, Gravenshi, have an opinion about you now.

    Furthermore, you don't need to write all those grand excuses nor always throwing ad personam. It confuses me.

    Since you always double-reply, I wanted to try it as well.
    You're welcome. Happy New year!

    levipleasecallmeback January 2, 2024 10:30 am
    What you said "asses don’t lubricate". My point being as simple as the moon being far from your home : ass is self-lubricant. After scrolling through a lot of excuses, I saw "they lubricate". I know it was no... Gravenshi

    wow. i can tell you struggle with self-esteem and if pointing fingers to say i have excuses and was in the wrong makes you feel smart and have a pedestal somewhere, im glad i could help the problem of yours! here’s to a good new year, your welcome on feeding into this narcissism you have because damn it was strange seeing this convo go from lighthearted to you sucking the fun out of a joke. you didn’t acknowledge anything in my paragraph which was funny asf knowing again you generalize my stances in order to get a huff and puff. did it feel good? do you feel better? genuinely hope you aren’t this insufferable irl…some facts are hard to swallow, but may you see the light, gain an education, and learn to laugh a little, you def need it friend <3

    levipleasecallmeback January 2, 2024 10:36 am
    What you said "asses don’t lubricate". My point being as simple as the moon being far from your home : ass is self-lubricant. After scrolling through a lot of excuses, I saw "they lubricate". I know it was no... Gravenshi

    ah i saw your profile. you have much to say but not much to think, maybe work on that this year. hope this helps too!

levipleasecallmeback December 20, 2023 9:40 pm

what’s a story that has the prettiest character or characters? i wanna have a new crush

bonus points if it’s a romance AND the hot characters are dating

    Lâine December 20, 2023 10:14 pm

    Gokurakugai but its not a romance

    mommy December 21, 2023 12:34 am

    It’s bxg called ‘couple breaker’. It’s drama/romance but i think it’s so goood.

levipleasecallmeback December 14, 2023 1:15 pm


it’s stuck in my head.. but any recs like this? any romance (straight, yuri, bl)

levipleasecallmeback December 7, 2023 12:19 am

im tired of stories where this type of lead is from a savage country and/or is super hypermasculine.
do yall have recs of tan or dark characters in romances where the author treats them like real people and also lets them be soft lol?

    gros batard December 7, 2023 12:28 am

    im an idiot and your question confused me but
    do you mean something like this? i think hes a cutie

    levipleasecallmeback December 7, 2023 4:56 am
    im an idiot and your question confused me but you mean something like this? i think hes a cutie gros batard

    lmao thank u!!

    i was shading the reincarnation or iseki romance genre mostly. in the rare cases they use a darker skin lead, he’d come from a savage country or some shit while the female lead is some pale frail baby that tames him

    levipleasecallmeback December 7, 2023 4:57 am Lâine

    thank uu, sadly this is already in my ongoing reads

    gros batard December 7, 2023 5:01 am
    lmao thank u!! i was shading the reincarnation or iseki romance genre mostly. in the rare cases they use a darker skin lead, he’d come from a savage country or some shit while the female lead is some pale fra... levipleasecallmeback

    omfg literally… like darker male leads can be normal and not from a civilization that hasnt seen the moon before

levipleasecallmeback November 23, 2023 12:19 am

the whole “made in abyss” situation has shown me how annoying and weird kpop stans are (this is coming from a kpop stan). just because you consume problematic media, it doesn’t mean you support shit that’s shown in the FICTIONAL story. fiction has no real world or real life implications because it’s not about real people!!!! this is obviously different if a person obsesses over a problematic aspect and collects said media on vulnerable groups but it’s not that at all

you guys would not survive on ao3 under the dead dove tag

    Kspacesystem November 23, 2023 12:24 am


    You're wrong, it can hurt children and is actively being used to groom children. 'In fact, certain software can be used to make images and videos of real victims look like "fictional" drawings or cartoons.
    In this way, this allows offenders to effectively disguise a real act of child sexual abuse, potentially preventing law enforcement from bringing victims to safety.
    It may also enable repeat offenders to avoid detection.' from a psychology website of course, and this is talking about what it can do. I'll like to point out most of our main points. *It may also enable repeat offenders to avoid detection.' * also, here are the numbers. 'According to statistics generated by the United States Postal Inspection Service, 80 percent of child pornography purchasers are active abusers and almost 40 percent of the child pornographers investigated during the past several years have sexually molested children in the past.' along with 'As such, it is clear that owning and viewing child pornographic pictures extends beyond merely looking at pictures and most often involves the actual sexual abuse of children in the past, present, and future of the offender.' so yeah, people liking CP are likely to offended and be a pedophilie.'

    Copy and pasted from our things to make it easier.
    A03 has fluff media, and even then. Problematic things SHOULD be called out. The manga shows NAKED CHILDREN. you can write a dark story without showing naked children. The idol a admit, I don't know fully of it. As I keep hearing different things in WHAT he owns. But he is consuming pedophilic content and supporting a pedophile author.

    Fiction does affect reality, Consuming fictional cp means you're a pedophile.

    - Styx

    levipleasecallmeback November 23, 2023 12:39 am '1. ITS FICTION IT DOESNT HURT CHILDREN.You're wrong, it can hurt children and is actively being used to groom children. 'In fact, certain software can be used to make... Kspacesystem

    i agree with u?? i literally didn’t say “it doesn’t hurt children” and if u read my comment a bit more you’d see i say that if the content aims for vulnerable groups that’s when it becomes a problem. i don’t read the made in abyss manga nor look up the author, why do you jump ten yards and assume i ignore that? im talking about kpop idols who talked about or enjoyed the first season of the show WHICH WAS CENSORED and didn’t see the problematic content for what it was/ignored it because the story doesn’t focus on nor contain cp???? like are you okay

    second of all no, it doesn’t not make you a pedo if u see naked children in a non-sexual setting in fiction. you are taking the entire paragraph out of context. the fucking manga itself is not about cp it’s about this pair of kids traveling to the abyss and suffering during the journey there

    Lian November 23, 2023 12:41 am

    i had a few vols of made in abyss and tried to read it, not really my thing so i sold them but then found out there's stuff like that in it. I'm conflicted. On one side i wouldn't read something like that. There's so many stories out there, i really wouldn't subject myself to something that has minors displayed like that. However, the manga gets actively translated and published in the west and no laws have stopped this so i mean? Not lots of manga even get officially published, even if they're popular or good so im guessing since this passed through lots of meetings? not sure. Anyway if we're going to cancel something lets cancel something like nisemonogatari

    levipleasecallmeback November 23, 2023 12:42 am '1. ITS FICTION IT DOESNT HURT CHILDREN.You're wrong, it can hurt children and is actively being used to groom children. 'In fact, certain software can be used to make... Kspacesystem

    you made this whole deep dive about my topic that doesn’t focus on the points you even talked about, which includes media that does 100% contain cp and puts children in sexual situations. im not even talking about that type of disgusting fiction, i only address how ONE anime doesn’t harm nor affect real children because the story isn’t about sexualing kids!!

    Kspacesystem November 23, 2023 12:46 am
    you made this whole deep dive about my topic that doesn’t focus on the points you even talked about, which includes media that does 100% contain cp and puts children in sexual situations. im not even talking ... levipleasecallmeback

    The author literally put it in TOO sexualize kids. In the anime they LITTERALLY PUT A DEVICE IN A KIDS GENTIALIA. Which means it probably in the manga.

    It is borderline pedophilic and it should be TREATED as such.

    - Styx

    levipleasecallmeback November 23, 2023 12:51 am
    i had a few vols of made in abyss and tried to read it, not really my thing so i sold them but then found out there's stuff like that in it. I'm conflicted. On one side i wouldn't read something like that. Ther... Lian

    i get if the manga was WEIRD WEIRD, then it’d make sense to react this way. but from the first season of the show it seemed like a dark/horror/gore plot and nothing about the weird stuff in it. and i didn’t find out about the author doing gross drawings in the manga/outside the manga until someone made an informational post about it yesterday. it’s just tiring how kpop stans want to cancel people so bad as if they are fully aware of every aspect of media they consume too. im just confused on how seeing naked fictional children in manga = you are a pedo that supports that media being made. like censorship is a thing that definitely exists when manga or show gets translated so people may not even be consuming the problematic stuff as it’s shown in japan

    Kspacesystem November 23, 2023 12:57 am
    i get if the manga was WEIRD WEIRD, then it’d make sense to react this way. but from the first season of the show it seemed like a dark/horror/gore plot and nothing about the weird stuff in it. and i didn’t... levipleasecallmeback these are in the manga, thes children in sexual positions.

    The manga is WEIRD WEIRD.


    levipleasecallmeback November 23, 2023 12:58 am
    The author literally put it in TOO sexualize kids. In the anime they LITTERALLY PUT A DEVICE IN A KIDS GENTIALIA. Which means it probably in the manga. It is borderline pedophilic and it should be TREATED as su... Kspacesystem

    HUH. i knew nothing about the authors motivations up until yesterday, but i watched the anime and it doesn’t show that??? the whole point of this topic is that just because someone watched or enjoyed this show/manga, it doesn’t mean they are a pedo because censored versions of media exists especially in translations. when you say it’s borderline pedophilia, its takes the entire plot out of the context it was consumed in. it’s literally not borderline pedophilia and shouldn’t be treated as such when majority of watchers or readers didn’t see nor read those scenes

    levipleasecallmeback November 23, 2023 1:03 am these are in the manga, thes children in sexual positions. The manga is WEIRD WEIRD.-Styx Kspacesystem

    thanks for burning my eyes?? and like i said if the readers weren’t aware nor SAW those scenes it doesn’t make them supportive of the author showing these things or make them a pedo. you keep missing my point, it’s the awareness that you keep forgetting. i point out how i found out about the author YESTERDAY however it doesn’t mean other people, aka the kpop idols i address, know or saw the stuff. if they were fully aware it wouldn’t make them blissfully glad to promote or consume the manga/anime

    Kspacesystem November 23, 2023 1:09 am
    thanks for burning my eyes?? and like i said if the readers weren’t aware nor SAW those scenes it doesn’t make them supportive of the author showing these things or make them a pedo. you keep missing my poi... levipleasecallmeback

    Sorry about Styx! ;; we're still working on her controlling her temper!

    ~ Urah

    levipleasecallmeback November 23, 2023 1:16 am
    Sorry about Styx! ;; we're still working on her controlling her temper!~ Urah Kspacesystem

    pls get styx to fully read and digest a persons take before coming at them hard with accusations that have nothing to do with the original post. the link to the thread they left was triggering and i hope they can be more careful with how they inform or criticize people. spreading those types of pictures without content warning can do more harm and good. good luck urah

    Kspacesystem November 23, 2023 1:23 am
    pls get styx to fully read and digest a persons take before coming at them hard with accusations that have nothing to do with the original post. the link to the thread they left was triggering and i hope they c... levipleasecallmeback

    Styx is a lot better than what she used to do honestly ;; honestly due to pedophile defenders on a recent post of hers, she is just... Worried.

    Also, Styx does try to add trigger warnings! She mentions 'The pedophilic parts' though, I guess maybe it's not good enough ;;

    It's a slow process, but she's getting better!

    ~ Urah

levipleasecallmeback November 14, 2023 4:47 am

the only reason why i hate love triangles is because it always ends up with a third person being left out for the plot, when the easiest solution is to make all three people end up in a relationship together #poly

listen, the two rivals always end up having tension and if both of them left behind their monogamous ideals when it comes to relationships and casted gender aside- everyone would have the best of both worlds. i also feel like it could end up changing mainstream romance (representation and story quality wise) if a really popular bl executed it well

    gros batard November 14, 2023 4:53 am

    for real !!! im genuinely so confused how this plot isnt used more. like … do authors NOT love their characters or something ??? i’d feel so immersed in the story and bad for the 2ndML like hes a real person, i’d just add him into the relationship LOL

    pigglypoof November 14, 2023 6:09 am

    I love 3p but I also love triangles. I blame old school kdramas for my love of jealousy arcs.

    levipleasecallmeback November 14, 2023 9:19 pm
    for real !!! im genuinely so confused how this plot isnt used more. like … do authors NOT love their characters or something ??? i’d feel so immersed in the story and bad for the 2ndML like hes a real perso... gros batard

    literally and it’s even worse when the second lead is the better option?? or has the same level of chemistry as the ml, but just has a different dynamic (with mc). ngl sometimes when they get jealous/all macho it turns me off because they can’t confess to the mc but they can fight with their rivals? it’s so cowardly LMAO… they end up bonding for having the same crush anyway so adding a third person would fix all the tension, misunderstandings, and heartbreak it takes to get two people together ugh

    levipleasecallmeback November 14, 2023 9:23 pm
    I love 3p but I also love triangles. I blame old school kdramas for my love of jealousy arcs. pigglypoof

    I GET THIS FR!! sometimes love triangles should stay that way, and when it’s done good the jealousy is so cute. but i hate when authors establish such amazing connections with the second lead and main character, that rivals the male leads efforts/affection, knowing full well theyre gonna end up forgotten by the end of the kdrama/webtoon/manga

levipleasecallmeback November 12, 2023 4:52 am

if u want context it’s even more hilarious but my GOD this is one of the most entertaining and borderline sad interactions i’ve ever had with an online loser. calling a fictional character a rapist and holding a user accountable for their harassment and spread of misinformation = targeted harassment guys!! spread the word

    pigglypoof November 12, 2023 4:56 am

    Bro blocks everyone they name too so they can't respond to the bs.

    levipleasecallmeback November 12, 2023 5:02 am
    Bro blocks everyone they name too so they can't respond to the bs. pigglypoof

    u can tell they’re a child throwing a temp tire tantrum. apparently everyone is their opp and is a gaslighting, stupid, uncivil, false, incorrect, and trolling bully . TM thinks people calling their inconsistencies/opinions out is targeting but it’s called BEING WRONG?? LMAO

    the ego is so severe with that creature because i can’t imagine this many users calling TM out and then attacking everyone, just so we can attack TM back. they want to be the main character of whatever underdog fantasy they have so bad, the joke writes itself

    pigglypoof November 12, 2023 5:07 am
    u can tell they’re a child throwing a temp tire tantrum. apparently everyone is their opp and is a gaslighting, stupid, uncivil, false, incorrect, and trolling bully . TM thinks people calling their inconsist... levipleasecallmeback

    Supposedly they are adults, which is worse.

    Somebody November 12, 2023 5:09 am

    Ummm what the flip boi ;-;

    levipleasecallmeback November 12, 2023 5:10 am
    Supposedly they are adults, which is worse. pigglypoof

    … i fear for whoever they interact with on a daily basis. perfect place for rape apologists and incels to breed more horrible opinions and thoughts. the lack of responsibility they have as an adult with these perspectives has me mind blown

    pigglypoof November 12, 2023 5:15 am
    … i fear for whoever they interact with on a daily basis. perfect place for rape apologists and incels to breed more horrible opinions and thoughts. the lack of responsibility they have as an adult with these... levipleasecallmeback

    Fr. The hoops they're going through to defend and downplay rape is crazy.

    levipleasecallmeback November 12, 2023 5:20 am
    Ummm what the flip boi ;-; Somebody

    to sum it up:

    there is a manhwa called jinx containing heavy scenes of rape, coercion, and harassment between the main character and male lead. majority of readers believe these things don’t add anything to the plot or romance, and that the storytelling is underwhelming or bad. we know it’s fiction and that having those things doesn’t make a story bad, however the way it’s written isn’t even necessary and we just complain about how overdone the brutal rape is

    this user (TM) and manhwa (forgot the rest of the username but they have an among us pfp and are on TM’s profile) seek out comments by people who criticize the story or characters, then harass and berate them together. after basically everyone clapped back and explained their opinion, they claim all these users, and more on their account, are cyber bullies harassing them

    to put it nicely: TM can’t handle people disagreeing with them or reciprocating the same energy they have, because they know they’re wrong and attention seek for rage farming lmao

    marshie November 12, 2023 5:37 am
    to sum it up: there is a manhwa called jinx containing heavy scenes of rape, coercion, and harassment between the main character and male lead. majority of readers believe these things don’t add anything to t... levipleasecallmeback

    If you look through their comments, you'll find the same 4 or so people agreeing and defending them. You'll also find some suspiciously new accounts who have only commented on their comments on Jinx. They all like to use the same little catchphrases. It's all so very suspect. One of them is definitely making alts to agree with the rest.

    Somebody November 12, 2023 5:41 am
    to sum it up: there is a manhwa called jinx containing heavy scenes of rape, coercion, and harassment between the main character and male lead. majority of readers believe these things don’t add anything to t... levipleasecallmeback

    DANG I WAS JOKING thank you though!!

    levipleasecallmeback November 12, 2023 7:43 am
    If you look through their comments, you'll find the same 4 or so people agreeing and defending them. You'll also find some suspiciously new accounts who have only commented on their comments on Jinx. They all l... marshie

    LMAO RIGHT?? getting caught up this way has got to be so embarrassinnggg

    levipleasecallmeback November 12, 2023 7:45 am
    DANG I WAS JOKING thank you though!! Somebody

    ahh mb! i genuinely thought you were wondering what was happening and used “what the flip” to jokingly ask but your comment did come across funny dw :)

    backtalk? November 12, 2023 9:23 am

    u do realize your probably arguing with a preteen right lmfao its never that serious this is mangago not twitter

    pigglypoof November 12, 2023 9:28 am
    u do realize your probably arguing with a preteen right lmfao its never that serious this is mangago not twitter backtalk?

    Nah. It's a shared account between two married adult men. Supposedly.

    backtalk? November 12, 2023 9:31 am
    Nah. It's a shared account between two married adult men. Supposedly. pigglypoof

    they blocked me lmfao thats sad

    pigglypoof November 12, 2023 9:34 am
    they blocked me lmfao thats sad backtalk?

    Ah you've made the stalker list too then

    pigglypoof November 12, 2023 9:35 am
    Ah you've made the stalker list too then pigglypoof

    *made it to

    backtalk? November 12, 2023 9:39 am
    Ah you've made the stalker list too then pigglypoof

    bro i didnt even go crazy enough to get blocked lmfao they are overdramatic like just log off and go to bed

    levipleasecallmeback November 12, 2023 10:18 am
    u do realize your probably arguing with a preteen right lmfao its never that serious this is mangago not twitter backtalk?

    uh yea it’s been the most unserious thread that’s pretty obvious no one was taking their replies seriously and only getting on their nerves so that’s all there is to it. but apparently it pissed them off enough to create a burn book about everyone here lmao

    backtalk? November 12, 2023 10:20 am
    uh yea it’s been the most unserious thread that’s pretty obvious no one was taking their replies seriously and only getting on their nerves so that’s all there is to it. but apparently it pissed them off... levipleasecallmeback

    dxmn im def next on that book

    levipleasecallmeback November 12, 2023 10:24 am
    dxmn im def next on that book backtalk?

    prepare to be blacklisted bestie!!

    backtalk? November 12, 2023 10:30 am
    prepare to be blacklisted bestie!! levipleasecallmeback

    i hope it happens fast not slow

levipleasecallmeback November 11, 2023 12:11 pm

u ever read the comments on bl stories and see the CRAZIEST and most rabid takes on rape? or see the dumbest opinion on the story in general… what’s the worst you’ve ever seen and for what webtoon/manga

    Ventithebard November 11, 2023 12:18 pm

    Yepppp, and the amount of ppl I have seen ENJOY and defend blood incest is insane. Like not step relatives or adopted, but blood related, it’s disgusting, they defend it with their life

    Woop Woop November 11, 2023 12:19 pm

    Not on this site, but I remember this one freak on reddit claiming all women want to get raped because Aka's wife divorced him. Forgot the thought process, but it was on a chap of Kaguya where a female character insulted a male one.

    HELPMELMAO November 11, 2023 12:30 pm

    jinx manwha comment section was a field run

    Ceyllon November 11, 2023 1:19 pm

    Most omegaverse mangas ngl

    Amorim November 11, 2023 1:36 pm

    The amount of people who thought "walk on water" was cute or moving or whatever the fuck they thought about it was insane to me. As disgusting as the manga was, what disgusted me more were the high ratings on it.

    ◍Strawberrymilkshake◍ November 11, 2023 2:08 pm
    The amount of people who thought "walk on water" was cute or moving or whatever the fuck they thought about it was insane to me. As disgusting as the manga was, what disgusted me more were the high ratings on i... Amorim

    I thought I was the only one who didn't get the hype

    Amorim November 11, 2023 2:11 pm
    I thought I was the only one who didn't get the hype ◍Strawberrymilkshake◍

    No for real, its like a mass brainwashing or something lmaoooo

    bishounensupremacy November 11, 2023 2:30 pm

    trashy ppl will always exist but tbh i feel like its gotten a lot better over the recent years, like you wouldve gotten death threats if you ever dared to say most omegaverse is gross and heteronormative two to three years ago, i see more trolls than actual rape defenders and pedos these days. maybe its cuz i myself started reading healthier stuff but idk

    levipleasecallmeback November 11, 2023 8:43 pm
    Yepppp, and the amount of ppl I have seen ENJOY and defend blood incest is insane. Like not step relatives or adopted, but blood related, it’s disgusting, they defend it with their life Ventithebard

    enjoying it is whatever to me since it’s literal fiction, you’re allowed to find entertainment in it (dead dove tropes have existed since forever and doesn’t dictate your morals nor translate irl). but defending it is INSANE, and some people need to admit it’s an awful plotline instead of trying to explain why it’s okay

    levipleasecallmeback November 11, 2023 8:43 pm
    Not on this site, but I remember this one freak on reddit claiming all women want to get raped because Aka's wife divorced him. Forgot the thought process, but it was on a chap of Kaguya where a female characte... Woop Woop


    levipleasecallmeback November 11, 2023 8:49 pm
    jinx manwha comment section was a field run HELPMELMAO

    it’s the reason why i made this comment LMAO. saw someone say that jinx doesn’t contain rape and i ran here to find some people with rational thought/empathy. they were also defending jae’s actions, saying he’s aggressive for a reason as if his backstory will forgive the way he behaves or if it’ll even be tragic enough. like bro just because dan is contracted to provide him sex, it doesn’t mean every interaction is consensual. the contract itself is predatory, and preys on the fact that dan essentially owes his debt to another benefactor + his grandma needs constant expensive care

    levipleasecallmeback November 11, 2023 8:54 pm
    Most omegaverse mangas ngl Ceyllon

    PLSSS ITS THE BLACK HOLE OF ALL RAPE DISCUSSIONS. although entertaining, idk why people have a hard time admitting that the whole “alpha loses control over omega pheromones womp womp” is giving an excuse for alphas to rape their omega counterpart. like it’s okay to enjoy the dynamic of characters in an omegaverse story but don’t act like it’s peak romance or necessary even if it’s fiction LOL. it’s rare that there will be a wholesome a/b/o story

    levipleasecallmeback November 11, 2023 8:59 pm
    The amount of people who thought "walk on water" was cute or moving or whatever the fuck they thought about it was insane to me. As disgusting as the manga was, what disgusted me more were the high ratings on i... Amorim

    tbh, it’s because at bare minimum the ml wasn’t a rapey weirdo towards the mc. predatory yes, since he was a porn film director while mc was an actor due to severe debt, at least the story has some type of progression and less bad takes then most bl. this isn’t a defend post but compared to what’s available in bl stories, i can’t be mad at that people who clinged to such a mediocre romance :’(

    levipleasecallmeback November 11, 2023 9:01 pm
    No for real, its like a mass brainwashing or something lmaoooo Amorim

    LMAOO how i feel about the majority of ratings on bl on here

    ◍Strawberrymilkshake◍ November 11, 2023 10:06 pm
    LMAOO how i feel about the majority of ratings on bl on here levipleasecallmeback

    fr sometimes I wonder how delusional are some people for shits like kiss me liar to get 9.3 ratings

    HELPMELMAO November 11, 2023 10:07 pm
    it’s the reason why i made this comment LMAO. saw someone say that jinx doesn’t contain rape and i ran here to find some people with rational thought/empathy. they were also defending jae’s actions, sayin... levipleasecallmeback

    RIGHT??? ive been in fights w them a ton, and i mean a ton. its actually crazy, and whats real funny is that its literally the same person on every account

    HELPMELMAO November 11, 2023 10:11 pm
    fr sometimes I wonder how delusional are some people for shits like kiss me liar to get 9.3 ratings ◍Strawberrymilkshake◍

    kiss me liar was absolute shit, couldnt even finish it, wasnt worth my time

    levipleasecallmeback November 11, 2023 10:17 pm
    RIGHT??? ive been in fights w them a ton, and i mean a ton. its actually crazy, and whats real funny is that its literally the same person on every account HELPMELMAO

    this!! and the worst part is that most of the time you aren’t even looking for a fight when u comment, but they just flock to u for attention or to act like theyre better because they like this story’s plot and characters. enjoyment aside, the story has been a bad read if u take away the good art and pretty characters

    I KNOW EXACTLY WHO U ARE TALKING ABOUT HELPP. it’s this one user who keeps harassing people saying anything critical about the story, it’s giving insane

    levipleasecallmeback November 11, 2023 10:19 pm
    fr sometimes I wonder how delusional are some people for shits like kiss me liar to get 9.3 ratings ◍Strawberrymilkshake◍

    THAT STORY WAS SO AWFUL I COULDNT EVEN FINISH IT. dropped that trash 30 chapters in because the progression of the so-called romance didn’t make sense nor did the male lead ever improve. its quite sad that it’s been rated high when the story itself is so awful and it’s main plot points are rape with no emotional connections

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