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Kueng was so cute I wanted to die. How can the illustrator draw the animals like this so cutely? I need to see a video of them drawing

CaiChiCat created a topic of Eleceed
CaiChiCat created a topic of Mairimashita! Iruma-kun

I'd say this is even more exciting then when iruma gets into his evil cycle!!!

CaiChiCat created a topic of Mairimashita! Iruma-kun

I actually didn't think they'd ask a family member for their thoughts. Normally in stories they ask friends and the person themselves before they head into danger and never the family members.

Like I and many others have created great atrocities in palworld but this is making me feel bad for it.

His parents I mean. Like they are 100% the type to try and have another kid after the other one is gone. I think at that point they should know they are popping out hybrids that shouldn't exist

CaiChiCat created a topic of Netkama Punch!!!


CaiChiCat created a topic of One-punch Man

Is that deadpool!? No like seriously giving g Deadpool vibes

CaiChiCat created a topic of The Last Bloodline

It's always the gods modeling with human affairs, getting pissed off cause it doesn't go their way and then cursing the human that didn't follow. And obviously her sister is the descendant of selene...I mean obviously, it's not stated yet but still.

CaiChiCat created a topic of The Last Bloodline

They love Malory so much

CaiChiCat created a topic of Over the Moon (Porto)

I keep forgetting that I've read this and that there's no update this sucks man

CaiChiCat created a topic of The Last Bloodline

I dint know what it is that's off but I bet as soon as she turns we will find out

CaiChiCat created a topic of Eleceed

Invite jinwoo, idk what for, point out how that he also has a white cat but it's wondering around, he goes "good to see you, I need to leave" goes around a corner, transform into a cat, leave home with jinwoo in cat firm. BOOM!

CaiChiCat created a topic of One-punch Man

This chapter is extremely inappropriate. For one the guy is in Germany and not a lot of us are from Germany. 2. "Accused" and if wrong its wrong of you to just spread his information 3. If true its fucked but going onto am illegal manga scanning site to ask for help will NOT help. Go to Facebook or something 4. If this is a joke, it's a terrible one.

Omg the faces are hilarious, I'm starting to make an entire collection of reactions

CaiChiCat created a topic of Midwood