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Odinh created a topic of I Will Change The Genre

Can we move on or off the grandpa already? He’s gotten way too much screen time for a useless character that replays the same lines like a broken record. He’s infuriating. He’s pulling tantrums and threatening war over two consenting adults wanting to get married. I am afraid of what it was like under his reign.
His claim to ‘knowing’ Judith is also annoying. He’s just projecting his sister on her acting like he knows her sooooo well when he’s only known her for like a few months
Like Judith, stop indulging the idiot and give him a reality check already.

Even Luca is just not cute anymore. Like I get his reasoning, but for a possible maybe inner adult, he doesn’t understand that familial love and romantic live are totally different. Ruedigard is with Luca out of sense of duty (well at least the past), but Judith is a CHOICE. You can’t lump it together.
And honestly, even if you could, it’s NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS. Judith is an adult woman and her romantic life is her own. Luca gets zero input.
Again, why does Judith indulge Luca? He’s literally dictating and belittling her like she’s the child and she just goes along with it? Tell him that your romantic life is literally none of his business. If it leads to heartbreak, so what? His actions are also just getting tiresome.