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welcome to me calling mostly everyone a "dumb bitch" or a "moronic/idiotic fucker" or really just any insult
641 photo
08 08,2020 created

Basically an album that contains fictional characters I think are hot LMAO
187 photo
29 07,2020 created

36 photo
19 01,2021 created

pretty people i guess
102 photo
15 01,2021 created

264 photo
14 08,2020 created

things i find cute and captions of me screaming to go with the pictures
191 photo
01 12,2020 created

49 photo
29 01,2021 created

265 photo
31 07,2020 created

72 photo
15 08,2020 created

1 photo
26 12,2021 created

96 photo
07 12,2020 created

8 photo
11 07,2021 created

ugly mfs
2 photo
28 06,2021 created

29 photo
30 07,2020 created

van's Album Tags

van's Photo Tags

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