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Hwlins created a topic of Toxin

Garon is so confusing lmao this whole thing gave me second hand embarrassment

Hwlins created a topic of Guiding Light

So who is the bad guy now??

Hwlins created a topic of My Secret Stalker

Gang i dont get it, so the top is the guy in the suit in chapter 2 right? Like the stalker?

If only authors would do stories like this more often

Hwlins created a topic of Jinx


Hwlins created a topic of HUNGRY SOULS

Its so hard to find actual GOOD bl’s like this where there’s actually plot and not sex in every chapter lol

Hwlins created a topic of Paper Flower

Both of them should just die im tired of this

Hwlins created a topic of You Who Wants to Love

Dont know what to feel about this!

Hwlins created a topic of Gig of the Day
Hwlins created a topic of To My Husband’s Mistress

Why them red flags look better

Hwlins created a topic of Slammer Dogs

How do people come up w these typa stuff and get away w it ☠☠☠

Hwlins created a topic of Roses and Champagne

The mental manipulation or guilt trip he did to lee won is soooooo mafia boss behavior

Hwlins created a topic of Polar Bunny

Isnt this the same author as how to snag an alpha

Hwlins created a topic of Cry Me a River

I would kms after cus no way SO EMBARRASSING

Hwlins created a topic of Paper Flower

I read the raws and there is supposed to be two close up pictures of the seme at the end where the first one has light/pupil in his eyes and the second one where the light/pupil in his eyes is gone indicating that he died…?

Hwlins created a topic of Deep Blue
Hwlins created a topic of Paper Flower

Shouldve been yooyoung to die not the general get this man out of his misery damn