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Aitanax created a topic of Mother Parasite

Ding Dong, the witch is dead. Which old witch? The wicked witch!!! (I wish)

I’m not usually quite a yuri fan, but c’mon, this was screaming for a maidXempress romance rather than a stereotyped romance with the powerful prince who is smarter than anyone else and that falls in love with the MC because of… vibes

Such a wasted opportunity

Ariadne, gurl, it’s been 12 chapters of you doing nothing. Get your f***ing ass up and work. It seems like nobody wants to work these days.
You were doing SO good until you stumbled upon the “blushy enamored damsel trope”

I’m actually more invested in her real life rather than the novel world. Like when something bad happens to her in real life I think “damn, she’s going to start dreaming again when I’d rather see how is she going to face it”

This might be unpopular but I’m getting kinda tired of how mary suish/gary stuish the MCs are. Like there is no progression, no rivals, no difficulty whatsoever.
I kinda find myself rooting for the empress, give her the power of regression too

She’s all bark and no bite, like she is depicted as someone super intelligent and with a plan on her mind, but she does nothing. The chapters go on and on and she is like “watch this” but nothing ever happens, like all the bandits thing. She was like “everything is going according to my plan” but… what plan? She miraculously didn’t die and that’s it but talked so condescendingly to her sister like it was a brilliant move. I’m starting to root for the evil sister, at least she does something.