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Lovetodudeswithlonghair's experience ( All 0 )

Lovetodudeswithlonghair's answer ( All 3 )

about lmao
Tegan and Sara-closer bts- we are bulletproof Aurora-exist for love ( I couldn’t decide between these three so I PICKED ALL OF THEM (/TДT)/,I do have more favorites but these will have to do(๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧ ) There is just something about these song that makes me wanna dance in the shower, I feel like I could be productive and actua......   reply
01 02,2021
1.Surprised,shock, a little bit happy 2.Ask question only i would know 3.Fight me to see how strong i am 4.Ask how have they been livin,there family,hobbies etc. 5.If im sick they can go to school for me 6.Take pictures and act like i have a twin sister 7.Watch anime with me ( no-one else watches it) 8.KILL THEM..... this room ain't big enough for ......   1 reply
04 08,2020
I have can somewhat understand how your feeling. I have a bestfriend who I always hanged out with. Then when she made more friends who she has a better connection with I sort of felt left out. We tried hanging out but we just kept on drifting further away. I love hanging out with her but I never know what to say and it sort of becomes awkward. (I t......   1 reply
23 06,2020

Lovetodudeswithlonghair's question ( All 0 )

People are doing

did song lyrics stuck in head

Like a deja vu, you're like a deja vu, say it, say it, say it, say it louder <3 perfect song

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did song lyrics stuck in head

same ground by kitchie nadal

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did song lyrics stuck in head

"Now he's thinkin' 'bout me every night, oh is it that sweet? I guess oh" [Espresso by Sabrina Carpenter]

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