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Happy Birthday Ahjuicy!! (ノ≧∇≦)ノ

Solar Eclipses created a topic of Unromantic

All my faves ending so emotional rn

Solar Eclipses created a topic of Full volume

Love when they say the title at the end

Solar Eclipses created a topic of Homeless/No Home

I'm with team friends on this one cause I don't trust the uncle or the father for different reasons.

Solar Eclipses created a topic of Perfect Buddy

Yessss beat his ass!

Solar Eclipses created a topic of Finder

I'll take any ending for them.

Solar Eclipses created a topic of Full volume

Dreams got crashed and burned! Can relate to the one listening to Alicia Keys thru the heartbreak though lololol


Wtf is wrong with these translations it was alright in the beginning but I feel like these latest translations are trolling

Solar Eclipses created a topic of His Enemy Downstair

He was the only reason I could even finish it. Siwon was so annoying.