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So it looks like Wilhelm, but if it's a boy it's bad, and if it's a girl it's okay I'll take care of her and not give her trauma? I see.

Poor Billoi.

Fuck this shit... I never claimed that Wilhelm is a nice man but damn she's a bitch. Idc what y'all come at me with the whole rape thing and how she's a wonderful human being for keeping the pregnancies, she chose to keep the kids then she owns up to that choice. She chose to bring those children to life, so why is it their fault and have to bear the consequences? Tf did Billoi even do? Why did he have to face a cold unloving mother who didn't hesitate to throw him away? When she's perfectly capable of raising the kid, hence Bianca. My god I never hated a female character as much as I hate her.

Zhenzhu created a topic of Instant Family

Finally some different kind of stabbing

Zhenzhu created a topic of Instant Family

He was hard, but the knife was the one that did all the penetration. Smh.

Man. I will admit Wilhelm was a manipulative pos and has his crocodile tears always ready to garner pity from Rein, and was a little (lot) crazy about her enough to not care Dietrich might die as long as it makes her only look at him.

It's just... He never actually killed him. He never ACTIVELY did anything. Thing is, the one who led to all of this is Rein and she just can't seem to admit it so she uses the victim card all the time. She's a gaslighter and purposefully turns a blind eye to the fact she raised, manipulated, and groomed a young boy to grow up into a tool for her hatred and revenge when she had no idea he had memories of his past life and wasn't actually groomed. I was never behind the grooming allegations because I knew he had his memories and isn't a young immature boy who can be easily swayed, but that doesn't erase her actual intentions.

She made him into someone who'll not think twice to lay his life for her and her cause, a dog on a leash again but this time in HER hands, then when he started to show a personality she... Rejected him????

Like can we all go back a bit and remember the first instances she started to have issues with Will? 1- He never told her he had his memories so he's a liar and a bad guy (she never informed him she had her memories either)
2- He developed his own thoughts and desires to take revenge as well for HIMSELF that will ultimately help her but isn't exactly in line wuth her plan (using the princess/queen idk the white haired bitch who hurt him in his past life)
3-He showed his own desires by developing feelings for her and occasionally refusing her "orders" because he either feared for her or wanted to be near her (cause how dare he i suppose)

It's not even about Wilhelm being a dick or Dietrich to begin with, it's just Rein is so adamant at proving she's right at forsaking love because of her first life, and about her losing control of the situation she carefully planned and dedicated her second life before because her tool started having, god help us all, its own thoughts.

Wilhelm IS fucked up and is not free from fault but it's ridiculous to coo and comfort the fl when she's a bitch who led to all of this happening. She kept leading him on then keeping him out of reach. Pulling him in then drawing a line and telling him not to cross. Giving him affection only to tell him it's momentary and he has to be the king/emperor for her, and that means she is not his. No wonder the guy was frantic all the time and felt like he can lose her any second, and why he sought every way to be her only option, because she really made herself to be his only one as well. He CAN'T see another option, she made sure of that the second life.

It only proves how fucking heartless she is when she was so quick to abandon her innocent child because of this. Idc how much he looked like Wilhelm and that hurt, but he is a child. He LOVES you, and needs you, and you know Wilhelm will be too emotionally anguished to care for a young boy when he can't even care for himself because you made sure of that too. So what the FUCK? She could've at LEAST kept him and let the servants raise him but made sure that he's at least safe and well taken care of and amongst people who love him.

This fucking bitch. I really cannot stand her. Any saving grace I could've granted for her was lost when she didn't look back once at her child.

Oh look the balcony railing looks so sexy rn aha

Zhenzhu created a topic of High Clear

Was that a... A...a...s-s-smile??

Zhenzhu created a topic of Instant Family

I totally forgot this was abo and thought he's overworked or got poisoned or something. When he said "a rut?" I had to sit down to absorb this sudden info

Some of y'all don't have reading comprehension or a decent amount of empathy and it shows. Every update I come to read the replies on here and it's such a mess and the takes are so bad i wonder if we're all reading the same story... I should really refrain from checking it only helps in ruining the experience of this manhwa for me.

Zhenzhu created a topic of Netkama Punch!!!

I can't believe Heejae's delulu really led to Seyeong being on the path of liking him back.

Zhenzhu created a topic of Smyrna & Capri

I've never felt this lonely before this chapter.

Zhenzhu created a topic of Full volume

The best thing the author did was going from early chapters shy and timid Beom who barely knew how to express what he likes to dom Beom slapping Dowon and telling him he's a filthy cockwhore begging to pound. I-

I'm seriously loving it

Zhenzhu created a topic of My Guildmate Next Door


Zhenzhu created a topic of Full volume

The first slap reverberated in my soul I had to look away for a second to comprehend he actually did that the extras do be having the best sex scenes damn

Zhenzhu created a topic of Netkama Punch!!!

Where's the /j Heejae?

Zhenzhu created a topic of Thirst

This had no right making me feel like I'm an alpha in a rut smelling omega pheromones at the distance of 10 km and going insane

Zhenzhu created a topic of Secret Inside My Head

Can't wait for the whole arc of mc being sad and depressed only for second ml to console him and make him feel loved so ml realized "oh shit fucking balls I love the mc" when he gets jealous and reclaims mc so we can all then cry over second ml and how unfair it is until suddenly author-nim gives us a love interest for second ml that makes us all go ooooooooooo i like second couple better and then the story concludes.

I'm manifesting.

Zhenzhu created a topic of Jinx

Well I hope you lose the next match then, rude ass motherfucker

Zhenzhu created a topic of Jinx

Well I hope you lose the next match then, rude ass motherfucker

Zhenzhu created a topic of ENNEAD

Wait who's Khnum again?