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Joyaaa's experience ( All 0 )

Joyaaa's answer ( All 2 )

about question
JJK and well to heal my wrenched heart after, I watch My new boss is goofy and Yuzuki family's Four Sons. I'm planning to watch Blue lock too.   reply
06 11,2023
I'm a simple human, just don't freakin' chew loudly or even made sounds out of your mouth when eating (besides talking tho that's different). That throws me off so much no matter what is the occasion. I'll understand if it's a cultural thing but if it's not..fvck off   2 reply
05 10,2023

Joyaaa's question ( All 0 )

People are doing

did lose a friend

Yeah cus i was fucking mentally unstable and therapy wasn't an option for me as my parents refused + no money

9 minutes
did song lyrics stuck in head

Sucking on that dick made my lipstick slip off (Uh)
So can I wear your cum as clear lipgloss? (Uh)

2 hours
did song lyrics stuck in head

Pretty when you're looking up like that
Pray but Heaven won't let you back
Good on your knees

3 hours