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bloomix created a topic of Jinx

dan should give jaekyung one condition to earn his forgiveness: bottoming for him.

bloomix created a topic of Jinx

jaekyung the wrestler will never give dan the benefit of doubt like dan constantly does for him. he's about to beat his ass and kick him out of his apartment for thinking he betrayed him now. dan should've actually sold him out.

bloomix created a topic of Jinx

he started this job to acquire money for his grandma's hospital bills. now that the opportunity to finally save his grandma comes up, his selfish, stupid love for jaekyung gets in the way. he chose jaekyung over his grandma. he should've accepted to work for the other company after being provided proof that his grandma would actually get the help she needs.

bloomix created a topic of Jinx

is it really worth it to endure so much abuse and disrespect from that wrestler just to be able to afford your half-dead grandmother's life support? look at how old she is. she's a bottle of cola away from having a hard attack. she's lived long enough. i'm sure she, too, is done with life.

bloomix created a topic of Jinx

he thinks he can go around punching and kicking anybody without facing consequences for his actions. it happens so often. it's very strange how the general public isn't aware of how nasty and disgusting he actually is.

bloomix created a topic of Jinx

for someone who's struggled financially so much all his life, dan sure is not money savvy. who tf gets a $700 keychain for a guy they met a month ago? in the name of love? is that some new kind of love? now the keychain is in the trashcan. hopefully, a homeless person sells it to buy themself food for a couple months.

bloomix created a topic of Jinx

i am hollering. dan bought a $700 keychain just for that wrestler to toss it away like a leprosy-infected sock? that's what he gets for being dumb. he would've been better off buying decent clothes to change from the rags he constantly wears. love yourself, dan.

bloomix created a topic of Jinx

there's no way dan got a side job to be able to afford a $700 keychain for that abuser when his fossil of a grandma is two seconds away from dying in the hospital... priorities ig.