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destiny followed a list

warning: the word cute is used an unhealthy amount during reviews

26 days

god i am not your strongest soldier. leaving this as a season finale is cruel, will be making head cannons in my head until the next chapter

destiny created a topic of Just Twilight

All the blushing!! They’re so cute!!

destiny created a topic of Pink to Habanero

did he just try to take his best friend out of the game (of life) because he’s jealous? Whose mans is this

Read manga they said. What they didn’t say is I would only get about two updates a year on my favorite slow burn couple!

Okayyy so a comforting chapter was too much to ask for and instead we got, checks notes, sexual assault. Noted noted

We’ve waited so long to get to this point!! I’m screaming omg

Don’t get me wrong, i love it here. This is one of my favorites right now, but how oblivious she is about Perez drives me crazy. Like she’s a genius at everything else, even reading and dealing with the empress this chapter, but she can’t realize the prince likes her? Like let’s be serious

i was so scared the comments were going to let me down but we’re all on the same page. i do not want to root for a ml who think sa is okay

Ignoring the last panel and acting like this is the last chapter. I love a happy ending!

I didn’t see what you all saw in Ethan at first, but now I see it! I’m a believer and I can’t believe s1 ended just as I was starting to get it

destiny created a topic of First Love, Lasting Hate

Sorry, but I love a bold confession. Like clearly this girl isn’t going to end up with the ML but hell yeah girl, go for it

I know it’s wrong but Edith is just so pretty when she cries I love it

I smiled this entire chapter! They’re still our big babies omg

I think it’s funny that whenever a woman wants to become stronger she cuts her hair lol

He is sooo flirty omg? He has the demeanor of a cool, doesn’t talk much character type but the way he looks at her? His little come backs? I am twirling my hair and kicking my feet