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loserisheretolose created a topic of Backlight

Fuck that blond dude I hope his balls get cut off

loserisheretolose created a topic of Backlight

seriously why do bl authors always need to make toxic seme and rape scenes im so tired of this shitty plotline

loserisheretolose created a topic of Honey Trouble

blondie better not make him take those omega pill or I’m acc going to throw hands what the hell why did he have to turn toxic

loserisheretolose created a topic of December

after shin beat his ass and took his teeth that man still didn’t learn his lesson

loserisheretolose created a topic of The Path Of Star

mannn he could’ve stopped at the im going to move on part

loserisheretolose created a topic of The Path Of Star

hold up did one of the members kissed him during his sleep??Help I don’t understand that part I hope not, this man has enough trauma to deal with already

Do y’all know any other good romance manwha with a tall female lead??