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jipp April 13, 2021 6:04 am

okay so yall can come out on me and say “this is fiction why do you care”

i mean i don’t really? i seriously don’t think anyone would actually take this story and be like “oh this is okay irl” i mean? i hope not. fiction affects the real world but to a certain extent. the people who find the actions of the alpha (a rapist) okay and how the story panned out to be “normal” are probably people who:
a) do not understand relationships whatsoever
b) are unaware and may have their own underlying issues

anyway what i’m going to “complain” about (aka staring my opinion) is the way the story played out. it was awful. i don’t need to explain why the *relationship* was awful because.... jesus christ that was a train wreck.
but honestly it wasn’t an enjoyable story at all, i don’t understand why it’s so highly rated- bc seriously? how the hell do you go from the main character being raped and cheated on to the main character suddenly loving the rapist because of a *nearly fatal phenomenon* i don’t know dude.. this story was just so messy and all over the place

now, i don’t HATE this story. i dislike it. like what you like i don’t care— you can disagree with this as well. but i’m just tired of these rape tropes and how they’re played out to be so normal (dramatic yet normal).

i don’t think their actions are being normalized in society necessarily, (maybe? i’m not sure if people are actually thinking it’s okay) but it’s being normalized as a piece of media. like this is what people will keep expecting from BL. specifically BL bc you rarely see this anywhere else.

i’m rambling by this point... man i’m tired. i’m tired of stories that portray a toxic environment and relationship as normal.

good day to you all who’ve read til the end! haha

one good thing? the art was good. this *artist* is good. i hope that in the future they’ll get better at storytelling (if they do continue to make comics)

    jipp April 13, 2021 6:06 am

    sharing my opinion*** my bad

    if i have any other typos feel free to correct me zz

    Merenda April 13, 2021 6:38 am

    Apart from being a fiction (and in fiction things are getting stretched) this is not our normal framework. In this universe there are pheromones, secondary genders, ruts. So do not be so strict with it by trying to analyze it through realistic glasses. It is a typical "l love him, he ignores me, deep down he loves me but is too proud to admit it, he will suffer for it and realize it at the end and beg me to come back" with a springle of pheromones and babies.

    Chocolat April 13, 2021 6:38 am

    Hmm so there are a few things I want to talk about in your comment.

    I've seen a lot of people questioning why this story is so high-rated when it involves r*pe and abuse, the answer is very simple honestly: you may not like it but (many) other people do. I went to other Asian websites to read the comment and no one cares about all the crazy things happened in this story, of course they don't think it's normal, but they actually enjoy it.

    I'm an Asian myself and I can tell you that this is a culture thing. The best example is that many of these webtoons are originated from Chinese/Korean novels. Most of them are not translated to English unless they are very very popular so the Westerners probably don't know that this kind of story is actually comparatively normal compared to lots of other mind-wrecking stories I've read. Incest, r*pe, abuse, prostitution, 2 personalities in one body having sex with each other,....etc. What I'm trying to tell you is that when you say "this is what people will keep expecing from bl", the reality is that we already pass that point :))) Also, the part where you say "it’s being normalized as a piece of media", I don't really know what you are trying to imply here. You mean this kind of story shouldn't be established... or you mean authors should write something more healthy rather than this...?

    Well that's my view on this. Excuse me if there are any typos

    Merenda April 13, 2021 6:49 am
    Hmm so there are a few things I want to talk about in your comment.I've seen a lot of people questioning why this story is so high-rated when it involves r*pe and abuse, the answer is very simple honestly: you ... Chocolat

    I do not think it is a matter of ethnicity. I think that like sexual fantasy, erotic fiction is stretched sometimes. "Oh the rich CEO loves me so much he forces himself on me". In real life it is "hello prison!". Here it is just fantasy. "He wants me so much he can't control himself" oh how nice!. Cause deep down I want him too. Of course from certain titles I do not expect 100% realism. "The strong warlord kidnaps me cause I am the prettiest and loves me". Yeah in real life I do not want to visit ancient china or ancient anything and be kidnapped by a smelly war gorilla but as a fantasy I like a handsome ripped daddy to fell crazy in love with me and kidnap me to his manor to make me his queen.

    jipp April 13, 2021 8:18 am
    Hmm so there are a few things I want to talk about in your comment.I've seen a lot of people questioning why this story is so high-rated when it involves r*pe and abuse, the answer is very simple honestly: you ... Chocolat

    i agree to this, from the asian media i’ve seen i guess it’s at times more based on r*pe tropes?

    and about how it’s being normalized— i meant it as it’s being more of a normal thing in stories. it’s not inherently good or bad but i personally wish there were more dynamics then just this... other than it being unhealthy (sometimes stories with unhealthy relationships are interesting) this story had too many plot holes and made no sense. it’s repetitive as well.

    jipp April 13, 2021 8:20 am
    i agree to this, from the asian media i’ve seen i guess it’s at times more based on r*pe tropes? and about how it’s being normalized— i meant it as it’s being more of a normal thing in stories. it’s... jipp

    i wanna correct myself- i think merenda is right

    it’s less based on ethnicity and more cultural aspects.. i’m personally an asian american (yuck america) so i have resonated with different types of views (more eastern or more western at times)

    jipp April 13, 2021 8:21 am
    I do not think it is a matter of ethnicity. I think that like sexual fantasy, erotic fiction is stretched sometimes. "Oh the rich CEO loves me so much he forces himself on me". In real life it is "hello prison!... Merenda

    haha yeah i get it, it’s like those crazy fantasies

    i like those sometimes too but as a story i didn’t enjoy it very much, but ofc thats just my opinion

    jipp April 13, 2021 8:26 am
    Apart from being a fiction (and in fiction things are getting stretched) this is not our normal framework. In this universe there are pheromones, secondary genders, ruts. So do not be so strict with it by tryin... Merenda

    right, i’m not seeing this as 100% realistic at all

    i still think i have the right to view it through realistic lenses. although this story might be set in a more far fetched setting/story plot, that doesn’t mean you can input reality into your thought process on the story. i know realistically majority of the people wouldn’t want this, but even fictionally i still don’t enjoy it.

    it’s realistic to the point where it’s not. i don’t know if that makes any sense but they’re portrayed as modern day men (except in an omegaverse), so again, i’m going to end up viewing parts of the story through a realistic lens. that includes the weird acceptance of r*pe!

    it’s fictional, i doubt (i mean i hope) anyone will take this media seriously and believe what keith did was justified (or that the mc’s reactions to him were normal)

    that’s just my take but yknow- ya like what ya like and ya don’t what ya don’t

    shinz April 13, 2021 9:20 am

    You have to turn off your brain to enjoy reading these kind of things tbh and that's what I do. I mean as long as people know how to separate fiction from reality I think it's fine. In my opinion, most of the people who enjoy this rape-y story would be fuming at the news of someone being raped and would not accept any excuse from the rapist or at least that's how the people I know react.

    You like what you like and you don't like what you don't like and that's fine. There are people out there who enjoy "reading" far sicker things but would not approve of it in real life so yeah

    Merenda April 13, 2021 4:49 pm
    right, i’m not seeing this as 100% realistic at alli still think i have the right to view it through realistic lenses. although this story might be set in a more far fetched setting/story plot, that doesn’t... jipp

    My simple point of viewing all these is that if at the end the couple is happy and equal (with no brain washing or anything) I am ok. I know it is a fantasy most of the times (there are also realistic stories and I like them when they are smooth with no stupid anguish)

jipp March 1, 2021 2:15 am

i just have to say that this is by far one of my most favorite bls of all time. it’s amazing- i don’t have the right words to say all my feelings for it but it’s warmed my heart every EVERY time i’ve read it.

if anyone is wondering if you should read this or not- yes. yes you should.
(other recommendations i have are boy meets maria and umibe no etranger+harukaze no etranger!)

jipp February 28, 2021 11:00 pm

y’all saying it was stupid of him to leave the prince

yeah, he made a really bad mistake- but as someone who personally has GAD there’s times when we overthink situations, especially when there’s some trauma behind it (he might have PTSD, i don’t personally but yknow) what i’m saying is you shouldn’t bash him like that. he fucked up bc he made an irrational decision out of anxiety. i think it’s good to point out he made a mistake but i’m pretty sure he knew right after he went back to look for the prince?? like “oh shit!” he’s not uncaring or stupid altogether he just made a mistake *one time*.. idk why y’all gotta judge his entire character bc of this one mistake.. jeez :/

jipp February 27, 2021 4:29 pm

there’s just like... so many plot holes and added details i get so confused LOL- LIKE WHAT IS GOING ON??? although the intimate scenes are really cute that’s about all i can say lmaooo

jipp February 11, 2021 4:28 pm

isnt.... having really bad health during a pregnancy bad for the baby??? and this mf is like “let me make your life a living hell” dude you’re actually fucking insane please stop

jipp January 14, 2021 10:36 pm

can he just,,,,, like the girl really likes him and i feel like they’d work out so well :((

keith needs to fucking die

jipp July 28, 2020 6:12 pm

first story started off weird but their relationship dynamic was healthy in the end
second story (one shot) was... well- his dad already targeting him was awful but he’s also underage- he ran away from home and the seme ended up doing it with him... sure they may have “fallen in love” but the kid should’ve done some healing before they went on to really do it together yknow?
third story? hell no, it was statutory rape and that’s final. the student was exploited by a teacher and that’s honestly terrifying to me. big no in my book. (maybe if there were no advances made by the teacher until the student was out of school, their story would feel a little better)
fourth story was really cool, i liked the concept and like what everyone else was saying i’d love for a continuation- but by this point all we have now is our imaginations ;) (i like how it ended with an open end)
not bad BL! questioning at some points but it’s an alright read :)ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~

thanks to everyone who read all the way to the end hehe

jipp January 6, 2020 10:19 pm

the sex scenes unnerve me
using it as a coping mechanism seems really unhealthy— the way wooyeon is handling the situation isn’t up to par, but at least he’s trying.
he doesn’t know what he’s doing but i think he’ll figure it out eventually.
honestly i’ve had a lot of things i’ve dealt with in my life— to the point where i’ve wanted to die.
it’s hard to let go, and it hurts me seeing junwoo suffer so much
emotions get in the way of your true judgement, which is why junwoo seems to be acting up so much
when you’re not in a good mental state it’s hard for you to get away from negative emotions and the way you deal with things may be faulty.
both junwoo and wooyeon seem to be suffering from certain issues— to see them talk a long talk, explaining everything to on another and being honest... that’s truly what i want to see come out of this.
this story surprisingly brought up a lot of feelings for me— especially when junwoo would have flashbacks and rethink his life (bc i would at times too)
i’ve grown as a person, but i still have a lot of healing to do
i hope we get to see junwoo and wooyeon consoling one another and really being there for each other.

sorry it was so long but thanks if u read it all agagga (⌒▽⌒)

    PoraPora January 7, 2020 12:00 am

    I dont know if they use sex as a coping mehcanism or rather because that all they knew to do. Junwoo has been very selfish person and people dont blame him as much as rather wooyeon. Wooyeon was trying and being nice but junwoo wasnt being good himself so that doesnt make wooyeon bad

    jipp January 7, 2020 5:31 am
    I dont know if they use sex as a coping mehcanism or rather because that all they knew to do. Junwoo has been very selfish person and people dont blame him as much as rather wooyeon. Wooyeon was trying and bein... PoraPora

    none of them are bad in my opinion! it’s more of junwoo has a difficult time coping with everything and it’s very apparent to wooyeon
    they both need some mental checkups i think :( i hope they can support each other later on in the story as equal people

    PoraPora January 7, 2020 6:01 am
    none of them are bad in my opinion! it’s more of junwoo has a difficult time coping with everything and it’s very apparent to wooyeon they both need some mental checkups i think :( i hope they can support e... jipp

    Oh yes i see what you are say i want more story now cant wait!

jipp January 5, 2020 5:56 am

wtf did i just read
like, age dynamics? idc about what you do once you’re of age but—

that dad met her while she was a child
and now they’re fucking????? you can’t tell me that he wasn’t a pedophile then wtf?

like? how long has he seen her with sexual intent? agh bro nooo this is nasty

jipp December 13, 2019 3:03 pm

lol it’s ok it’s just shit writing and lots of smut— highkey not here for it but if u like it e h ig

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