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gabiuxx's feed

gabiuxx created a topic of Ellin's Solhwa

I love this sooooo much. And I love that so many characters were kind like Kiha, Light & Moon, Dana. I like that the story mostly focused on stuff like how to help all 3 kingdoms and that it didn't lead to another war. I'm very sad for how Light died, but I'm happy he's happy. This was so amazing. Usually these types of manwhas have a lot of betrayals and stuff and sometimes they over complicate the politics that reading it seems like gibberish, but this was easy to understand. The memories of Solwha were confusing till we got the whole picture, but thats how Ellin felt too probably. But goddamn I love how Kiha and Light being in power never stopped being kind. They could be strict and stuff, but they weren't cruel.