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Bibi created a topic of Sunnyside Daycare Classmates

SO, everyone is wondering about the pairings right now and who Jin specifically will end up with. In honor of that I have some brainrot to share.

Honestly that illustration with Jin and both blondes has been bothering me. Tehir is standing to the left looking at the camera while Jin is staring at him rather intently, Charin is to the right grabbing Jins face almost as if attempting to regain his attention. Its odd because considering Jin's character, you'd think the author would depict him staring at or clinging to Charin but they didn't. Jin is also wrapped in red rope, which is a bdsm thing buttttt what if its also supposed to represent the red string of fate? (Most likely not, but I thought it was an interesting concept).

Honestly though, its kinda hard to see it as an actual love triangle since Tehir's feelings have not come into play at all. If charin survives long enough to meet Tehir then I imagine that'll change as Tehir and Charin's kind are known for inferiority complexes. I can see the two of them having some pretty nasty fits of jealousy towards each other. But its honestly hard to see Tehir having any real chance with Charin around and we also don't know if Tehir even realizes that he has feelings for Jin atp.

If Charin just dies, then Jin and Tehir will most likely be end game as honestly, I don't see Jin developing affection for Garon at all lol. And Garon would be the only other option as no one else has shown attraction to Jin except the three mentioned.

We could also end up going a false death route somehow. Jin thinks Charin died, time passes and he falls for Tehir, Charin shows back up and shit hits the fan so to speak. This would definitely be the most chaotic option, but also the hardest to pull off from a good writing standpoint.

Or finally, Charin lives and all three of them get together in a polycule. Which would be the most unconventional option, but potentially the most satisfying one to the broader audience lol.

Rather or not Charin lives is solely dependent on if its possible for Scanner to cure his uh, pentatonic... infection. Green hair guy seemed to be capable of extending Charin's lifespan temporarily, but did not indicate if it was possible to fix him completely. It is hard to imagine the author introducing the pregnancy subplot only to either kill charin early or make him have an abortion (although both are a possibility) the baby might serve some larger purpose, (such as being a girl, or being a demon hybrid thing) so Charin might live long enough to give birth at least.

Bibi created a topic of Sunnyside Daycare Classmates

I hope Charin lives long enough to meet Tehir, I feel as though those two in the same room together would end up being extremely funny. Also, abortion time lol. Get that green fetus outta here

Bibi created a topic of Night Fragments

Soo, idk if everyone else is thinking this way too or not but I really don't like Yoen OR Vince.

Rather, the way it was set up made it seem like Yoen was intentionally getting involved with Vince BECAUSE he knew Aryka liked him. "I was trying to help you with your crush" how??? He literally never mentioned Aryka at all, or made an effort to include him so they could get close and instead got close to Vince alone then played the victim when he was caught.

And Vince? Not only did he not remember Aryka at all, he was mean to him when he was alive too. The only reason he likes him now is because Aryka is the only person he can rely on emotionally. Was even asking if it was possible for Yoen to be a dream watcher too because he wanted to see him again, and made a point of telling MC that he'd never get over Yoen. Aryka is nothing but the second choice to Vince and if he had the chance he'd get back with Yoen.

Bibi created a topic of Sunnyside Daycare Classmates

IM CRYING BRO. I had made an initial comment complaining about Charin and said I wouldn't care if he died. I will unfortunately have to retract that as the last couple chapters have caused me to become attached to, and to understand him better. Especially seeing how he just gave up because he thought Jin was dead, and the fact that his stupid ass decisions were ultimately motivated by his desire to be good enough for Jin. I still resent him for those decisions because of his negative affect on Jin but I now genuinely feel sorry for him and wish to see him improve as a person. I also don't know if its even possible for Charin and Jin to be happy without each other.

Bibi created a topic of Regas

I know everyone is sad about Abel's body change, but I believe its gonna play a larger role in the plot than just twinkification for the sake of twinkification. Like I don't think its a coincidence that there are multiple men in the palace with an obsession for that type of appearance??

Bibi created a topic of Wolf in The Cage

If you're like me and missed the age gap tag, run. The black hair guy on the cover is a pedophile.

Bibi created a topic of Tender Night

Mc is better than me bro, I'd burn the company to the ground

Bibi created a topic of Sunnyside Daycare Classmates

Sooo, is Jin's end game partner Tehir? I feel like they're expanding upon his relationship with Charin a lot, and Charin is obviously obsessed with Jin but its looking more and more like Charin will end up with that green rapist guy, which is just insanely bad writing if true lol. Charin gonna end up settling for THAT when he could've had Jin.

Bibi created a topic of December


Bibi created a topic of The edge of ambiguity

I think sooyoung and jihwan will end up mirroring jihwan's parents. Sooyoungs mom will die, Jihwan will find a way to force Sooyoung under his control, Sooyoung will deteriorate mentally as a result and make a suicide attempt. This will cause the story to either end in tragedy, or be so shocking for Jihwan that he finally fixes his head and they somehow work out as a couple.

Either way we are in for a rough ride from here lol

Bibi created a topic of Sunnyside Daycare Classmates

This shit kinda sad lol. Jin escapes a fucked up situation and finds a place to belong only for blondie to ruin his mental state and make him "dumb" to save his own ego. Then proceeds to ignore every one of Jin's warnings and make a dumbass deal with some freak who causes the death of all of their companions, and now while Jin desperately searches for him he's pretending like all this isn't his fault. Fuckkkkk blondie, hope he dies or something

Bibi created a topic of Jueun

Top is a vindictive piece of shit that resents the bottom for... getting adopted when he was like 8. Is now r@ping and emotionally abusing him as revenge ig. Bottom is an extremely depressed kid with a history of SH who's just desperate to be loved. Whole thing is pretty sad honestly, no romance whatsoever and the bottom is so small he literally looks like a child when they're doing it. I genuinely don't understand the point of stories like this other than tragedy porn and the author having a r@pe fetish, which is unfortunately becoming more and more common in BL it seems

Bibi created a topic of Regas

Bruuuhhh, none of the links to the raws I've found are working

Bibi created a topic of Lost in the Cloud

AYO I know everyone is freaking out about chapters 100-101 and want to discuss it with the community but please remember to spoiler tag your comments so you don't ruin the experience of reading it for others.

Especially if you haven't read the entire chapter, as I've seen some people spreading misinformation on what actually happened lol.

Anddd people keep saying that the chapter was an "April fools" joke and the real one will be posted later, this is also untrue?? The chapter is real and is not getting replaced later.

Bibi created a topic of Lost in the Cloud

As I thought previously, Cirrus knowing nothing about Skylar is hurting their relationship.

Skylar is extremely paranoid for their safety and Cirrus just keeps pushing boundaries because he doesn't understand it. Not that he doesn't have a right to be upset over his bf avoiding him so much but, I'm worried they'll get outed and its gonna be a rude awakening for Cirrus.

I can sense a rather large fight/argument coming and its gonna hurt ┗( T﹏T )┛

Bibi created a topic of Jinx

The fact that literally no one in this comment section has any patience for Jaekyung anymore lol. The chasing arc better be good as hell, I wanna see that man cry

Bibi created a topic of AISHA

Absolutely in love with this series, I've read up to chapter 59 and have some thoughts.

Aisha and Sein's relationship is interesting, its obvious that he's already into her but she still has a very strong distrust for him and I'm really wondering what the turning point with that will be? Aisha also maintains that Sein should be punished for cutting her hand but she has yet to do anything to him, I hope thats not left as is and we actually see her get revenge for it in one way or another.

I also really want to see Sein get jealous for some reason. He's so level headed that it'd be funny to see him lose his cool a bit.

And apparently Aida survives the story, but doesn't end up with Nemo or Carlos. I'm wondering if she'll be alone in the end or if this means a new love interest will be added for her? Regardless I hope Aida is able to heal from her trauma and confide in Aisha more.

Bibi created a topic of Lost in the Cloud

Spoilers for latest chapter






Cirrus opened up to skylar about what happened with his old teacher and it was a pretty big moment for him. Finally he has someone he can be vulnerable with and open up to.

At this point though, skylar knows everything about Cirrus and Cirrus knows nothing about Skylar. I wonder if this will become a point of tension in their relationship later on?

Bibi add manga to list Obsessed ML


  • Author: Kimpa
  • Genres: Webtoons / Josei / Drama / Romance
Bibi add manga to list Obsessed ML


  • Author: Gwagen , DUNDUN
  • Genres: Webtoons / Yaoi