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Mirra21's experience ( All 0 )

Mirra21's answer ( All 14 )

about question
Mirra21 05 05,2024
OV HOE   reply
05 05,2024
about crying
The way my heart dropped when I thought you were talking about Momo from Twice. RIP nonetheless   2 reply
21 07,2021
1. What the fuck?? 2. That Hitler part was kinda funny   reply
28 04,2021
Yosuga no Sora is my guilty pleasure. I don't go looking for fictional incest, but if the synopsis sounds interesting I read it. I feel uncomfy with real-life incest for sure, but in the end, idgaf because it has nothing to do with me.   reply
26 04,2021
about question
Mirra21 25 04,2021
very cute, i must say   reply
25 04,2021

Mirra21's question ( All 0 )

People are doing

did explain a manga plot badly

He ate a demon. Died and is now in hell. Became a Victorian child lookin ahh. fights demons with words. Ate again *sad music*.

10 minutes
did explain a manga plot badly

Wholesome highschool romance

- Yarrichin B club

3 hours
want to do cosplay


8 hours