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Lybellulla November 21, 2015 10:45 am

I usually dont leave comments that dont have anything good to say since im a firm believer that if you dont have anything nice to say then dont say anything at all but... this manga was terrible! The ukes were annoying, the semes were annoying, everything was annoying!

I dont support cheating but i was actually glad when luciano kissed the other guy. As much as i love undying love, i hate when ukes have no self-respect and accept all the bulshit from their semes.

And i was really looking forward to the long haired seme, the sculptor, until it got to the rape. Maybe its because i was already annoyed to begin with, but i hated it on this. I couldnt eve keep on reading this manga.

Quite honestly im disappointed, especially since the art is so good.

    Kiki November 23, 2015 10:35 am

    Yaoi is full of misunderstandings to get to the smex. I think the president was an OK seme though. His only fault is not being attentive to his lover.

    What I was more annoyed with was the graphics designer story. He says I love you when he JUST got over Luciano and just had sex with his editor. But I agree with you on the sculptor one since that one was very rushed to form a good romance.

    iamxrae November 24, 2015 9:05 am

    Tokunaga was definitely overly pushy. I was a little miffed that he was being touchy-feely with his former lovers at his party, not because they were former lovers, but because he went out of his way to invite Serizawa there. If Tokunaga knew there was a chance Serizawa would be there, and wanted to make an impression on him, he should have kept his hands to himself and maintained a professional distance with the other guys, since the situation with Serizawa was delicate, to say the least.

    Luna May 8, 2016 8:15 pm

    Same here. That rape part was sick. After everything was going okay that rape had to show up and ruin everything. That Sculptor really is an ass.

    helix August 17, 2015 6:11 am

    2. Tsuta Suzuki, I think it's just an illustration (that's what people say)

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