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bloomix April 5, 2024 11:14 am

dan should give jaekyung one condition to earn his forgiveness: bottoming for him.

bloomix February 29, 2024 9:31 am

jaekyung the wrestler will never give dan the benefit of doubt like dan constantly does for him. he's about to beat his ass and kick him out of his apartment for thinking he betrayed him now. dan should've actually sold him out.

    Meli February 29, 2024 11:56 pm

    Girl ur so real for this
    Jae literally sexually assaulted him when they first met and just sexualizes him. Every second they’re together he does not treat him like a human being with respect.
    He literally abuses the guy in every single way
    It’s just so dehumanizing and sad
    If it was me, I low-key would’ve sold him out and had my grandmother taken care of - on top of that this guy had the best healthiest offer like he would’ve been financially free and had his own car for free and his grandma would’ve been healthy and happy
    He gave up that offer for a guy that literally rapes him

bloomix February 29, 2024 9:17 am

he started this job to acquire money for his grandma's hospital bills. now that the opportunity to finally save his grandma comes up, his selfish, stupid love for jaekyung gets in the way. he chose jaekyung over his grandma. he should've accepted to work for the other company after being provided proof that his grandma would actually get the help she needs.

    Manhwaspicy February 29, 2024 9:44 am

    So you would just trust a stranger? You can clearly tell the director was lying and just wanted to trick dan. Dan did the right thing. Congrats dear.

    Ray ray lit February 29, 2024 10:43 am
    So you would just trust a stranger? You can clearly tell the director was lying and just wanted to trick dan. Dan did the right thing. Congrats dear. Manhwaspicy

    Ok but anything better than jaekyung honestly and the director obviously had other motives but that doesn’t mean he was actually lying.

    naiya February 29, 2024 11:49 am
    So you would just trust a stranger? You can clearly tell the director was lying and just wanted to trick dan. Dan did the right thing. Congrats dear. Manhwaspicy

    girl stfu

    eka February 29, 2024 12:31 pm
    girl stfu naiya

    HAHHAHAHAHAHAH luvya gurl

    No vabbè! February 29, 2024 3:52 pm

    All of you agreeing with this comment need to grow up lol
    By the way you react I can tell you believe people way too easily, I mean, it's obvious the director was lying in order to have Infos about Jaekyung. If the grandma had any chance of surviving by going abroad, then the Korean hospital itself would tell him to send her abroad. But the problem is not the illness anymore, which is very very difficult to cure, i mean, it's cancer, the real problem now is the age of grandma... she's way too old for any other medicine and treatment, guys, bodies get tired too. ( ̄∇ ̄")

    Aloha February 29, 2024 4:09 pm
    Ok but anything better than jaekyung honestly and the director obviously had other motives but that doesn’t mean he was actually lying. Ray ray lit

    Let's pair Dan with Freddy Krueger!
    Let's pair Dan with Hannibal Lecter!

    He was lying.

    Xiao February 29, 2024 4:40 pm
    So you would just trust a stranger? You can clearly tell the director was lying and just wanted to trick dan. Dan did the right thing. Congrats dear. Manhwaspicy

    That person is shady asf and no sincerity at all .. will you risk losing both your important people or only one ...and which one is more likely gonna survive between the two ? Choose grandma , betrayed Jaekyung .. something might goes wrong with this shady person, grandma died , lost Jaekyung trust and possibly got hated by him , double damage ..... Or give up the shaddy deals, grandma life depends on fates but didn't betrayed Jaekyung BUT ( he might believe you or maybe he will feel suspicious of you, if he doesn't believe the conspiracy then you win ..if not , any scenarios will end up you losing both person ) idk man

    GucciVelvet˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ February 29, 2024 11:43 pm

    Nah, granny definitely knows it’s her time to go and Dan knows it too. He’s not going to sell out a man for absolutely no gain. Dan is tired, so he doesn’t really need all that.

    Meli February 29, 2024 11:58 pm
    So you would just trust a stranger? You can clearly tell the director was lying and just wanted to trick dan. Dan did the right thing. Congrats dear. Manhwaspicy

    I think you got this wrong
    The Director of the other second biggest company was not a stranger - he is the company Jae is rivaled with
    Second of all their company offered him a position as a masseuse with the benefits of having a paid car, double the salary, which means he would be above the average of monthly income and living comfortably on top of that he would not be abused, sexually and emotionally and honestly raped
    Let’s not forget that he was raped multiple times by Jae - he would be treated kindly and respectfully most likely since he’s considered high in the ranks for a masseuse, which is why he’s being jobbed the offer in the first place
    To add on his grandmother would be in full health and paid for so he wouldn’t have to suffer paying debt
    Instead, he gave all of that up to be with a guy that constantly abuses him physically and sexually, and does not even view him as a human
    I think you seriously need to stop fetishizing rape with gay men lol
    Maybe when you stop doing that you’ll see that this is a whole problem

    Manhwaspicy March 1, 2024 9:37 am
    I think you got this wrongThe Director of the other second biggest company was not a stranger - he is the company Jae is rivaled withSecond of all their company offered him a position as a masseuse with the ben... Meli

    I wanted to ignore all the comments who disagreed bc it seems they lack experience from the world but you, you caught my attention. Perhaps, have we had a conversation before bc you're overreacting on this whole topic.

    And let me correct you on something, the director is a stranger to Dan. Dan is not familiar with him, and just bc Dan now knows who he is doesn't make him less of a stranger.

    “ their company offered him a position as a masseuse with the benefits of having a paid car, double the salary, which means he would be above the average of monthly income and living comfortably on top of that he would not be abused, sexually and emotionally and honestly raped”

    Money. That was all you mentioned, but is that what Dan wants? The only thing Dan has ever wanted was to pay off his debts, treat his grandma, and live well. Jaekyung has given him that with a fully paid job to be sex partners for his Jinx. Why is Dan adding feelings to their contract? Jaekyung is only going off on what was based. Despite JK’s ungratefulness, Dan is actually supposed to feel indebted. Leaving Team black will not only hurt others but lower his dignity bc many had put their full trust in Dan already. It would be evil to betray the person who brought you out of your crisis. Many really ignore the things Jk had done for Dan just bc he was SA-ed. Dan has already admitted he's living better, whether he stays with Jk or not is actually none of your business. After all, he's only working for him to pay his debt and when that expires, he's out of JK’s life.

    You remind me of a traitor. You sacrifice people just to put yourself on top. People like that will always end up in the gutter, they always fail and lose everything in the end. Maybe it's about time you rethink bc Betrayal never ends well, not only for Jaekyung but to the team and even his grandma. That would be horrible.

    It also seems you've forgotten, but remember the director is also working with the loan sharks? How sure are you that the beatings won't continue? How cowardly!

    Manhwaspicy March 1, 2024 9:43 am
    I wanted to ignore all the comments who disagreed bc it seems they lack experience from the world but you, you caught my attention. Perhaps, have we had a conversation before bc you're overreacting on this whol... Manhwaspicy

    You dare trust the team where his bullies reside? You dare trust the team that is trying to cheat in the championship? You dare trust a team who is threatening you with your grandma? You dare trust a team that has a cancer vaccine other than a real hospital? Think twice, my dear.

    Manhwaspicy March 1, 2024 2:07 pm
    girl stfu naiya

    Why? Bc I’m right? You should really start using your words instead of being pathetic. Grow up, it’s 2024.

    Manhwaspicy March 1, 2024 2:07 pm
    All of you agreeing with this comment need to grow up lolBy the way you react I can tell you believe people way too easily, I mean, it's obvious the director was lying in order to have Infos about Jaekyung. If ... No vabbè!


    Manhwaspicy March 1, 2024 2:08 pm
    Let's pair Dan with Freddy Krueger! Let's pair Dan with Hannibal Lecter! He was lying. Aloha


    Manhwaspicy March 1, 2024 2:09 pm
    That person is shady asf and no sincerity at all .. will you risk losing both your important people or only one ...and which one is more likely gonna survive between the two ? Choose grandma , betrayed Jaekyung... Xiao

    Thank you dear, took the words right off my mouth

    OopsieDaisy March 1, 2024 11:37 pm

    Nah man there's also a sense of integrity and Dan is also not sure whether this Shady man will actually provide any sorts of help to his granny when the way he acquired info about dan and his family was damn creepy.

    Ray ray lit March 2, 2024 5:51 am
    Why? Bc I’m right? You should really start using your words instead of being pathetic. Grow up, it’s 2024. Manhwaspicy

    No because you yapping to much

    Manhwaspicy March 2, 2024 6:14 am
    No because you yapping to much Ray ray lit

    Yeah damn you’re triggered much I see

    Meli March 2, 2024 5:16 pm
    I wanted to ignore all the comments who disagreed bc it seems they lack experience from the world but you, you caught my attention. Perhaps, have we had a conversation before bc you're overreacting on this whol... Manhwaspicy

    I think you’re making this far more personalized, which makes no sense because it’s simply just a webtoon.
    Also, it’s abusive- whether or not their relationship or contract help pull him out of his debt. Originally, it’s still abusive and humanizing.
    Him ending the contract would not be betrayed. He would just decide to end it. I think it’s more betraying is the rape and abuse. we should stop throwing that under the rug.
    Also what’s up with the “how dare you” - it’s really not that deep. It’s simply just a stupid webtoon.
    Jae’s actions and behavior devalue Dan to where he is ONLY worth his body
    Dan is treated like he doesn’t have a mind of his own, and can’t cognitively think for himself or use logic
    It’s wrong period
    The whole situation is wrong
    The job opportunity would’ve been better. Obviously he doesn’t know him is common sense- everyone you first meet in your life you don’t know them it would be weird if you did.
    But he was getting to know him through a job opportunity, which is way better than the current one he has- put aside your pride and ego and personal matter because it was a solid deal.
    I understand IF you have been in a relationship where you had severe attachment and that’s why you relate to this, but that does not mean everything that’s negative is justifiable.
    Also, it’s not even a personal attack because you’re using words and phrases that seem like my replies are personal attack - it’s a webtoon lol

    sagwapearls March 2, 2024 5:24 pm
    girl stfu naiya

    why the fuck are u even mad like??? its true, his a stranger, plus he jst looks evil underneath that quirky ass smile, oh and in ch.49 he lost his temper..... the fuck?

    sagwapearls March 2, 2024 5:26 pm
    Why? Bc I’m right? You should really start using your words instead of being pathetic. Grow up, it’s 2024. Manhwaspicy

    FOR REALLL like i hate jeak and i hope jumin beats his arse but like cmon, people do wayyyy too much. like if yall are that MAD, make your own manhwa....

    sagwapearls March 2, 2024 5:29 pm
    I think you’re making this far more personalized, which makes no sense because it’s simply just a webtoon. Also, it’s abusive- whether or not their relationship or contract help pull him out of his debt. ... Meli

    dan is stupidly attached to the toxic horse and its gonna stay like that for a long time, and yeah it is just a fictional thing but some of yall treat it like its real. the job oppurtunity would have not been better cuz jumins an asshole, so is jaek but anybody with common sense can tell that jumin is WAY worse, if you read ch.49 u will get what i mean. whats the point of leaving someone toxic only to go with someone EVEN MORE toxic? at least jaek gave dan $$ but there is no proof that their greedy ass would do the same.

    Protector for JinxFans&JKstans March 2, 2024 5:31 pm
    Yeah damn you’re triggered much I see Manhwaspicy

    Meli is a hater. Meli is attacking and degrading someone wait to see Jaekyung sweet and affection. Meli claims Jaekyung has beaten Dan. They have devalue other here. it’s simply just a webtoon and people can wait to see Jaekyung sweet and affection.

    Manhwaspicy March 2, 2024 6:01 pm
    I think you’re making this far more personalized, which makes no sense because it’s simply just a webtoon. Also, it’s abusive- whether or not their relationship or contract help pull him out of his debt. ... Meli

    Girl you literally said I was fetishizing rape with gay men! You’re the one who made it deep by accusing me of such disgusting terms. And now, you’re trying to claim innocence? Yes, there is abuse in Jinx, I don’t see rape actually only SA, you can disagree with me I don’t care.

    But I would tell you something, They are sex partners, not lovers. it’s a contractual relationship like Jk has had in the past, Dan is no different, or well he might be different who knows, and Jk is an asshole. If you combine the two, what would you get? Yeah, exactly what is displayed in the story so I don’t even know what you’re complaining about. It’s obviously a toxic story and I love it. I honestly prefer it to the basic fluff, it bores me to death. Jaekyung doesn’t have to be responsible if he’s pleasuring Dan, he’s simply paying for it plus the additional treatment for his career. Jaekyung has stopped abusing Dan, now he’s just being rude and ungrateful. Jk also isn’t aware of a lot of things from Dan’s POV.

    You should go read the latest update, I think that would click some sense now. Dan made the right decision to stay with Team black.

    Manhwaspicy March 2, 2024 6:04 pm
    why the fuck are u even mad like??? its true, his a stranger, plus he jst looks evil underneath that quirky ass smile, oh and in ch.49 he lost his temper..... the fuck? sagwapearls

    Real like these people have no sense of dignity.

    Manhwaspicy March 2, 2024 6:07 pm is a hater. Meli is attacking and degrading someone wait to see Jaekyung sweet and affection. Meli claims Jaekyung has beaten Dan. They have devalue other he... Protector for JinxFans&JKstans

    Omg I knew something was wrong with that user

    BaileyBot March 2, 2024 10:37 pm is a hater. Meli is attacking and degrading someone wait to see Jaekyung sweet and affection. Meli claims Jaekyung has beaten Dan. They have devalue other he... Protector for JinxFans&JKstans

    Your name is so cringe

    Protector for JinxFans&JKstans March 2, 2024 11:03 pm
    Your name is so cringe BaileyBot

    How? Reality, it is not. You have Bot in your name.

    Your opinion is so cringe.

    Protector for JinxFans&JKstans March 2, 2024 11:11 pm
    Omg I knew something was wrong with that user Manhwaspicy

    The same thing that is wrong with BaileyBot.
    They let hate consume them and mixed fantasy with reality.
    There is nothing wrong with people loving this or liking Jaekyung wishing for him to be sweet and affectionate soon.

    Their attacks on others is what is wrong. If it is just a webtoon then stop attacking the ones who love this story.
    Stop forcing them into positions to just attack them. Some of them are raging bulls who can not see the truth.

    What meli did to you and the other person is beyond cringe. My name isn’t cringe at all. What BS. Defending people from those nonsense attacks vs supporting the nonsense attacks. You see where their corruption when they attack my name.
    I wrote that to warn you away from them as it is a waste of your time but you ate that and way to go with defending yourself. I don’t read the thread here when they post. I only read Meli’s last. Since you posted. I have only read yours and Meli’s.

    Protector for JinxFans&JKstans March 2, 2024 11:25 pm
    How? Reality, it is not. You have Bot in your name.Your opinion is so cringe. Protector for JinxFans&JKstans

    I put a cringe emoji after that and it cut my message.
    I asked where is BaileyBot moral compass? Do they support the nonsense attacks from Meli on Manhwascipy? Do they supported nonsense attacks?
    Loving Jinx is okay.
    Loving Jaekyung and hoping he changes is okay.

    Attacking people who love Jinx or Jaekyung is never okay. It is not cool. My name means to defend the ones who are getting meaninglessly attacked over a webtoon. What Meli did is beyond cringe. We see that BaileyBot has no moral compass and not natural.

    BaileyBot March 3, 2024 12:30 am
    The same thing that is wrong with BaileyBot. They let hate consume them and mixed fantasy with reality. There is nothing wrong with people loving this or liking Jaekyung wishing for him to be sweet and affectio... Protector for JinxFans&JKstans

    Girl chill. I said your name is cringe. I didn't say anything about your comment. You really wrote a whole essay over 5 words. That's even more cringe than your name

    Protector for JinxFans&JKstans March 3, 2024 1:02 am
    Girl chill. I said your name is cringe. I didn't say anything about your comment. You really wrote a whole essay over 5 words. That's even more cringe than your name BaileyBot

    Both of your replies are insensitive to the concerns I am addressing. Stop gaslighting. Gaslighting is abusive behavior. Your responses are invalidating and unhelpful besides understanding your cringe thinking and behavior. It is important to stand up against abuse and toxicity. If you think my name or that comment was cringe that is very telling how abusive and toxic you are being. That is why you gaslighted because you did not want to answer the questions that will reveal the truth but little did you know you exposed yourself. There was nothing to chill about or cringe in my name or words. You are the one being cringeworthy.

    Protector for JinxFans&JKstans March 3, 2024 1:10 am
    Girl chill. I said your name is cringe. I didn't say anything about your comment. You really wrote a whole essay over 5 words. That's even more cringe than your name BaileyBot

    Oh, thank you for a toxic hater's input. Hehe.

    BaileyBot March 3, 2024 1:17 am

    EWWW! Protector for JinxFans&JKstans sent me a gross private message! You're so gross! I'm a minor you weirdo!

    Protector for JinxFans&JKstans March 3, 2024 1:44 am
    Omg I knew something was wrong with that user Manhwaspicy

    OMG there is something wrong with BaileyBot too!

    I never DM them. I blocked them when I thanked them. They are gaslighting or talking about an impersonating.
    How sick some people can be.

    Protector for JinxFans&JKstans March 3, 2024 1:47 am
    OMG there is something wrong with BaileyBot too! I never DM them. I blocked them when I thanked them. They are gaslighting or talking about an impersonating. How sick some people can be. Protector for JinxFans&JKstans

    BaileyBot March 3, 2024 2:00 am

    I have the screenshots! Even though you deleted your half it doesn't delete mine! Your gross and weird! Asking a minor for photos is gross! You pedo!

    Manhwaspicy March 3, 2024 7:27 am

    BaileyBot you're a LIAR and you'll get backfired, I swear on it. You're also dumb in so many ways, I bet you're the account impersonating others, lying about them and just being useless. You are gross. You are a PEDOPHILE and you will never see the light of the day.

    Congratulations! You sick fuck!

    Protector for JinxFans&JKstans March 3, 2024 8:15 am
    BaileyBot you're a LIAR and you'll get backfired, I swear on it. You're also dumb in so many ways, I bet you're the account impersonating others, lying about them and just being useless. You are gross. You are ... Manhwaspicy

    From what they are claiming. From the short engagement here before I blocked them. I allegedly emailed them asking for a picture. They blocked me and created unnecessary drama here in this thread and the topics. Only revealed they are a minor in this thread AFTER I allegedly emailed them as they lied.

    "EWWW! Protector for JinxFans&JKstans sent me a gross private message! You're so gross! I'm a minor you weirdo!"

    How that is said shows that it is only revealing here they are minor. Would they not have DM that? They made that up after I blocked them my only engagement with them is here in this thread. You know they could have been premeditated from being a cyber stalker or they got mad I blocked them that fast. But Candy was the one that give that idea. They liked it and kept it.

    If this scenario was true, no one has the grounds to make their claim. In fact, BaileyBot has no grounds to make this claim period. It did not happen.

    And there is the fact they don't understand something, they would have to be 13 years or younger for their claim.
    I would not be interested in Jinx or other stories with adults. I don't think the conversation here shows anything but me standing up to a hater that I had no interest to talk to. They degrading and dismissed me so I blocked them.

    However, I question, why is someone 13 or younger here on this page?

    Also, I don't delete my messages. If they got a message it is from a different person. But They know they don't have a message. They have to be one of the ones that are cyber stalking us and just lying to defame me. Pathetic and sick.

    BaileyBot March 3, 2024 8:41 am

    Eww! You're so weird for acting like being attracted to a 13 year old is different from being attracted to a 16 year old! Both are minors! You're gross! Eww! You're a pedo and your friends are pedo defenders! You asked me for photos then sent your friends to harass me! I'm so glad I blocked them all after the first message! You are gross!

    Protector for JinxFans&JKstans March 3, 2024 8:44 am
    BaileyBot you're a LIAR and you'll get backfired, I swear on it. You're also dumb in so many ways, I bet you're the account impersonating others, lying about them and just being useless. You are gross. You are ... Manhwaspicy

    They respond as the fake Tm is responding.

    It is a gaslighting cyber stalker.

    BaileyBot March 3, 2024 8:51 am

    Ewww you're gross and dumb! How is one person going to post in two places at the exact same time? You're stupid

    Protector for JinxFans&JKstans March 3, 2024 9:07 am
    BaileyBot you're a LIAR and you'll get backfired, I swear on it. You're also dumb in so many ways, I bet you're the account impersonating others, lying about them and just being useless. You are gross. You are ... Manhwaspicy

    Don't respond anymore. They want the reactions and any comment is an reaction it seems.

    If they were sincere they would not want to talk or try to engage with me. That means what they are saying is a lie. I would avoid pedophiles, murders, and rapists at all cost. They are something wrong with those people. Cyber stalkers are included in that.
    We are saying this again. I don't want to talk or engage with cyber stalker BaileyBot that came up with another way to talk with us. I did not want to talk or engage with them before they start this fake drama.

    Please do not contact any of us again, Bailey Bot. Stop trying to talk to us. Stop gaslighting everyone about us. We will report this. This is wrong and inexcusable.
    Why would anyone want to talk to you with those false allegations and how you treat other people.

    BaileyBot March 3, 2024 9:17 am

    Report me then! You think I am scared of a pedo like you? I have the proof that you sent me inappropriate messages and I have the screenshots of your friend messaging me and insulting me! Other people have messaged me with their stories about you too! You are an evil disgusting person!

    Manhwaspicy March 3, 2024 5:01 pm
    Don't respond anymore. They want the reactions and any comment is an reaction it seems. If they were sincere they would not want to talk or try to engage with me. That means what they are saying is a lie. I wou... Protector for JinxFans&JKstans

    I know right! At this point they are really crazy in the head. They should seek mental help immediately. What is a minor even doing in these sites??? And then you’re playing victim card? Stupid liar! Disgusting.

    Meli March 3, 2024 7:18 pm
    why the fuck are u even mad like??? its true, his a stranger, plus he jst looks evil underneath that quirky ass smile, oh and in ch.49 he lost his temper..... the fuck? sagwapearls

    Dude, she’s mad because no one agrees with her and then she starts insulting them like literally that’s not how you have an argument. It’s so immature.
    She just fetishizes rape with gay men
    And then she’s angry when everyone else refuses to do so
    She’s delusional
    Like literally, she’s so like personally attached to this webtoon
    You can’t argue with this person

    Meli March 3, 2024 7:20 pm
    dan is stupidly attached to the toxic horse and its gonna stay like that for a long time, and yeah it is just a fictional thing but some of yall treat it like its real. the job oppurtunity would have not been b... sagwapearls

    Omg I see your point
    I actually haven’t read too much, but I did read the part where jae really abuses dan

    Meli March 3, 2024 7:22 pm
    Your name is so cringe BaileyBot

    Don’t even try with that person. They’re an actual weirdo like their brain is just there for decorations
    After they read my reply, they’re gonna write seven paragraphs

    Meli March 3, 2024 7:23 pm
    BaileyBot you're a LIAR and you'll get backfired, I swear on it. You're also dumb in so many ways, I bet you're the account impersonating others, lying about them and just being useless. You are gross. You are ... Manhwaspicy

    What is wrong with you?
    They simply said that their username is cringe and I agree what is wrong with that username

    Meli March 3, 2024 7:25 pm
    I know right! At this point they are really crazy in the head. They should seek mental help immediately. What is a minor even doing in these sites??? And then you’re playing victim card? Stupid liar! Disgusti... Manhwaspicy

    You’re actually such a crappy person and so is your friend
    You’re both creeps and weirdos no wonder you like this webtoon so much
    It seems like since you both are active pedophiles, you definitely love to watch things like rape
    Fucking weirdos
    There’s a special place in hell for ugly people like both of you

    Protector for JinxFans&JKstans March 3, 2024 8:16 pm
    You’re actually such a crappy person and so is your friendYou’re both creeps and weirdos no wonder you like this webtoon so muchIt seems like since you both are active pedophiles, you definitely love to wat... Meli

    "Dude, she’s mad because no one agrees with her"
    - Is she mad? And many agree with her. That is trying to make her feel alienated and wrong. That is wrong and inexcusable.

    "and then she starts insulting them like literally that’s not how you have an argument. It’s so immature."
    -You are doing this to others. You are right is immature.

    "She just fetishizes rape with gay men"
    False you are imposing positions on her to insult her and attack her. Your attacking on people you deem to love Jinx is wrong. I have never said my opinion. You assumed and made an ass out of yourself. You are embarrassing yourself. People fetishizing rape fantasies is healthy and commonly said by sex experts. Facts are against your opinion. I am reporting what they said, I am not sharing my beliefs or that I support that. It is objective reporting.

    You are on and on about her emotions. That is a trolling tactic. You are the one being delusional and triggered on a story you have not read. You have no opinion here. How can you claim she is wrong when she has read the story?

    "Like literally, she’s so like personally attached to this webtoon"
    _assuming to attack her.

    "You can’t argue with this person"
    Why are you trying to argue? And it seems you are talking about yourself since you scoop to ad hominins and attacks.

    "I actually haven’t read too much, but I did read the part where jae really abuses dan"

    - You can not have an opinion here. Your opinion is not validated and is unhelpful.

    "Don’t even try with that person. They’re an actual weirdo like their brain is just there for decorations"

    _ "Name-calling: the use of abusive names to belittle or humiliate another person.
    the use of offensive names especially to win an argument or to induce rejection or condemnation (as of a person or project) without objective consideration of the facts. Name-calling during an argument is often a sign of emotional escalation.

    Because they have run out of intelligent and creative ways to defeat the other person in the argument . Immaturity - some people never grow up. Communication breakdown is often caused by poor communication and poor anger coping skills, which leads to name-calling and insults. It is an immature person’s method of dealing with frustration.

    Emotionally mature people understand that name-calling and insults are counterproductive when it comes to solving issues. because they want to control you by making you feel less, to make your ability to win the argument because they want you to be less secure in what you're arguing about

    It's a power move

    Name-calling is drawing at straws trying to get the other person started name-calling them back and lowering the playing field for both of them."

    "After they read my reply, they’re gonna write seven paragraphs "
    - power move. That is disgusting what you did by the way. So what. you are on a site to read. I naturally write long paragraphs. Stop being abusive.

    "What is wrong with you? "

    Yes, what is wrong with you? You are trying to be right without reading the story and alienating her? That is what a loser would do.

    "They simply said that their username is cringe and I agree what is wrong with that username"
    They did more than that. They made false allegations. My username is not cringe and you can't have an opinion. Please mature. There is nothing wrong with my user name. If you have a problem with it, you are a hater or a bad-faith actor. Your opinions do not matter or have value for how you are handling yourself.

    "You’re actually such a crappy person and so is your friend"

    When you judge others, you don't define them, you define you. You are talking about yourself. We are not your punching bag or doormats for your bad behavior. What you are doing is crappy. You are being crappy and abusive.

    "You’re both creeps and weirdos no wonder you like this webtoon so much"

    We are not defined by your petty lame insults or by false accusations. It defines you.
    It seems like since you both are active pedophiles, you definitely love to watch things like rape
    Fucking weirdos
    There’s a special place in hell for ugly people like both of you"

    You have no logical arguments. You resort to petty insults, and force positions on us to attack us with no evidence. You are talking about yourself and the toxic cyber stalker you are defending. .
    I think both of you are attacking others for being pedophiles and love fantasy rape when it is you two that are active pedophiles and love real rape. You attack others for it so you don't look suspicious.
    What you did was show you have no arguments, you are a hater and are here to harm others with gaslighting and lies to feel better about yourself and hide yourself as an active pedophile, and that you love real rape. Why else would you impose positions and lie when the truth does not support you and your petty claims? Stop being abusive. Your arguments arent logical You are not a strong debater or even debating.

    You can only insult, use petty name-calls, and make false allegations. How immature and toxic. You are more toxic than the story. It is a fantasy. We are real people you are trying to harm with your lies and gaslighting.
    Hell does not exist but if it does I will not be there, that special place is for you and Baileybot for how you lie and gaslight others. Stop harassing people who love this series and educate yourself on what rape is. And educate yourself with this.
    Stop and be a better person. Glow up.

    Protector for JinxFans&JKstans March 3, 2024 8:25 pm
    I know right! At this point they are really crazy in the head. They should seek mental help immediately. What is a minor even doing in these sites??? And then you’re playing victim card? Stupid liar! Disgusti... Manhwaspicy

    You are so right. Who treats people this way? Rape is a hideous crime. I condemn rape and I condemn pedophiles. They can't change and they need to be locked up for life or the death penalty.
    It is gross how gen z bad faith actors and other users on this site treat others. They do need that mental help and fast.
    They are being stupid and embarrassing themselves. I wished I could be there when they feel embarrassed about this and know they were wrong to treat others this way. But tbh by that time I would probably forgotten them This is all over a webtoon. One webtoon and one opinion. how stupid.
    I don't know why minors are on this page or these sites. They are embarrassing themselves for playing that victim card. They are not even human. What human would treat others like this and believe in gaslighting and who stands with a cyberstalker? Haters. Bad faith actors. cyberbullies. cyberstalkers. Why does Jinx have so many drama-causing immature cyberbullies?

    Manhwaspicy March 3, 2024 10:23 pm
    Dude, she’s mad because no one agrees with her and then she starts insulting them like literally that’s not how you have an argument. It’s so immature.She just fetishizes rape with gay menAnd then she’s... Meli

    First off, your stupid ass is lying about me bc girllll I never insulted anyone. That user is the one being immature. You are also disgusting for assuming such terms just bc someone doesn’t agree with you. Your logic is quite stupid though. Since when did it become a crime to be attached to films/webtoon/etc?? If I love horror films, does that automatically make me a bad person? Are you perhaps new to Bl you dumb fuck?!

    You are disgusting. You are unreasonable. You are not being mature. You’re acting like BaileyBot who lies about people! You are a PEDO.

    As MD says, your words can never define me, they define who you truly are as a person and that’s right back at you. Grow tf up!

    Manhwaspicy March 3, 2024 10:25 pm
    What is wrong with you? They simply said that their username is cringe and I agree what is wrong with that username Meli

    Could you Stfu? you don't know the full story. I advise you start to mind your business, Meli.

    Manhwaspicy March 3, 2024 10:31 pm
    You’re actually such a crappy person and so is your friendYou’re both creeps and weirdos no wonder you like this webtoon so muchIt seems like since you both are active pedophiles, you definitely love to wat... Meli

    I love JINX and I am PROUD. I love POTN and I am PROUD. I love PEARL BOY and I am PROUD. I love ROSES AND CHAMPAYNE and I am PROUD.

    What is your spineless flat ass gonna do about it? Eat some fk grass at this point. You're being pathetic.

    It's giving “tell me you're a die-hard hater without actually telling me you're a die-hard hater”. You could also give a comment on how you talk about how proud you are to be a hater. At least I read something I actually like instead of torturing and wasting your life away with something you loathe with passion.


    Manhwaspicy March 3, 2024 10:32 pm
    Meli, "Dude, she’s mad because no one agrees with her" - Is she mad? And many agree with her. That is trying to make her feel alienated and wrong. That is wrong and inexcusable. "and then she starts insulti... Protector for JinxFans&JKstans

    Thanks for backing me up! These people are fk crazy.

    Manhwaspicy March 3, 2024 10:33 pm
    Meli, "Dude, she’s mad because no one agrees with her" - Is she mad? And many agree with her. That is trying to make her feel alienated and wrong. That is wrong and inexcusable. "and then she starts insulti... Protector for JinxFans&JKstans

    If they wanna be crazy, then I'm gonna show them who the real crazy is. Bunch of wolves.

    Manhwaspicy March 3, 2024 10:35 pm
    You are so right. Who treats people this way? Rape is a hideous crime. I condemn rape and I condemn pedophiles. They can't change and they need to be locked up for life or the death penalty. It is gross how gen... Protector for JinxFans&JKstans

    I relate with you so bad. Can't with these she-wolves…

    BaileyBot March 4, 2024 12:45 am

    Eww not the misogyny coming out. Must suck to be a misogynist pedo defender who likes abusive relationships.

    Meli March 4, 2024 3:36 am
    First off, your stupid ass is lying about me bc girllll I never insulted anyone. That user is the one being immature. You are also disgusting for assuming such terms just bc someone doesn’t agree with you. Yo... Manhwaspicy

    How am I a pedo
    I JUST turned 18

    Protector for JinxFans&JKstans March 4, 2024 3:40 am
    How am I a pedo I JUST turned 18 Meli

    !6 years old can be diagnosed with being a pedophile. 18 is older than 16, right?

    Pedophilic disorder is characterized by recurrent, intense sexually arousing fantasies, urges, or behaviors involving sexual activity with prepubescent children (generally ≤ 13 years); based on clinical criteria, it is diagnosed only when the patient is ≥ 16 years and ≥ 5 years older than the child who is the target of the fantasies or behaviors.,urges%2C%20or%20behaviors%20involving%20sexual

    BaileyBot March 4, 2024 6:04 am
    How am I a pedo I JUST turned 18 Meli

    Girl they're weird! They're middle aged men arguing with teenagers and sending them messages! Gross! "Protector for JinxFans&JKstans" my butt. The narcissism! The audacity! :vomit:

    Meli March 4, 2024 6:33 am
    Girl they're weird! They're middle aged men arguing with teenagers and sending them messages! Gross! "Protector for JinxFans&JKstans" my butt. The narcissism! The audacity! :vomit: BaileyBot

    They are so weird

    Meli March 4, 2024 6:35 am
    Girl they're weird! They're middle aged men arguing with teenagers and sending them messages! Gross! "Protector for JinxFans&JKstans" my butt. The narcissism! The audacity! :vomit: BaileyBot

    He blocked me from replying
    Fucking moron
    Called me a pedo and tried to cite sources
    Actual idiot

    Meli March 4, 2024 6:38 am
    Thanks for backing me up! These people are fk crazy. Manhwaspicy

    I wasn’t backing you up
    Ugly ass delulu hoe

    Meli March 4, 2024 6:39 am
    So you would just trust a stranger? You can clearly tell the director was lying and just wanted to trick dan. Dan did the right thing. Congrats dear. Manhwaspicy

    I don’t know what yaoi is?
    Girl this is the first one you’ve read please
    Stfu moron
    Ur brain is for decoration

    Aloha March 4, 2024 6:44 am

    Would Meli and BaileyBot shut up please? No one cares, He is not a moron, idiot, Pedo, or whatever you been calling him.

    Would you shut up? You attention-seeking the fucking gaslighting psycho bitches. Meil you are the moron idiot. He did not call you a pedo, you did him and he showed you where you were wrong while being academic. You call tell you two are scum and he tries to talk and teach you. Grow the fuck up.

    You are the ones with mental issues. Get off line and seek help.
    You are disgusting. You are after them for no reason. Your problem is you. GFYS.

    Aloha March 4, 2024 7:04 am
    I wasn’t backing you upUgly ass delulu hoe Meli

    If you look that is you. Manhwa did not tag you. Go cry else where, psycho.

    Aloha March 4, 2024 7:05 am
    I don’t know what yaoi is?Girl this is the first one you’ve read pleaseStfu moron Ur brain is for decoration Meli

    Stfu moron
    Ur brain is for decoration

    Aloha March 4, 2024 7:08 am
    They are so weird Wtf Meli

    No they are normal and they block the fucking morons. Why do you think Manhwa was talking to you? How about using your head? You are the bad guy here. You and the other fucking psycho bitch are fucking annoying! GFYS. Stop spamming your crying.

    Manhwaspicy March 4, 2024 7:53 am
    They are so weird Wtf Meli

    Stop embarassing yourself it’s obvious you’re seeking attention and I’m gonna give you all that MF!

    BaileyBot March 4, 2024 7:54 am

    If you didn't care then why did you reply, weird ass old person? No one was speaking to you anyway!

    BaileyBot March 4, 2024 7:56 am
    He blocked me from replying Fucking moron Called me a pedo and tried to cite sources Actual idiot Meli

    Beware of Aloha. They're the weirdo who sent me a message calling me a gaslighter and a troll.

    Manhwaspicy March 4, 2024 7:57 am
    I wasn’t backing you upUgly ass delulu hoe Meli

    More proof you were born to be stupid bc I never even tagged you ugly bitch! I know you’re obsessed with me, but guess what? I’m not interested in a brain damaged cow

    BaileyBot March 4, 2024 8:01 am

    Girl called him an academic just because he links the first google articles that agree with him. I'm not even in college yet and I can do that. You're not special.

    Manhwaspicy March 4, 2024 8:02 am
    I don’t know what yaoi is?Girl this is the first one you’ve read pleaseStfu moron Ur brain is for decoration Meli

    You should check the date when I created this manga go account. This wasn’t also my first illegal site, it was mangastream back then but I think they shut the site down. I’ve been there for almost 3 years and ended up here.

    Go check your reading list. You have a bunch of bl manhwa with rape saved. Lunatic.

    Aloha March 4, 2024 8:08 am

    Beware of BaileyBot! Bailey told me in DM they ate vomit and is a psycho bitch with the. hots for protector aka MD. They said they were in heat.

    Manhwaspicy March 4, 2024 8:10 am

    BaileyBot continues to use the same trolling tactics as MD would say. I'm not even surprised, I'm just downright laughing at these two idiots fr. I've never seen such obsessed freaks in my life. Isn't it crazy how they claim that we're pedos? They wanna claim it so badly to favor their stupid point. But bro, that is what makes you worse than Jk. You are no different from a fk rapist.

    It's people like you who lie that they've been raped, making innocent people end up in jail while they waste their lives away. That is another form of Evil, and I pray the victims get justified from you LIARS. I've heard of so many cases. Continue being a fk bitch anyway, y'all are entertaining and I'm here for all that shit!

    Manhwaspicy March 4, 2024 8:12 am
    Beware of BaileyBot! Bailey told me in DM they ate vomit and is a psycho bitch with the. hots for protector aka MD. They said they were in heat. Aloha


    Yes! BaileyBot also did the same to me. I'm a victim, I never knew crazy people like BaileyBot existed

    Aloha March 4, 2024 8:13 am

    BaileyBot will never be special. Bailey is psycho bitch thinking they are special. I said "while being academic" He went to an academic, dumbass.
    He did not post the first google articles that agree with him. He posted the cold hard truth. Keep copying and seethe, whiny ass bitch.

    BEWARE OF BAILEYBOT, They just told me in DM they threw up and then ate it.

    BaileyBot March 4, 2024 8:13 am

    The fuck kinda nickname is MD? Does it make him feel more academic? Hahahahahaha! You really shipping your MIDDLE AGED friend with a minor right now? Pedo behavior fr. You're so gross

    BaileyBot March 4, 2024 8:16 am

    Ewww! Aloha is a rape apologist! You're so gross!

    Aloha March 4, 2024 8:19 am
    Let's pair Dan with Freddy Krueger! Let's pair Dan with Hannibal Lecter! He was lying. Aloha

    Dumbass BaileyBot, This is my post from the first page. I have been getting notifications each time the attention seek psycho bitches Meli and Baileybot posts. I was here before you Bailey and Meli and you are fucking annoying crying wolf.

    "If you didn't care then why did you reply, weird ass old person? No one was speaking to you anyway!
    What do you reply? you weird foolish rubbish. No one was speaking to you. No one cares to talk to you.
    Do you get it lame ass loser. Protector/MD wants nothing to do with you. He will never think you are special or take care of you being heat. You are so crazy for MD. You are in love with him. He wants nothing to do with you.

    BaileyBot March 4, 2024 8:20 am

    He went to an academic? I'm in high school and even I know academic is not a noun. Embarrassing behavior fs.

    BaileyBot March 4, 2024 8:24 am

    No one cares to talk to me? You're talking to me right now. You're throwing a bigger tantrum than the minor in this thread. How embarrassing for you.

    Aloha March 4, 2024 8:26 am

    Beware BaileyBot is a rapist. They just DMed and said they wanted to rape me.Bailey is disgusting and creep!

    BaileyBot March 4, 2024 8:27 am

    Sorry I'm not interested in old saggy genitals. You'll have to find someone else to fulfill your pedo needs, Aloha.

    Aloha March 4, 2024 8:31 am
    BAHAAHAAA LMAOOOOYes! BaileyBot also did the same to me. I'm a victim, I never knew crazy people like BaileyBot existed Manhwaspicy

    Haha I never knew either. Bailey has it bad for MD. Protector is not easy to say yet.

    Bailey is craving MD. Bailey thinks MD is special and you bully the ones you love.
    Sorry, I don't think he is not interested in a psycho calling wolf.
    Also Bailey knew what MD means. They are one of those who impersonated him. They came with an agenda. It is crazy Bailey thinks they could pass off as being new.

    Aloha March 4, 2024 8:32 am
    BaileyBot will never be special. Bailey is psycho bitch thinking they are special. I said "while being academic" He went to an academic, dumbass. He did not post the first google articles that agree with h... Aloha

    Bailey is dense.
    I only use part of a sentence. That was not said as a noun. I said it right.

    BaileyBot March 4, 2024 8:34 am


    BaileyBot March 4, 2024 8:35 am

    I'm dying over here. I would be so embarrased to be you. If I'm fighting with high schoolers when I'm an adult, just kill me.

    Aloha March 4, 2024 8:38 am
    BaileyBot continues to use the same trolling tactics as MD would say. I'm not even surprised, I'm just downright laughing at these two idiots fr. I've never seen such obsessed freaks in my life. Isn't it crazy ... Manhwaspicy

    Has MD ever said his age? I hasn't. They think MD is middle age. lol. I think Bailey is saying they are a minor.
    Bailey the broken record player. I think that is all we can do is laugh at them. I don't even know how pedo comes in.
    I can see what you said but do you think Bailey cares? They only care about getting MD's attention. What an obsessed psycho.

    Aloha March 4, 2024 8:40 am
    Beware of BaileyBot! Bailey told me in DM they ate vomit and is a psycho bitch with the. hots for protector aka MD. They said they were in heat. Aloha

    This message is to Bailey?? A warning about bailey is to bailey? Bailey so loves MD.

    BaileyBot March 4, 2024 8:44 am

    "He went to an academic, dumbass." <<<< You used it as a noun, old lady. An academic is not a place. He can't go there. Maybe you should be the one in high school. Embarrassing that I have to teach you how to write.

    Aloha March 4, 2024 8:51 am
    BaileyBot will never be special. Bailey is psycho bitch thinking they are special. I said "while being academic" He went to an academic, dumbass. He did not post the first google articles that agree with h... Aloha

    He went to an academic SITE, dumbass.

    It is not rock science, dumbass. Making it a noun takes the message out of content. If I am dumb as a higher schooler as Bailey claimed then bailey is as dumb as wood. Embarrassing that I have to tell something so obvious to Bailey. What a loser

    BaileyBot March 4, 2024 9:12 am

    You're right it's not rock science - it's English, which you're clearly failing at.

    "Making it a noun takes the message out of content."

    First of all, it's context not content. If you're adamant that it's "content" not context, then you're just bad at writing because "takes the message out of content" doesn't make sense at all. Second, is this implying I'm the one taking it out of context or you? If it's addressing me, then you're mistaken because you're the one who made it a noun not me. If it's addressing you, then that's not how you use the phrase "out of context". You can Google search how to use it. I'm sure "MD" over there can show you how to do it.

    Back to academic. You can't drop "site" from "academic site" and just use the adjective academic as a noun. That's not how English works. The most common examples of higher education are colleges and universities. Most English speakers would just use one of those instead of "academic site". Literally no one says academic site.

    Am I getting paid hourly or salary for this? Teaching an idiot is hard work.

    Aloha March 4, 2024 9:44 am

    Baliey, you are the loser, if you had to do that, you would be a loser.
    I did not purposely drop the word "site" in that sentence. I did mean content. SO lamebrain, use your goddamn fucking head. People make mistakes, YOU DO TOO! Fucker.

    It has nothing to do with not knowing English. You dimwitted dumb fuck!

    It was an accident. Get over it, loser. I don't need your moronic ass help. You are brainless if you think you are "helping" me or "teaching" me. We both know you were not.

    I don't want your help. You are an imbecile. You are nothing but dirt. You goddamn lying POS!

    You are not superior. You are inferior as hell if you had to do that fucked half-baked shit. You are unintelligent. You have nothing but cobwebs up there.

    Now dimwitted attention-seeker daft idiot. Go take your lamebrained ass and teach someone that will listen to you. Wait, you have no one. They don't want to be falsely accused. That and insulting people are all you are good for.

    People are allowed to make mistakes, I am busy in real life. You are trashing me over two harmless mistakes everyone can do, even you. How fucked up are you, you psycho bitch. Get over yourself. You are not special. FYI, Academic site is used. Gaslighting idiot. You are wasting your time. You are a waste of time. What a low-life.

    Aloha March 4, 2024 9:47 am
    BaileyBot continues to use the same trolling tactics as MD would say. I'm not even surprised, I'm just downright laughing at these two idiots fr. I've never seen such obsessed freaks in my life. Isn't it crazy ... Manhwaspicy

    I wished I had what Protector says about correcting English. I know it is a trolling tactic. They are continuing to use the same trolling tactic.

    Aloha March 4, 2024 9:54 am

    A good editor, a caring teacher, or an upstanding grammar lover offers corrections that are helpful, polite, and appropriate. A grammar troll insults, mocks, or tries to embarrass another person for making an error. It’s time for that to stop.

    But the Internet is destroying proper English! the grammar trolls whine. Everyone is just too stupid! Somebody has to draw the line!

    Actually, English is doing just fine. Ask any actual linguist. And everyone is not too stupid. Misspelling a word, making a grammatical error, or even writing a sentence that’s hard to understand doesn’t make you stupid. But insulting someone for making a mistake does make you a grammar troll. And a jerk.

    Grammar trolls claim that they just want to uphold the standards of proper English. But if that were true, they’d offer polite, respectful suggestions instead of contempt. Why would I change what I say and write just because of some rude, angry stranger? Why would anyone? Grammar trolls don’t want to fix anything. They do what they do because they feel smart when they shame others.

    BaileyBot March 4, 2024 9:55 am

    I bet you read that multiple times to make sure you didn't make a mistake before posting.

    BaileyBot March 4, 2024 9:58 am

    It's so funny how you don't understand sarcasm. Of course I'm mocking you old hag. Of course I wasn't correcting your grammar out of the goodness in my heart. It was as obvious as your grammar mistakes

    Aloha March 4, 2024 9:59 am

    I think it is something like this?? In a debate, if you try winning by attacking someone's grammar or by using big words, you must not have a very good argument.

    But look at what else I found.

    "If you are arguing with someone online, attacking their spelling or grammar is an admission of defeat? Would it fall under Ad Hominem? If the said person just focused on the incorrect usage of grammar of one particular word in his or her reply?"

    "It would absolutely admit defeat, you understand what is being argued or stated enough to correct it instead of responding to the point at hand, you start to argue about grammar, spelling, or punctuation. In some cases it might be Ad Hominem, in some it might not, just point it out might not be but it does detrail from the debate. Sayin “You’re dumb and made an error so your points must be dumb” or something like that would be ad hominem."

    Yes. If you feel the need to rely on semantics and spellings, it surely signifies your lack of reasoning into the argument.

    "Attacking someone's spelling or grammar in an online argument can indeed be seen as a form of ad hominem attack. Ad hominem refers to attacking the person making the argument rather than addressing the argument itself. Focusing on the incorrect usage of grammar in one particular word in a reply could be seen as a nitpicking tactic, which may distract from the actual substance of the argument and derail the conversation. It's generally more productive to engage with the content of the argument rather than resorting to personal attacks or nitpicking."

    BaileyBot March 4, 2024 10:01 am

    Oh no! I am defeated! Boo hoo! What will I do with all my superior English now? Will I turn into an adult with shit grammar like Aloha?

    Aloha March 4, 2024 10:07 am

    Haha. Bailey you are predictable and obvious. You are also obliviously. You walked into a trap and did everything I wanted. Do you not see what you did? You have discredited yourself as you just showed everyone you a big fat troll. You are defeated by yourself. Stop cyber stalking Protector and friends.

    BaileyBot March 4, 2024 10:10 am

    Hahahaha you are too funny! You really thought you did something there. Grandma, people are not stupid. They can tell I was mocking you with the grammar shit. They don't need you to spell it out for them. They're not as stupid as you.

    BaileyBot March 4, 2024 10:11 am

    Didn't you say you have work, granny? Or are you going to sit here and sling mid ass insults at a teenager all day?

    Aloha March 4, 2024 10:11 am
    Haha. Bailey you are predictable and obvious. You are also obliviously. You walked into a trap and did everything I wanted. Do you not see what you did? You have discredited yourself as you just showed everyo... Aloha

    You are also oblivious*
    Now you have to wonder if I made those mistakes on purpose or by accident.

    BaileyBot March 4, 2024 10:12 am

    I don't need to wonder. I know you made that mistake on accident because you're shit at grammar.

    Aloha March 4, 2024 10:17 am
    If they wanna be crazy, then I'm gonna show them who the real crazy is. Bunch of wolves. Manhwaspicy



    Bailey is defeated and they have discredited themselves as everyone can see they are trolls and after people. They have a one tract mind. They are so oblivious. hahaha. They think this is about the grammar. They are hilarious.

    BaileyBot March 4, 2024 10:20 am

    Hahahahaa Aloha is so dumb. She thinks posting google search results makes her and her friends smarter than everyone else

    Manhwaspicy March 4, 2024 11:43 am

    BaileyBot talk to me directly, don't go through the corners.

    You wanna make this public? It just shows how weak and insecure you are and nobody would back you up you pathetic fk. Get your little ass off this site you fk minor! Waste of space.

    You ever been mocked before?? Well I will tell you that's gonna happen if you continue with your bullshit! Keep lying and lying all of what you must! I pray someone lies about you ten times worse in that manner and no fk person would believe that they're all false allegations.

    Continue being a bitch dear. Disgusting.

    Manhwaspicy March 4, 2024 11:45 am

    You will always be defeated by me dear

    That's a FK FACT.

    You can piss on yourself MF

    BaileyBot March 4, 2024 12:33 pm

    Is that a threat manhwaspicy? What are you gonna do? Call me a bitch again? Does it make you feel like a big strong man when you threaten a minor? Do you feel like a good person when you defend your pedophile friend?

    Meli March 4, 2024 3:45 pm
    BaileyBot talk to me directly, don't go through the corners. You wanna make this public? It just shows how weak and insecure you are and nobody would back you up you pathetic fk. Get your little ass off this... Manhwaspicy

    I’m backing them up
    Ur both actually crazy
    I can’t believe any of this

    Meli March 4, 2024 3:46 pm
    You will always be defeated by me dearThat's a FK FACT.You can piss on yourself MF Manhwaspicy

    I bet ur both ugly ag irl

    I bet you both stink and don’t take care of yeach ur hygiene
    Fucking cunts

    Manhwaspicy March 4, 2024 5:46 pm


    I am Female. Let that stick in. Your parents deserve to see what their child is doing here. You wanna be treated like an animal? Then I'm gonna put you in your fk place. A liar should be called a bitch, there's no two ways about it. You are a bitch for lying and you should be humbled, that's why I'm here. Yes, to humble your lying ass.

    Do you know why this argument is pointless? Bc a fk MINOR isn't meant to be on here. You are clearly asking for it.

    I am gonna make sure you leave this site. Give me time and you'll see how things turn out. You've already gotten on my nerves and there's no going back

    Manhwaspicy March 4, 2024 5:48 pm
    I’m backing them up Ur both actually crazy I can’t believe any of this Meli


    These are all the fucks I give.

    Manhwaspicy March 4, 2024 5:50 pm
    I bet ur both ugly ag irl I bet you both stink and don’t take care of yeach ur hygiene Fucking cunts Meli

    For the last time, your words could never define me. They define who you truly are as a PERSON.

    BaileyBot March 4, 2024 6:37 pm

    Grandma #2, did you think you did something by calling yourself a woman? It's more gross that an adult woman would say that shit to a minor. You're one of those gross old moms who defend their child's abuser because "he would never do that". I pray for your future children. You're sick in the head.

    Meli March 4, 2024 7:48 pm
    ..These are all the fucks I give. Manhwaspicy

    That’s a lot of space. It’s cool that you give a lot of fucks.

    Meli March 4, 2024 7:50 pm
    BaileyBot I am Female. Let that stick in. Your parents deserve to see what their child is doing here. You wanna be treated like an animal? Then I'm gonna put you in your fk place. A liar should be called a bit... Manhwaspicy

    Girl, you need to have like some kind of schizophrenic mental illness
    What are you even talking about everything that me and Bailey bot are saying our literally the smallest stupidest things and both y’all are taking it and it fucking exploding
    And yes, it definitely defines me as a person since I’m the one that agrees with rape and sexual assault **thats all you bae but pop off
    I’m definitely such a bad person since I think rape is cute just like you do

    Meli March 4, 2024 7:51 pm
    Grandma #2, did you think you did something by calling yourself a woman? It's more gross that an adult woman would say that shit to a minor. You're one of those gross old moms who defend their child's abuser be... BaileyBot

    Bro ur hot
    You have common sense and emotional intelligence don’t even try to argue with both of them they don’t have nothing
    The brain is fried for all the weird shit they read online

    Meli March 4, 2024 7:52 pm
    Hahahahaa Aloha is so dumb. She thinks posting google search results makes her and her friends smarter than everyone else BaileyBot

    Bro, they both think that they’re anime characters
    Don’t even argue with them

    BaileyBot March 4, 2024 7:55 pm
    Bro ur hot You have common sense and emotional intelligence don’t even try to argue with both of them they don’t have nothing The brain is fried for all the weird shit they read online Meli

    You're the best

    Meli March 4, 2024 7:56 pm
    I love JINX and I am PROUD. I love POTN and I am PROUD. I love PEARL BOY and I am PROUD. I love ROSES AND CHAMPAYNE and I am PROUD.What is your spineless flat ass gonna do about it? Eat some fk grass at this po... Manhwaspicy

    You called me the pedal yet you brought up my “spineless flat ass”
    Since you’re so fucking grown, why are you looking at a minor ass?

    You’re a fucking pedophile it makes sense why you read all that nasty thing on your private browser on the Internet when you’re home alone
    You fucking weirdo

    Meli March 4, 2024 8:01 pm
    Stop embarassing yourself it’s obvious you’re seeking attention and I’m gonna give you all that MF! Manhwaspicy

    Stop trying so hard to act, trendy, and young
    Get your old ass back to the old home you old hag
    You’re not trendy and aren’t you little too old to be reading shit like this
    Right you’re reading it because it reminds you of children and your pedophile, so that makes so much sense

    Meli March 4, 2024 8:02 pm
    Beware of Aloha. They're the weirdo who sent me a message calling me a gaslighter and a troll. BaileyBot

    Trust me honey I know he’s a fucking weirdo. He literally sent us both 500 page essays when we called him cringe.
    Both of those morons have to at least be 50 years old and they think that they’re Gen z
    The only reason they’re on this app, reading these weird ass comics about men
    Is because they think that they’re young when they’re in reality so fucking old they’re just pedophiles

    Meli March 4, 2024 8:03 pm
    Girl called him an academic just because he links the first google articles that agree with him. I'm not even in college yet and I can do that. You're not special. BaileyBot

    She called him an academic because she thinks she knoww what that word means but she doesn’t
    She’s so fucking old, she forgot basic terms

    Meli March 4, 2024 8:04 pm
    Girl they're weird! They're middle aged men arguing with teenagers and sending them messages! Gross! "Protector for JinxFans&JKstans" my butt. The narcissism! The audacity! :vomit: BaileyBot

    Bro “Aloha”
    Is the other account of that weird guy that is like the “protector” of whatever the fuck -long ass stupid username
    That’s his other account and he’s playing it off like this person is supporting him. Trust me this idiot literally linked this account on his profile. It’s his account he’s just a moron.
    I actually think this bitch is schizophrenic and mental because he’s literally describing how the Manwah is talking to us, and like tagging us, which makes no fucking sense
    I’m not even reading any of his bullshit because he can’t even properly write or use grammar, or even use his brain
    I’m not even gonna listen to the other bitch because she keeps talking about her vagina
    Just ignore both of them. They’re both actually fucking slow and dumb as fuck.

    BaileyBot March 4, 2024 8:19 pm
    Bro “Aloha”Is the other account of that weird guy that is like the “protector” of whatever the fuck -long ass stupid usernameThat’s his other account and he’s playing it off like this person is supp... Meli

    Appreciate you

    Manhwaspicy March 4, 2024 9:08 pm

    So you two thought you ate huh.

    Congratulations though. I'm just gonna leave y'all here to keep on yapping your lives away.

    BaileyBot March 4, 2024 9:39 pm

    What happened to treating me like an animal and putting me in my place? Scared now that I figured out how to upload screencaps?

    Manhwaspicy March 4, 2024 9:55 pm

    Scared???? Bitch whatttttt BAHHAAAAHAAA

    I realized you're too dumb. You're not worth my time anymore since you dropped the album. Anyone would be able to tell you're a LIAR from the screenshots. so I decided to toss you away cause you got boring. I was expecting more fake screenshots though. But now, you're just a weird little freak. Won't waste my time on a 14-year-old. Add this to the album too.

    You were entertaining! I'd give you that!

    BaileyBot March 4, 2024 10:06 pm

    Ewww imagine defending a pedophile until the day you die, couldn't be me

    Manhwaspicy March 4, 2024 10:12 pm


    Meli March 5, 2024 2:18 pm
    Ewww imagine defending a pedophile until the day you die, couldn't be me BaileyBot

    She is a pedophile that’s why she’s doing so much

    Manhwaspicy March 5, 2024 7:26 pm

    You both are disgusting

    TMSM for JinxLovers&JKstans March 5, 2024 7:43 pm
    You both are disgusting Manhwaspicy

    Yeah, she just exposed them.
    “ She is a pedophile that’s why she’s doing so much”
    They are doing so much.
    They created many fake accounts and doing so much.
    They create drama in the question area and other parts about us. They are doing so much

    Almost 4 weeks of doing to much with impersonating others as they spam the walls.

    Months of harassment = doing too much .

    Now BaileyBot with two of those impersonators
    fabricates a bunch of BS = doing too much they really are doing too much.

    BaileyBot take post for an album that doesn’t support them. She stalked his topics. She is doing so much because she is the pedophile.

    All the cyberstalkers are doing so much because they are pedophiles.

    Meli exposed herself and everyone doing so much against a few people.

    TMSM for JinxLovers&JKstans March 5, 2024 7:44 pm
    Yeah, she just exposed them. “ She is a pedophile that’s why she’s doing so much”They are doing so much. They created many fake accounts and doing so much. They create drama in the question area and ot... TMSM for JinxLovers&JKstans


    Manhwaspicy March 5, 2024 8:15 pm
    Yeah, she just exposed them. “ She is a pedophile that’s why she’s doing so much”They are doing so much. They created many fake accounts and doing so much. They create drama in the question area and ot... TMSM for JinxLovers&JKstans

    Their fingers are gonna roast from typing too much and changing accounts LMAO.

    Protector for JinxFans&JKstans March 5, 2024 8:21 pm

    Yes I am a pedo and I like DMing 13 year old children to prove I AM NOT A TROLL!! You are all wrong for saying JK is a rapist. You are the rapist.

    Protector for JinxFans&JKstans March 5, 2024 8:23 pm
    Ewww imagine defending a pedophile until the day you die, couldn't be me BaileyBot

    I am not a pedophile! I only like children over the age of 13!!!

    TMSM for JinxLovers&JKstans March 5, 2024 8:39 pm
    Their fingers are gonna roast from typing too much and changing accounts LMAO. Manhwaspicy

    I am hoping they will slip and write what they have being saying about themselves on their real accounts instead of hiding behind a fake account impersonating someone else. LMAO.
    You know what they are saying to damage Protector’s reputation is true about themselves. They are projecting themselves on Protector and trying to leech off of him. It is disgusting.

    BaileyBot March 5, 2024 9:08 pm

    No way this old ass man just called me and Meli pedos when he is the one sending minors shady messages.

    TMSM for JinxLovers&JKstans March 5, 2024 10:03 pm

    Mate I'm not the one who accidentally slipped up and had to quickly clarify that I was w just sharing accounts and then being like,, hmmmm no im going to share accounts and message while my SO looks over my shoulder as I type. Everything accusation you throw out is something you've done...

    Alt Account: check
    Troll: check
    Gaslight: check
    Slip up: check
    Jobless: check
    Rape apologist: check
    Misogynist: check

    Protector for JinxFans&JKstans March 5, 2024 10:12 pm
    You both are disgusting Manhwaspicy

    Right! They don’t get it we see through them. It is disappointing for them to act this way. I am disappointed in them.

    Protector for JinxFans&JKstans March 5, 2024 10:13 pm
    Their fingers are gonna roast from typing too much and changing accounts LMAO. Manhwaspicy


    TMSM for JinxLovers&JKstans March 5, 2024 10:15 pm

    I am disappointed in you.

    Aloha March 5, 2024 11:28 pm

    We are disappointed in all of the impersonating cyberstalkers and Baileybot.
    Anyone can see she is the offender. You are her victim. You are the cyberstalker's victim. You are Baileybot's victim.
    You are the victim here.
    You are their target.
    You are their prey.
    They are the aggressors.
    They are the offenders.
    They are the cyberstalkers.

    TMSM for JinxLovers&JKstans March 5, 2024 11:30 pm

    Above talking to 13 year olds in DMs asking for pics

    Aloha March 5, 2024 11:51 pm

    Above a offender going after their targets with lies.

    Manhwaspicy March 6, 2024 6:46 pm
    I am hoping they will slip and write what they have being saying about themselves on their real accounts instead of hiding behind a fake account impersonating someone else. LMAO. You know what they are saying t... TMSM for JinxLovers&JKstans


    Meli March 6, 2024 10:58 pm
    I am not a pedophile! I only like children over the age of 13!!! Protector for JinxFans&JKstans

    I only like children

    Meli March 6, 2024 11:00 pm
    Yeah, she just exposed them. “ She is a pedophile that’s why she’s doing so much”They are doing so much. They created many fake accounts and doing so much. They create drama in the question area and ot... TMSM for JinxLovers&JKstans

    We created fake accounts
    This your YOURE 3rd ACCOUJT BRUH
    It’s shows the same emails and everything
    You’re not slick
    Sit down

    TMSM for JinxLovers&JKstans March 6, 2024 11:07 pm
    We created fake accounts This your YOURE 3rd ACCOUJT BRUH It’s shows the same emails and everything You’re not slick Sit down Meli

    I only have one account.
    Mangago has it set to were you only use the email once.
    Nice try.
    You are not slick. Sit down

    You don’t have permission to talk to me.

    TMSM for JinxLovers&JKstans March 6, 2024 11:07 pm
    I only like children Meli

    Glad you admit it.

    TMSM for JinxLovers&JKstans March 6, 2024 11:08 pm

    It is. I blocked Meli. I want nothing to do with her. It is disgusting what they are doing

    Meli March 6, 2024 11:10 pm
    I am disappointed in you. TMSM for JinxLovers&JKstans

    You really made 3 different accounts for this
    Ur actually a mental nut case
    Fucking weirdo
    “I only like children over the age of 13”
    So you like children - and 13 year old are kids dumb ass hoe
    Good job making three accounts though that I’ll have similar emails - then playing it off like me and Bailey bot are same account
    The both of you are angry, because we disagree with your opinions, which is really stupid of you, because you are not entitled to us agreeing with you - second of all, you’re extremely angry, because we dislike your username which is our opinion and we’re entitled to having our own opinions
    You guys are simply angry because you’re full of yourselves and the fact that you have to make three different accounts to prove your point is just embarrassing
    You’re actually embarrassing- the self projection here with calling us pedophiles when you were called out for trying to get with children under the age of 13 years old
    Who justify it would say that you only like children with a certain age- keep in mind, you chose to use the word children when describing your preference with children. You’re literally telling everyone that you like children so don’t deny anymore.
    The other old hag is obsessed with you because you both share the same opinion and she needs that approval because she never gets the approval from anyone else in her life and that makes so much sense.
    Last thing to add on- every count you’re making you’re using the same grammar and writing styles so don’t sit here and try to correct me how it’s not the same account and also make sure you change your public bio and other info - we can see it’s you in ALL 3 of these stupid accounts
    Into the old hag that’s constantly supporting him- just because someone has a different opinion than you does not mean you can act like a whole fucking child.
    Just because someone shares the same opinion with you does not justify pedophilia, rape and sexual abuse. You said you’re a grown woman? Maybe it’s time for you to start actually acting like one.
    Both of you are in sufferable and tiring and it’s enough with the self projection, trying to paint it like me Bailey Bot are the ones like that when all we are doing is defending ourselves and our opinions and supporting others, who deserve support

    Aloha March 6, 2024 11:39 pm

    I love that you are writing the impersonator TM. That one has probably created more fake accounts than we know.

    You have no clue what you are talking about.

    Ur actually a mental nut case believing all that.
    That quote you used "Protector" But now is TM
    IS A CYBERSTALKER IMPERSONATING TM. They are trying to defame them.

    You are the one angry. It has nothing to do with disagreeing with opinions. They don't post opinions. They have not be angry. They called you out. There is nothing wrong with their names. Do you even know what is happening? You are going after the victims.

    You guys are simply angry because you’re full of yourselves and the fact that cyberstalkers have to make many fake accounts to prove your point is just embarrassing

    You’re actually embarrassing yourself. The real one was not trying to get with the Bailey. You are believing their lies. That is embarrassing.
    Sounds like you are the one seeking approval.

    I have no responded with my real account in this drama. We have the "same" grammar and writing styles is you trying to troll many people. So will will not feel threatened and it is funny you are adding cyberstalkers into that.

    So you have me.
    You are responding to a fake TM which is not us
    maybe another one.

    That is embarrassing for you. We are different people. See how angry you are. This is not about having different opinions. STOP ATTACKING AND GASLIGHTING!

    You said you’re 18? that is a grown woman, right? Maybe it’s time for you to start actually acting like one. I see a child who can't handle her emotions and gaslighting to get her way.
    Now it is "Both of you" when you were trying to make us one? There are more here then 2. You are insufferable and tiring. stop the self-projection. You and Bailey Bot are the aggressors. You are not defending yourselves. Your attacks are what caused this. You are at fault. Bailey set up the real Protector. You need to learn how to communicate. Your attacks are not opinions. That is why Protector steps in when you are attacking others. You were attacking people. He steps in. IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH YOUR PATHETIC OPINIONS! ATTACKS ARE NOT OPINIONS! He was defending people from you. his name is defending people from people like you. There is nothing cringe about his name. You just want to attack others and gaslight others. No wonder why you hate his name. You cannot act like a bully with him here.
    He is the victim here, he is who deserves support. You and Baileybot don't. You two should be shamed.

    BaileyBot March 6, 2024 11:48 pm
    You really made 3 different accounts for this Ur actually a mental nut case Fucking weirdo “I only like children over the age of 13”So you like children - and 13 year old are kids dumb ass hoe Good job maki... Meli

    I think you were going from my comment..

    You are wrong. If you go to the Protectors album you will see 7 accounts have been made to cyberstalk him and others. The accounts I was talking about were Protector, a cyberstalker impersonating Protector, and one that is impersonating Protector but defending Protector.

    The real protector account was made last year. The other two were made last month. Protector and others have been harassed since then. Protector changed his name in defending people like you from others. You have been attacking others. Protector was right in calling you out. He explained your actions and what they mean. You and Bailey were not defending yourselves. You caused it by attacking others. Bailey set him up.

    BaileyBot March 6, 2024 11:53 pm
    I think you got this wrongThe Director of the other second biggest company was not a stranger - he is the company Jae is rivaled withSecond of all their company offered him a position as a masseuse with the ben... Meli

    I KNOW you got this wrong
    Story: The Director of the other second biggest company was not a stranger - he is the company Jae is rivaled with

    Story with opinions: Second of all their company offered him a position as a masseuse with the benefits of having a paid car, double the salary, which means he would be above the average of monthly income and living comfortably on top of that he would not be abused, sexually and emotionally and honestly raped

    Opinions: Let’s not forget that he was raped multiple times by Jae - he would be treated kindly and respectfully most likely since he’s considered high in the ranks for a masseuse, which is why he’s being jobbed the offer in the first place

    Opinions: To add on his grandmother would be in full health and paid for so he wouldn’t have to suffer paying debt
    Opinions: Instead, he gave all of that up to be with a guy that constantly abuses him physically and sexually, and does not even view him as a human

    ATTACK with false information. I think you seriously need to stop fetishizing rape with gay men lol (you know it with that lol)
    Degrading. Maybe when you stop doing that you’ll see that this is a whole problem

    That is your whole problem you think your attacks on someone is an "opinion" You caused it. You did not need to defend yourself.

    BaileyBot March 6, 2024 11:58 pm
    I think you’re making this far more personalized, which makes no sense because it’s simply just a webtoon. Also, it’s abusive- whether or not their relationship or contract help pull him out of his debt. ... Meli

    Focused on her: I think you’re making this far more personalized, which makes no sense because it’s simply just a webtoon.
    Why did you say that? Condescending! It is not an opinion.
    Then you wrote with opinions.
    More condescending and dismissing it’s really not that deep. It’s simply just a stupid webtoon.

    The job opportunity would’ve never been better.

    "Also, it’s not even a personal attack because you’re using words and phrases that seem like my replies are personal attack - it’s a webtoon lol"

    You did personally attack her. You did not need defending or to defend yourself. You caused it

    BaileyBot March 7, 2024 12:04 am
    Oh, thank you for a toxic hater's input. Hehe. Protector for JinxFans&JKstans

    From my understanding, he blocked her before this comment and without DMing her. Bailey did not comment on her age and he did not seem interested in talking to her. Just because she is claiming to be an age after the fake protector emailed her does not make one a pedo. Think about it.
    Bailey gets blocked from the real one. The fake one emailed her and then she screamed pedo because she is "minor". Then she is talking to cyberstalkers. She did not question when one copy of TM wrote on her post. She had the real TM blocked.


    BaileyBot March 7, 2024 12:09 am
    They are so weird Wtf Meli

    attacking them. Do you think they are weird in their opinion? You are attacking them

    BaileyBot March 7, 2024 12:11 am
    You’re actually such a crappy person and so is your friendYou’re both creeps and weirdos no wonder you like this webtoon so muchIt seems like since you both are active pedophiles, you definitely love to wat... Meli

    MORE ATTACKS! You are degrading and calling names. That is not defending yourself and you caused it. You called them pedophiles, who is self-projecting? You are saying they like rape. You are the one self-projecting and you are not acting like a grown woman.

    BaileyBot March 7, 2024 12:16 am
    You really made 3 different accounts for this Ur actually a mental nut case Fucking weirdo “I only like children over the age of 13”So you like children - and 13 year old are kids dumb ass hoe Good job maki... Meli

    you are angry, because they disagree with your opinions and called you out from attacking other, which is really stupid of you, because you are not entitled to anything
    second of all, you’re extremely angry, because of how the acted over you dislike his username which is our opinion and you are not entitled to have those opinions via you. You can't be entitled when you act this. He is protecting people. How is that cringe? If it just a webtoon why are you attacking them for their opinions? you are not entitled to them agreeing with you. Why force them to?

    Aloha March 7, 2024 1:04 am

    About BaileyBot attacking grammar. The real Protect sent me these yesterday

    This is a trick used by debaters when they are losing an argument. The intention is to discredit what the opposition says (grammar, wordage) . . . in the hope that the audience will then discredit the arguments that the opposition puts forward.

    The folks who correct your grammar (or spelling) when arguing with you on a subject unrelated to your grammar or spelling have one or a combination of three motives I can think of:

    They know of no way of refuting the argument you are making, and wish to derail you by tripping you up on a minor technical error;

    They know of no way of refuting the argument you are making, and wish to discredit you by casting doubt in others’ minds as to whether you know anything, because you made a mistake in spelling or grammar;

    They are habitually insufferable pedants, who make a show of knowledge without bothering to try to make it relevant to the topic at hand.

    If the response to an argument you’ve just outlined is a smug “you’re” because you typed “your,” you can bet the person trying to counter your argument has little in the way of real ammunition.

    BaileyBot March 7, 2024 1:10 am

    Wow 9 pages. This has to be a record or something. Didn't all of you say you were busy adults who didn't have time to deal with children? You look pretty unemployed and free to me. Is it your pedo urge to engage with kids that keeps you coming back?

    BaileyBot March 7, 2024 1:22 am

    Wow 9 pages. This has to be a record or something. I don't think all of you say you were busy adults who didn't have time to deal with children. Bailey and her friends look pretty unemployed and free to me. Bailey's pedophile urge wants her to engage with kids that she keeps coming back.

    Manhwaspicy March 7, 2024 1:30 am

    We all know you're not 16 bruh stfu. You're so weak tryna play the victim again, pathetic fk.

    BaileyBot March 7, 2024 1:32 am

    Makes you feel better when you pretend I'm older, doesn't it?

    Manhwaspicy March 7, 2024 1:34 am

    Pretend? Nope, deep down you and I both know you are NOT 16. Cry about it.

    BaileyBot March 7, 2024 1:38 am

    Makes me feel better when I pretend I'm younger to set up people. I am framing someone by pretending I am younger to falsely incriminate an innocent person. Why would a 16-year-old do that?

    Manhwaspicy March 7, 2024 1:44 am

    Omg you admitted it?? I knew you were crazy BAHHAAA I CAN'T WITH THIS FOOL!

    BaileyBot March 7, 2024 2:35 am


    Manhwaspicy March 7, 2024 2:50 am


    BaileyBot March 7, 2024 2:52 am

    her = (╯°Д °)╯╧╧

    BaileyBot March 7, 2024 6:56 pm

    After reading this thread. I looked it up.

    Ephebophilia is the primary sexual interest in mid-to-late adolescents, generally ages 15 to 19.
    A pedophile is an adult who is sexually attracted to prepubescent children.
    However, the fake :vomit: impersonator emailed Bailey. In the scenario, they may know how old Bailey was. But she framed the real one. Bailey never said she was minor until after. It is said aforethought. It is not even in the snapshot. If you asked for a photo without knowing someone's age, this does not make you a pedo. Also, the impersonator said to send them a photo. That is it. It was not asking for inappropriate pictures. Now they are saying trying to frame the real, it was asked for inappropriate. It is also being said that asking for a photo = grooming. They keep changing Bailey's age.
    They are trying to frame the real ones. They are deflecting from them. They are using what Candy said to them. She had her own beef as she said she was watching a group that blames others for being a pedophile as they hide themselves. They deflected it to their victims. The cyberstalkers after them are pedophiles :vomit:

    Meli March 11, 2024 4:58 am
    Wow 9 pages. This has to be a record or something. I don't think all of you say you were busy adults who didn't have time to deal with children. Bailey and her friends look pretty unemployed and free to me. Ba... BaileyBot

    Bro you made an account to pretend to be Bailey Bot too
    The real Bailey bot agreed with me on all my shit
    I also agreed with them so this is bs
    I bet she could pronounce reply and confirm too so stfu

    Meli March 11, 2024 5:00 am
    Focused on her: I think you’re making this far more personalized, which makes no sense because it’s simply just a webtoon. Why did you say that? Condescending! It is not an opinion. Then you wrote with opi... BaileyBot


    Meli March 11, 2024 5:01 am
    Wow 9 pages. This has to be a record or something. Didn't all of you say you were busy adults who didn't have time to deal with children? You look pretty unemployed and free to me. Is it your pedo urge to engag... BaileyBot


    BaileyBot March 11, 2024 5:01 am
    Bro you made an account to pretend to be Bailey Bot tooThe real Bailey bot agreed with me on all my shit I also agreed with them so this is bs I bet she could pronounce reply and confirm too so stfu Meli

    Yeah just block and ignore that one. They're just one of the weirdos :vomit:

    Meli March 11, 2024 5:02 am

    He made ANOTHER account abt you

    Pleas be careful Bailey

    TMSM for JinxLovers&JKstans March 11, 2024 5:10 am

    Manhwaspicy- “ I am gonna make sure you leave this site. Give me time and you'll see how things turn out. You've already gotten on my nerves and there's no going back”

    Shivermetimbers MD alt turned into an alpha wolf w this comment

    BaileyBot March 11, 2024 5:11 am

    Lol he can match all he wants. It doesn't hurt me

    Meli March 11, 2024 5:22 am
    Lol he can match all he wants. It doesn't hurt me BaileyBot

    Period baddie
    He can suck it fr
    He replied to ALL my comments pretending to be you but like hating on me and supporting pedos
    He then tried to paint the narrative that you believe pedos are good like justifying it
    Trying to make himself look good

    Protector for JinxFans&JKstans March 11, 2024 6:49 am
    I think you were going from my comment.. are wrong. If you go to the Protectors album you will see 7 accounts have been made to cyberstalk him and others. T... BaileyBot

    You replied to all her comments? It was only a few. Lol the gaslighting.

    Okay I skimmed the messages. I am bored with them and their lame gaslighting.

    There is no rationalizing with irrational people.

    They are gas lighting and all drama.
    They are part of cult. They are making you MD. They are weak. They made Manhwascipy MD. That is a false sense of power. Same thing.
    Meli running with the exposed setup. She is part of the cult that is trying to harm them with gaslighting. They are so disgusting and hideous. They are the ones obsessed with pedos. They are setting up people to be pedos. They support the real pedos. They have reduced their self to nothing. It is repulsive how they turn things. They are sickening. They are not the victims. They are dishonest and corrupted. The victims are the real ones. I am sorry MD, TM, and others had gone through this.

    Protector for JinxFans&JKstans March 11, 2024 6:50 am

    Would the three cyberstalkers here shut up and stop spreading propaganda. Leave your victims alone. You are disgusting and corrupted to do this to them.

    TMSM for JinxLovers&JKstans March 11, 2024 10:11 am

    erm would the pedo above stop sending minors dms and asking for pics….

    Meli March 11, 2024 2:42 pm
    You replied to all her comments? It was only a few. Lol the gaslighting. Okay I skimmed the messages. I am bored with them and their lame gaslighting. There is no rationalizing with irrational people. They ar... Protector for JinxFans&JKstans

    Bruh stfu
    Ur so annoying

    Meli March 11, 2024 2:43 pm
    erm would the pedo above stop sending minors dms and asking for pics…. TMSM for JinxLovers&JKstans

    Maybe you should stop doing that
    With your 10 fucking account
    An extra impersonation BaileyBot
    Fucking moron
    Kill urself fr

    Protector for JinxFans&JKstans March 11, 2024 3:10 pm
    Bruh stfu Ur so annoying Meli

    Bruh you and the cyberstalkers stfu
    You’re so annoying.

    That was not to you it was to nice BaileyBot, who as a small picture. You are all buddy to cyberstalker lying BaileyBot who has a close up.
    The nice BaileyBot is undoing the lie and set up from the lair. They never tried to match BaileyBot’s.
    Stop being annoying and you blocked now.
    That TM, you responded to is on your side. That is the cyberstalker impersonating TM and that worked with your BaileyBot.
    Would the pedo cyberstalkers, BaileyBot (the real one), Meli, and Fake TM shut up and stop with the annoying lies and gaslighting. Leave your victims alone.

    TMSM for JinxLovers&JKstans March 11, 2024 3:18 pm


    Protector for JinxFans&JKstans March 11, 2024 3:23 pm

    She called others pedo. That is why calling her out of her self-projecting. No projection here. Why are you calling your victims a pedo? Your self-projection.

    TMSM for JinxLovers&JKstans March 11, 2024 3:43 pm

    the only victims here r the minors u have been messaging babes

    Protector for JinxFans&JKstans March 11, 2024 4:15 pm

    Babes do you only know how to gaslight and go with an exposed set up. Weak. The “minors” are the fake victims here. You are a fake victim too. You are not talking about your victims. Do you even know them? Did you even gave them a real chance? If you did you wouldn’t be impersonating them on many accounts and gaslighting them. Old.

    TMSM for JinxLovers&JKstans March 11, 2024 4:32 pm

    yeah i’m bored of this too ill just accept u as my schizophrenic friend i know u have to create multiple alts but i’m willing to be ur friend

    Protector for JinxFans&JKstans March 11, 2024 4:45 pm
    yeah i’m bored of this too ill just accept u as my schizophrenic friend i know u have to create multiple alts but i’m willing to be ur friend TMSM for JinxLovers&JKstans

    On the other hand, You have created multiple accounts to go after them. Projection.

    We can all be friends but I think they would avoid people like Meli, and cyberstalker BaileyBot. That setup is unforgivable. They tried to understand you but they only got hostility and more gaslighting. Do you even know them? Did you gave them a chance or just went to dominate them?

    And I have two. My real one where MD has helped me and this one. You are dealing with many people.

    TMSM for JinxLovers&JKstans March 11, 2024 5:06 pm

    i promise this is my only account babe but i still believe that u were messaging Baileybot, who was 16. They literally have proof on their album so idk. If you accept that you did something wrong and move on maybe we can truly be friends with a lot of differences

    Meli March 11, 2024 5:29 pm
    i promise this is my only account babe but i still believe that u were messaging Baileybot, who was 16. They literally have proof on their album so idk. If you accept that you did something wrong and move on m... TMSM for JinxLovers&JKstans

    I messaged Bailey Bot ?
    Bro even Bailey Bot will tell you other wise your delusional bruh
    YOU messaged her and harassed her for photos
    Don’t put this on me you sick bitch
    You made a fake Bailey bot account just to make me look bad
    You made SEVERAL other accounts
    Look at yourself right now
    You need help

    Protector for JinxFans&JKstans March 11, 2024 5:33 pm
    i promise this is my only account babe but i still believe that u were messaging Baileybot, who was 16. They literally have proof on their album so idk. If you accept that you did something wrong and move on m... TMSM for JinxLovers&JKstans

    One of these you were making MD a minor. You have no clue his real age. I know you have another account you were talking about the end of January … oh! You meant in cyberstalking? You can’t prove that and we know one has 4 fake accounts by their comments. Meh.

    First I am not MD for the 50th time. Neither of us message cyberstalker BaileyBot. Most in her fake album shows she is after them as it discredits her claims. She has gaslighted them after, discredit her more. The real one post his empty mailbox with numbers. BaileyBot would have to photoshop the numbers to hide it was this one that messaged her.
    They have proof that one emailed them. If you read the DM. Why is talking about Jaekyung? Here it shows MD wanted nothing to do with it. Are you that gullible to believe a set up?
    You and the rest after them have to accept that y’all did something wrong. Y’all need to move on.
    You are doing something wrong by impersonating them.
    You are doing something wrong by gaslighting them.
    You are avoiding what you did to make them call you out. They are not in the wrong by calling you out to have you be an adult. They always wanted conversations. Y’all never gave it to them and just mocked them. They buried themselves behind facts and factual evidence. It is not their opinions. Why are you being a hypocrite? Why are you forcing them to be wrong especially with a setup?

    He was framed.

    Meli March 11, 2024 5:34 pm
    i promise this is my only account babe but i still believe that u were messaging Baileybot, who was 16. They literally have proof on their album so idk. If you accept that you did something wrong and move on m... TMSM for JinxLovers&JKstans

    I agree with you
    These replies are meant for the other account lol
    He’s making tons of fake account to back himself up
    He made a fake Bailey bot account pretending to be her and blame me for his actions
    There’s proof he was pushing Bailey bot for nudes and she explained she was a child - he told her that he prefers children 13 and older
    That’s his response to her saying no
    Then he made 40 accounts to reply to everyone
    There’s proof of all of this
    He’s the one in the wrong and delusional

    Protector for JinxFans&JKstans March 11, 2024 5:38 pm
    Sorry I agree with you These replies are meant for the other account lol He’s making tons of fake account to back himself upHe made a fake Bailey bot account pretending to be her and blame me for his actions... Meli

    “He’s making tons of fake account to back himself up”
    False sense of power.

    “He made a fake Bailey bot account pretending to be her and blame me for his actions”
    If you read they were not pretending to be her and they called you out your actions. Gaslighting

    “There’s proof he was pushing Bailey bot for nudes and she explained she was a child - he told her that he prefers children 13 and older”.

    The photo from the cyberstalkers show the cyberstalker asking BaileyBot for a photo. And it was cyberstalkers claiming all the gaslighting. Look at the profiles. It is the cyberstalkers saying that. I don’t know you were gullible to believe gaslighting from cyberstalkers.

    “That’s his response to her saying no
    Then he made 40 accounts to reply to everyone
    There’s proof of all of this”

    If you believe that gaslighting.
    you are the one in the wrong and delusional.

    Protector for JinxFans&JKstans March 11, 2024 5:42 pm
    I messaged Bailey Bot ? Bro even Bailey Bot will tell you other wise your delusional bruh YOU messaged her and harassed her for photos Don’t put this on me you sick bitchYou made a fake Bailey bot account jus... Meli

    This was to me?? Are you admitting to be

    That is the one that asked BaileyBot.
    I am not them. I am not the real one either.

    You are the sick bitch. The good BaileyBot called you out. You made yourself look bad.
    You need help and I am not responding to the rest of your gaslighting message. That shows you are the sick bitch here.

    BaileyBot March 11, 2024 5:43 pm
    erm would the pedo above stop sending minors dms and asking for pics…. TMSM for JinxLovers&JKstans


    Protector for JinxFans&JKstans March 11, 2024 5:46 pm
    Sorry I agree with you These replies are meant for the other account lol He’s making tons of fake account to back himself upHe made a fake Bailey bot account pretending to be her and blame me for his actions... Meli

    I really should stay away for you and your cyberstalkers friends. I don’t want you to influence me. Gaslighting, slandering others as impersonating them, and avoiding to take responsibility for my actions? Believing a setup that had nothing to do with the real ones. Then making my self look desperate and delusional by changing things (gaslighting).

    Protector for JinxFans&JKstans March 11, 2024 5:48 pm
    erm would the pedo above stop sending minors dms and asking for pics…. TMSM for JinxLovers&JKstans

    Is the pedo that emailed BaileyBot. The setup has been exposed. How much of denial are yall in?

    BaileyBot March 11, 2024 5:58 pm

    Weren't you bored like 2 pages ago, Pedo Protector? You can leave and mute the thread at any time but you secretly love this shit, don't you? You're so gross. :vomit:

    BaileyBot March 11, 2024 5:59 pm
    Sorry I agree with you These replies are meant for the other account lol He’s making tons of fake account to back himself upHe made a fake Bailey bot account pretending to be her and blame me for his actions... Meli

    I tagged your comments. Those are your words. You are deflecting your actions on him. Stop playing the victim card when you are the one in the wrong.

    BaileyBot March 11, 2024 6:03 pm the pedo that emailed BaileyBot. The setup has been exposed. How much of denial are yall in? Protector for JinxFans&JKstans

    I think Meli and Baileybot are sockpuppets. They are gross. At least now you are tied to bring peace. It is their side. They are gross and sick to frame someone and still run with it. They are sick of wanting to keep attacking their victims while pretending to be victims.

    BaileyBot March 11, 2024 6:04 pm

    Wow look at who always conveniently shows up when Pedo Protector is also here

    BaileyBot March 11, 2024 6:11 pm

    You are the pedo protector. We have been through this. You are self-projection.

    Dolly asked you to stop. For both sides to stop. And that protector was trying to bring peace.
    They were trying to explain to fake TM what happened. You are not helping. Meli is not helping.

    You, Meli, and fake TM are just antagonizing them by gaslighting your victims. Keep showing who are the real problems here. This "Side" has been defending themselves from you and they seek peace.
    You are the villain here. You are not the victims. You the real pedo protector tried to frame the real one. Gross.

    BaileyBot March 11, 2024 6:15 pm the pedo that emailed BaileyBot. The setup has been exposed. How much of denial are yall in? Protector for JinxFans&JKstans

    And ley it be known you have been here trying to make peace and pedo defender Baileybot knew.
    They are showing who are the real problems. They don't want peace or to set this as adults.
    You are trying to be a third party here.

    BaileyBot March 11, 2024 6:16 pm
    And ley it be known you have been here trying to make peace and pedo defender Baileybot knew. They are showing who are the real problems. They don't want peace o... BaileyBot

    And you and I are a third party.

    BaileyBot March 11, 2024 6:17 pm

    My issue with your pedo friend is mine and mine alone. None of those people have anything to do with it. I'm not going to shut up and be the quiet victim you wish I was. GFYS pedo protector :D

    BaileyBot March 11, 2024 6:23 pm
    i promise this is my only account babe but i still believe that u were messaging Baileybot, who was 16. They literally have proof on their album so idk. If you accept that you did something wrong and move on m... TMSM for JinxLovers&JKstans

    You should look at my album and the Real Protector's album. You are trying to manipulate them and to feel guilty for something they did not do. You are gaslighting and unfair. You have 3 accounts that are Protector. And a fourth one that changed the name to impersonate TM. That would be you, right? It could have been you who emailed Baileybot.

    BaileyBot March 11, 2024 6:27 pm

    "My issue with your pedo friend is mine and mine alone. None of those people have anything to do with it. I'm not going to shut up and be the quiet victim you wish I was. GFYS pedo protector :D"

    Then you have an non-existenting problem. I have no pedo friends, like you. You are not a victim. You are the aggressor. MD and his friends are the real victims. Stop self-projecting you onto to us. GFYS the real pedo protector. You are gross.

    TMSM for JinxLovers&JKstans March 11, 2024 7:15 pm
    Sorry I agree with you These replies are meant for the other account lol He’s making tons of fake account to back himself upHe made a fake Bailey bot account pretending to be her and blame me for his actions... Meli

    oh girl dw abt it he’s just insane it’s funny,,, he’s like a little schizophrenic pet with 10 alt accounts that you can poke at for fun and will give you a reaction EVERY time despite being ‘done’ and ‘bored’ (btw check my bio bc it has all the known names he’s gone by hahahaa)

    TMSM for JinxLovers&JKstans March 11, 2024 7:23 pm

    Also @fakeBaileyBot i looked at the album properly and seriously how can you say that Manhwaspicy was standing up for the real baileybot when she was cursing at him on the last imagine of ur album??? also id like to see u debunk it 3rd person idk why u keep talking as Baileybot when you’ve said you’re not trying to be them

    BaileyBot March 11, 2024 8:06 pm the pedo that emailed BaileyBot. The setup has been exposed. How much of denial are yall in? Protector for JinxFans&JKstans

    BAHAHA "why u keep talking as Baileybot when you’ve said you’re not trying to be them"
    Says the one impersonating TMSM.

    Failed cyberstalker: he has 10 alt accounts
    Failed cyberstalker: he has 10 alt accounts
    Failed cyberstalker: he has 10 alt accounts

    This is them creating a false sense of power or influence by making it seem like one person has multiple accounts when no one cares. Literally, no one cares. It is a tactic used to intimidate or confuse their targets
    While making it seem like one person has multiple accounts, you have multiple accounts harassing "one" person. That is harassment. That is cyberstalking.

    Failed cyberstalker: he has 10 alt accounts
    Failed cyberstalker: he has 10 alt accounts
    Failed cyberstalker: he has 10 alt accounts

    Manipulating and creating a false sense of control of their 10 or more targets. It is harmful and deceptive. They continue is give them a false sense of power or control over their victims. They have a false sense of superiority. They are trying to discredit and intimidate their victims.
    Their actions are not justified and their actions and words are not a reflection of their victims but of the insecurities and malicious intent of the cyberstalkers.

    "that you can poke at for fun and will give you a reaction EVERY time"
    That is manipulation and controlling. Sad some of those "reactions" is trying to understand them, providing factual evidence, and warning others.
    To do what they are doing many indicate issues like mental illness. We know they are obsessed with them and desire to control them. They will never be like TM or MD. Ever. They will not get their attention either.

    They only showed they were the villain here and TM, MD, and other targets are their victims that want nothing to do with them.

    BaileyBot March 11, 2024 8:14 pm

    We will only be trying to make peace from now on.

    Protector for JinxFans&JKstans March 11, 2024 8:27 pm
    We will only be trying to make peace from now on. BaileyBot


    Ot7_BL@-@ June 16, 2024 11:11 am
    I wanted to ignore all the comments who disagreed bc it seems they lack experience from the world but you, you caught my attention. Perhaps, have we had a conversation before bc you're overreacting on this whol... Manhwaspicy

    Big thanks and love, OMG you hot it so right (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

bloomix February 9, 2024 9:56 am

is it really worth it to endure so much abuse and disrespect from that wrestler just to be able to afford your half-dead grandmother's life support? look at how old she is. she's a bottle of cola away from having a hard attack. she's lived long enough. i'm sure she, too, is done with life.

    Manhwaspicy February 10, 2024 12:23 am

    Can’t you see that grandma is the only family that Dan has?? He loves his grandma so much that he would do anything so she would live longer even though he gets hurt in the process. If you were in his position, you wouldn’t even imagine the fear and uneasiness of knowing your only family, the one who grew up with you is gonna die and leave you one day.

bloomix February 9, 2024 9:42 am

he thinks he can go around punching and kicking anybody without facing consequences for his actions. it happens so often. it's very strange how the general public isn't aware of how nasty and disgusting he actually is.

    Morning Diamonds February 9, 2024 11:11 am

    fr and jae was the one who was all ''you pulled the first punch'' ''they won't get the law involved'' about the loan sharks but now suddenly it's ok to punch someone first outside the ring because someone hurt ur feelings? and your comment made me realize, that jae isn't afraid to show his ugly side to select people (gym members, heesung, physical therapists, coaches, that gay doctor) who can't tell the public about it. to everyone else he's polite and calm because they're the public to him with nothing to lose if they made the world aware abt his hot tempered behavior

    yourkite February 10, 2024 10:24 am

    This is such a good point, Especially because of his fame. Also He's made a lot of enemies and its unrealistic that no one would try to get back at him in some way shape or form (I'm not speaking on the loan sharks I'm talking about anyone who frequents the gym or has worked with him in the past)

bloomix January 23, 2024 3:13 pm

for someone who's struggled financially so much all his life, dan sure is not money savvy. who tf gets a $700 keychain for a guy they met a month ago? in the name of love? is that some new kind of love? now the keychain is in the trashcan. hopefully, a homeless person sells it to buy themself food for a couple months.

bloomix January 23, 2024 3:03 pm

i am hollering. dan bought a $700 keychain just for that wrestler to toss it away like a leprosy-infected sock? that's what he gets for being dumb. he would've been better off buying decent clothes to change from the rags he constantly wears. love yourself, dan.

    valae January 23, 2024 3:12 pm

    i love how specific you got with the leprosy sock omg. totally agree

bloomix December 26, 2023 1:36 am

there's no way dan got a side job to be able to afford a $700 keychain for that abuser when his fossil of a grandma is two seconds away from dying in the hospital... priorities ig.

    Kasumi December 26, 2023 1:38 am

    Well... Jaekyung is taking care of his and Grandma's bills so he doesn't need to do anything.

    yourbestfriend December 26, 2023 1:41 am

    "his fossil of a grandma" LMFAOOOOOOOOO

    bbyeol December 26, 2023 2:19 am
    Well... Jaekyung is taking care of his and Grandma's bills so he doesn't need to do anything. Kasumi

    Yes it’s like that

    Kasumi December 28, 2023 7:38 pm
    Yes it’s like that bbyeol


bloomix July 21, 2021 8:04 pm

i love this webtoon solely because of the artstyle and sex scenes. the plot is basic and the duke is awful. one of the most annoying characters i've ever seen in any bl manhwa.

bloomix July 21, 2021 7:55 pm

the mercenary should punch his annoying face more often

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