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misterchan created a topic of Into the Rose Garden

reread the first arc again so i’m commenting once more. the greatest example of “unusual punishment.” aeroc deserved to be punished for what he did, even though it may have been “unintentional.” however, his crimes really did not fit the punishment. i mean, being forced to change your identity, get raped repeatedly, beaten, forced to be pregnant and bear six children, etc. is on a whole different level imo…

misterchan created a topic of No Reason

probably my first mind break story that’s actually pretty long and has some semblance of a plot…. still pretty disturbing to read i have mixed feelings

misterchan created a topic of Into the Rose Garden

really need this more light-hearted chapter and content in general after all we’ve read

misterchan created a topic of Nerd Project

i love manhwas that give justice to characters with glasses because YES PPL WITH GLASSES ARE HOT especially this very fine gentleman named andrew gosh…. tall, nerdy, attractive andrew fuck me dude

misterchan answered question about being black sheep of mggo
this is why i don’t follow back anyone… because i don’t talk to anyone… haha