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Oktavia May 25, 2021 3:37 am

Will this never update? :(

Oktavia February 5, 2021 11:21 pm

It still doesn’t sit right with me how he killed his previous fiancé. I.. have a feeling that the empress gave her sus jewelry just like how she gave Estella that moonstone necklace. Idk the fiancé (Enase) really seemed innocent to me in her reactions! She even reached out to him and he killed her! Idk I can’t let it go. I hope she’s brought up again and maybe it turns out she’s innocent :(. I want him to burn in regret smh.

    WhatAWorld February 6, 2021 1:27 am

    RIGHT I keep thinking of how she didn't show her true colors even up till the moment she died! If so, thats very very very sad

    Oktavia February 6, 2021 3:37 am
    RIGHT I keep thinking of how she didn't show her true colors even up till the moment she died! If so, thats very very very sad WhatAWorld

    It breaks my fucking heart. And how fast he seemed to move on from her! If they showed him contemplating about her after and why he was suspicious enough to take her to that tree then maybe I wouldn’t feel so bad about it. But its like she’s completely out of his mind. Man idk, i hope that maybe we get to see more about this in future chapters.

    Sasifras February 6, 2021 4:17 am
    It breaks my fucking heart. And how fast he seemed to move on from her! If they showed him contemplating about her after and why he was suspicious enough to take her to that tree then maybe I wouldn’t feel so... Oktavia

    As for the moving on fast, it was his seventh political engagement. Despite his attitude towards Sir Arthur, I wouldn't be surprised if he only sighed and turned around to another political prospect if Estella dropped dead. If he had any feelings for his fiancees, they would have learned not to grow attached by at least the third or fourth. Callous, yes. Unreasonable, no. But there is a change in him around Estella so there is hope.

    Rebeca February 6, 2021 9:54 am

    I dont want to defend him, but i will kind of defend him with facts. So that tree is known to only react to wiches. Your finance is behaving strange enough for you to suspect that they might be someone else, and then the tree react like it would to witches, you would hesitate to let them live when witches are known for manipulation? Mainpulation, guys, so it could have been that she was pretending to be in denial, and is weak, to kill him when he is not on guard. Even if most probably the girl was innocent, everything pointed out she was a witch, so I cant blame him for getting rid of a person, who he tought of as a dangerous, and who could have killed him in his bedroom. And its obviously heavy on his mind, and is sorry for killing her even if he thinks it was not the actual person and that it was neccesary to lill her. So I dont get it why you soooo want to get him to regret it when he obviously hates thinking about how he hurt his friend and supporters family. He regrets loosing every one of his financees, and he told that to Estella, but looks like you glossed over that, but never mind. He cant weep over their loss, since he has to be on guard 0-24 thanks to the assassins, and other plots of the empress. Thats why he choose a person who has good defence and even more chance to stay alive in the palace. Also its probably true that the finance was manipulated by the empress, since her eyes glowed with the same light as her fathers, when he attacked Estella. So even if the prince would have let her live, she would have been a ready made assassin, having perfect oppurtunity to kill him on the empress's order.
    ( ̄∇ ̄")

    Oktavia February 6, 2021 10:53 pm
    I dont want to defend him, but i will kind of defend him with facts. So that tree is known to only react to wiches. Your finance is behaving strange enough for you to suspect that they might be someone else, an... Rebeca

    You don’t wanna defend him but you defended him anyway XD. I understand that the tree reacts to witches, I can understand the story and get that. We don’t see how the fiancé is reacting prior to that with our own eyes. In the panel we see her thoughts, what she is thinking about. Why was she so confused? Was she not aware that she herself was a witch? We don’t know, and probably will never know. I’m looking from her perspective not his. I understand he has reasons to be cautious, sure I get that. I’m just curious that if he starts to get that “feeling” from estella would he also drag her to those trees? And execute her without her explanation? The empress obviously is messing with his fiancées and for all we know she may have given her something (like jewelry) that may have caused the trees to react that way. Hell when Estella received that necklace from the empress she felt uneasy! Idk how you can overlook that. Again I understand why he what he had to do, but my heart still hurts for Enase.

    Oktavia February 6, 2021 10:55 pm
    As for the moving on fast, it was his seventh political engagement. Despite his attitude towards Sir Arthur, I wouldn't be surprised if he only sighed and turned around to another political prospect if Estella ... Sasifras

    Yup I get that he did what he had to do, I don’t hate him, I also hope he changes for the better.

    MarkoPolo February 7, 2021 1:27 am
    Yup I get that he did what he had to do, I don’t hate him, I also hope he changes for the better. Oktavia

    But its not like he could've changed the fact that she was a witch. And he killed enase right after he found out she was a witch because there really isn't an explanation. Like what could she have said?? If he even spared her, what could she have done afterwards? Would she use her newfound powers for bad deeds? Would she become an even more dangerous potential threat to the prince? Would she be traumatised after finding out she was a witch? What if others found out that she was a witch? If others did, then she obviously would've had a more painful death and experience.
    If the prince showed her mercy, there would've been way too many cons than pros and since he's a prince, the one and only suitable heir to the throne, he can't risk anything and needs to be decisive as a king. Plus if he did spare her, he would've added onto more worries and a potential threat.
    He has to survive in the harsh state he lives in because he knows that he is the only suitable one to be king and if his step brothers took over, it would be a disaster.

    If u wanted him to at least mourn for enase, he actually kinda did, bc he felt extremely guilty whenever he even saw her father. He trys to make up to it by being extra good to the father cus its not like he can change the past or be good to the dead enase.

    Also about the necklace, u may be right but what about the prince? Like its not like the prince will have time to investigate everything when he's not even certain if the necklace really is messing with his fiancees. Plus what if the necklace rlly isn't doing anything? Wouldn't that just be time wasted and that he just spared the life of a witch? She could've gotten away with that time he investigated as well.

    Lipilu February 7, 2021 3:07 am
    But its not like he could've changed the fact that she was a witch. And he killed enase right after he found out she was a witch because there really isn't an explanation. Like what could she have said?? If he ... MarkoPolo

    Thing is, spoilers say he could have. FL becomes a "seed" of the witch Queen. These seeds turn girls into infertile witches. ML later accepts it and turns FL back using holy power, meaning he could have saved the other girls too. They were innocent! This made me really uninterested in their romance. Fact stands that he just didn't deem the other girls important enough to try and save. Pretty sh*t move to make an exception for FL only (even if I'm on her side). The other girls were by no means evil or deserving of death

    Oktavia February 7, 2021 5:12 am
    Thing is, spoilers say he could have. FL becomes a "seed" of the witch Queen. These seeds turn girls into infertile witches. ML later accepts it and turns FL back using holy power, meaning he could have saved t... Lipilu

    Exactly my point, smh

    MarkoPolo February 7, 2021 9:33 am
    Thing is, spoilers say he could have. FL becomes a "seed" of the witch Queen. These seeds turn girls into infertile witches. ML later accepts it and turns FL back using holy power, meaning he could have saved t... Lipilu

    Wait so he had holy power from the start? And he knew everything and how to undo the curse before they turned into witches?

    Rebeca February 7, 2021 10:10 am
    You don’t wanna defend him but you defended him anyway XD. I understand that the tree reacts to witches, I can understand the story and get that. We don’t see how the fiancé is reacting prior to that with ... Oktavia

    I tought I said that she was manipated through the necklance, but I may have commented that on another topic, but yeah, it is kind of interests me as well what he would do with Estella in the same situation. But I think he would do the same. Because they said that witches replace the victims, and not just possess them, I think he would kill her, or try to do so if the tree reacted that way, cos he woukd think that its another person and not Estella. But we wont know until ot happens. I would love it if Estella would find out the necklances purpose and would be able to show the prince why the tree reacted that way, but the prince would mostlikely collapse from the guilt.#-.-) or at least it would be too much on his mind.

    Rebeca February 7, 2021 10:16 am

    I just read some spoilers at another topic. So SPOILER!
    Spoilers say the Queen is actually like a queen bee. She plants "seeds" to turn girls into witches. These girls then become infertile and lose appetite also. Apparently, the Empress inherits a holy sword after becoming Queen. This sword can kill her but witches can't use it so I guess that's why she keeps turning his fiancees into her pawns. So it looks like the finance was not innocent like we tought, but she may had no concrete idea that she was a witch. (=・ω・=)

    Oktavia February 7, 2021 10:24 am
    I just read some spoilers at another topic. So SPOILER!.........Spoilers say the Queen is actually like a queen bee. She plants "seeds" to turn girls into witches. These girls then become infertile and lose app... Rebeca

    She was innocent, her being a witch was not her will

    Rebeca February 7, 2021 12:26 pm
    She was innocent, her being a witch was not her will Oktavia

    Yeah. But she was one nonethless. And so, as a witch she would have been killed by either the prince, or would have been arrested, and executed in public. She would have died either way, since no one thinks that witches can be left allive. So I would not complain much about her death, with this spoiler, its not sure she was unavare of her being witch or she knew. If she knew then she deserved it, if not then she was a victim, but still a witch, who would have been killed eitherway. ( ̄へ ̄)

    Lipilu February 7, 2021 12:27 pm
    Wait so he had holy power from the start? And he knew everything and how to undo the curse before they turned into witches? MarkoPolo

    No he didn't know everything. After FL told him to kill her if she turned into a witch and revealed it to him, he accepted it pretty easily and worked to find a way to turn her back. This really irked me since he immediately just killed his previous fiance without really looking into it deeply

    Rebeca February 7, 2021 12:49 pm
    No he didn't know everything. After FL told him to kill her if she turned into a witch and revealed it to him, he accepted it pretty easily and worked to find a way to turn her back. This really irked me since ... Lipilu

    Umm. I dont want to be an asshole, but if he did nkt love them, then maybe thats the reason he did not look into it deeper. Its different if someone we love becomes the target, than when someone who is "just" choosen because they had to do so. Even with Anise, he did not say he loved her, only cared for her a bit more since she was the daughter of a friend. Her becoming a witch was unfortunate thing, but maybe not enough for him to look into it that deeply. But I dont know. At first when he appeared, I hated him. Then I liked him, now I dont know what to think. I will just wait for the actual chaps where these spoilers are from to be translated. I wont judge before that.#-.-) but having a power does not mean he could save everyone, like maybe if he did not like them enough it would not activate or something like that. Its cliche but love used as a catalisator for a power to awaken is used offen. Argh I will just wait for it to come out. #-.-)

    Oktavia February 7, 2021 6:38 pm
    Yeah. But she was one nonethless. And so, as a witch she would have been killed by either the prince, or would have been arrested, and executed in public. She would have died either way, since no one thinks tha... Rebeca

    Then the same can be said for estella correct? Who also becomes a witch. But the prince saved her eventually. Why couldn’t he do the same for Enase, because he didn’t “love” her enough? Oh please, even then she was still an important person to him, maybe not romantically but politically! But yes you are right, he didn’t put any thought into saving her and just killed cuz he doesn’t give a poop about her lmao! Smh. And yes, once again she was unaware, therefore innocent. My issue is not her being a witch, but her most likely not knowing what the heck was going on with her body and eventually being dragged around by her fiancé and killed by him! Thats why I feel horrible for her. I’m not sure how to explain to you to get you to understand. No offense, but I feel like I’m talking to a wall. Lets stop here.

    Rebeca February 8, 2021 12:09 am
    Then the same can be said for estella correct? Who also becomes a witch. But the prince saved her eventually. Why couldn’t he do the same for Enase, because he didn’t “love” her enough? Oh please, even ... Oktavia

    I understand your point, but still cant really aggree, until I read the actual chapter where the spoiler is from. Since we dont know exacly how he discovered his power, and how the mc talked to him about her becoming a witch. I am just saying that we should not judge only according to part of the information, and wait for the chaps, to understand it better. Also it was a long time ago I read the first chapters, but I think Anise might have known about her becoming a witch, but was unable to tell the prince like the mc did, since she was affraid to go under the tree, and was therefore missunderstood, and killed. And I do pity her, that time she was killed by the prince I was rageing with anger, but even so it wont change the plot. So I wont cry over spilled milk so much, I can only hope it will be explained in a way I can accept her death as a ''needed scarafice". Also the love thing, I meant that we dont know how he got to use his powers, what criteria he has to fullfill to activate it etc. We only know he got the power when Estella became witch, and he saved her, after investigating about it, and he did not do so with his other financees. Thats not much info. Almost nothing, but enough to split the readers oppinion, and get them to hate the prince.
    (=・ω・=) but yeah we should stop. Sorry if I ticked you off with my comments.( ̄∇ ̄")

    Oktavia February 8, 2021 12:25 am
    I understand your point, but still cant really aggree, until I read the actual chapter where the spoiler is from. Since we dont know exacly how he discovered his power, and how the mc talked to him about her be... Rebeca

    No I’m not ticked off! But yes until the story progresses I won’t say anymore. My opinion of him also remains unchanged.

    Lipilu February 8, 2021 6:18 pm
    I understand your point, but still cant really aggree, until I read the actual chapter where the spoiler is from. Since we dont know exacly how he discovered his power, and how the mc talked to him about her be... Rebeca

    Nope spoiler...


    She was completely unaware that she was turning into a witch. These seed witches eventually become living puppets for the queen mother, without conscious or will, they can only act on the orders of the queen. That's why it's said that witches "become a different person". It's quite unfortunate but the previous fiancee was still herself at the time the prince killed her and he does later regret it but does that make things ok? Clearly her father will never be the same. Interesting how there isn't a name for a parent who has lost their child. I guess it's because no parent would want to see their children go before them.

    Rebeca February 8, 2021 9:37 pm
    Nope spoiler..................... She was completely unaware that she was turning into a witch. These seed witches eventually become living puppets for the queen mother, without conscious or will, they can only... Lipilu

    Uhh then its really unfortunate. But my main point does not change that I still dont have a clue how he discovers his ability and how the fl explains things to him. Also until fl told him the info about witches, everyone in their world tought that witches were different and not real humans, so the point that she would have been executed cos everyone tought she was already dead and replaced by a witch still remains. But it is really pitiful that she died.#-.-) also I only tought of this now, but the case is similar to how medicines are invented. Its not like the cure is always ready, when a new epidemic appears, people die before its completed, even tought they could have been saved if their health held on a bit more, but since it did not hold out until the cure was ready they died. But maybe this is a stupid way to express it. Neverless my statement still remains the same, I will wait for the translated chaps to come out to pass judgement on the prince. And yeah I get it that the father must have been in a lot of pain. Thats what the empress used to make him a puppet. ╥﹏╥

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