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MapleMatryoshka's feed

Everyone hates the top in this, but I don’t! Because I don’t mind young people growing up with bad behaviours! We all have shitty sides and insecurities and bad coping habits, and teens especially need to be allowed to screw up.

The crocodile tears is a coping mechanism as much as it is sly and manipulative. It’s a literally a cry for attention. In this case, there was only one person that he wanted attention from, sprinkle growing up in love with your best friend drama. Idk I think friends keeping secret crushes on each other in their teen years is normal. And also gay boys are allowed to be dramatic, since the world itself raises everyone to have internalized isms.

I love the art ofcourse, and ofc I would scold the top for lying about an innocent girl being a stalker, BUT THEY ARE STILL YOUTH AND THEY ARE ALLOWED TO MAKE STUPID MISTAKES.

I love projecting humanity onto characters.