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lozard July 27, 2023 8:37 am

the plot is really good might be one of the best korean shojo fantasy webtoons out there with the complex plot but i really hate it when the love interest or mc is like a teenager when they first meet the other one and they’re like a baby.. just is weird and a weak way to build and justify romantic feelings for another(⊙…⊙ )

    Welpfinallymadeit January 2, 2024 12:07 pm

    Yes omfg thank you I really like this one and hope they’re the same/similar age now but that Icked me even if she was from the future or whatever still so weirddd

lozard May 30, 2021 3:22 pm

uhhh she’s kinda empty headed isn’t she

    mureyeduh June 3, 2021 4:48 pm

    I get what you’re saying but you have to understand that she’s a commoner and spent most of her life training or on the battlefield...she’s never experienced these kind of situations so it’s new to her and besides she doesn’t know court etiquette

lozard's questions ( All 1 )

lozard September 8, 2023 9:36 pm

mangago just be adding shit for fun.. i had it for a second and then it disappeared(⊙…⊙ )

    chonnie September 8, 2023 9:38 pm


    Mehatori September 8, 2023 9:48 pm

    For me when using my tablet it pops on the whole time thought it was an ad though but with my phone or pc it doesn't show on at all

    A Cutie September 12, 2023 1:57 pm
    For me when using my tablet it pops on the whole time thought it was an ad though but with my phone or pc it doesn't show on at all Mehatori

    i have it too and it plays music when you play, can someone tell me what is that TvT

    Mehatori September 13, 2023 9:19 am
    i have it too and it plays music when you play, can someone tell me what is that TvT A Cutie

    Good thing that it plays when u press play nah for me it plays whenever it wants lol
    Its ok its like an add just ignore it if u want

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