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Rebel created a topic of Minmotion Syndrome

The cray cray is strong in this one.

Mans really said, I killed our child but I still expected you to wait for me and love me all the same, how dare you mess up my plans by falling for someone who loves and treats you right!

Mans REALLY said it doesn't matter I killed our kid and raped you countless times after, I don't understand why you don't love me!?

Booooy if you don't ( ̄へ ̄)

Rebel created a topic of A Guide Thicker Than Blood

I was confused why everyone was screaming noo in the comments until I looked back at the eps and saw END. Naaaah cause I was gearing up to save up chapters to read when it updated and now what? This legit just broke my heart ╥﹏╥

Only 10 chapters tho? Really really? Cause it feels like there's more .