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Anonymous June 21, 2024 2:50 am

I have some exciting news:

According to the Creator's twitter account, the 3rd season should be starting June 24th.

    Anonymous June 24, 2024 3:04 pm

    I wanted to post some countdown pics that were on the artist's twitter page, but the site wouldn't let me for some reason.

    Anonymous June 24, 2024 5:20 pm
    I wanted to post some countdown pics that were on the artist's twitter page, but the site wouldn't let me for some reason. Anonymous

    When I checked today, the first chapter of season 3 is available on bomtoon

Anonymous April 5, 2024 3:08 am

I like to think I found Pado (the artist) X / Twitter account, and based on what I saw / translated thanks to Google translate, there are a few things that are going on:

*Based on the main header of her account, I believe Season 3 is being made, but it's only available in Korean on Bomtoon comics and you need a specific type of network service to access it. There might be an English version coming in the future but not sure when.

*She's having some production issues(ie issues with her tablet and such) but on the other hand, she's branching out into different media interests. Maybe to help with creative burnout.

*Last, and probably the most crucial, she's been having various health issues over the past few months. From having major muscle spasms in her side to having what sounds like either asthma related problems or worse case pneumonia.

Anyway, hope this helps and answers some concerns.

    Anonymous April 15, 2024 4:03 am

    I was checking her twitter page and based on the most recent posts, she's trying out a new digital art program and is learning all the kinks related to it. (ie different brushes and organizing different background elements like plants and stuff)

    Anonymous April 28, 2024 1:38 pm
    I was checking her twitter page and based on the most recent posts, she's trying out a new digital art program and is learning all the kinks related to it. (ie different brushes and organizing different backgro... Anonymous

    There isn't much of an update but she did talked about how she spent about 6 hours organizing different types of brushes and other creative elements and somehow it got all undone.

    I know how that feels.

    Anonymous May 2, 2024 6:46 pm

    I checked her account today, but unfortunately, her latest post was from mid-April.

    Anonymous May 24, 2024 8:37 pm

    Well, I have some new info. Based on her most recent posts, it sounds like she revamping her work space, like getting a new cintiq tablet (though she complained about the paper feel film was peeling off and needing to be replaced), and also trying to find more productive work processes, like storyboarding with a laptop instead of working through her cintiq tablet computer.

    I guess she's listening to a drama while she's working. It's about a singular character and it takes place hundreds of years in the future.

    Anonymous May 31, 2024 4:04 pm

    I checked out her twitter today and it seems like she's having some health issues related to her eyes. (i.e. having a pretty gnarly stye and feeling like her eyes are swollen).

    She also mentioned how grateful she is for our modern health system because if she any of these issues (and also mentioned having keloids in the past), she feels like she would be in a world of hurt.

    Anonymous June 6, 2024 4:07 am

    I found some more recent posts, but nothing too terribly exciting. Though she did mention buying new wrist protectors for working on her tablet, but she also mentioned that it's starting to get hot and humid, which is making her wrists sweaty.

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