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MotherRussia February 3, 2020 8:29 am

From Secret
Drama Events that transpired so far...
1) Devil and Angel Scans(DnA): They did the first chapters, 1-4? and tiny bit in-between. Chapter 9 they come back where they explain at the side note about the situation, the sniping till chapter 17-18, dropping it.

2)Claude Forever aka Snipe Group: Chapter 5 drops in grammar but they improve over time and it looked like they were still posting here till chapter 15(Chapter 16 looks like another font and there is no signature side note from them so not sure which one made that one). Chapter 19 is also like chapter 16 with the same font but no side note of which team posted this. I'm not sure if this group is still working on this, there's no news from them or how to contact them.

3)Troll Group: Chapter 20 I did not see the first update to it but supposedly from accounts from the comment section here it was like half the chapter with a character named Sans at the end. Afterwards we got another Troll who posted chapter 20 who kept changing the font with bad grammar.

<they wanted to make an argument that without DnA scans, everything will be bad with google translate>
Check out the last page to see what they said. Link provided by BongoCat.
Then we get another Troll update with Chapter 21 BUT it's actually readable lol but again check out the very last page to see that it's someone just getting into the drama.

Them claiming that they used google translate and that it as bad.

22 was by another translator who claim to be the good guy after the troll font translators.

there was a 3 day hiatus, and i am assuming that no one decided to translate.

Enter next translator MarypoppinsOnCrack, who used google translate to translate 23 and 24 and 25. I think. its the one with the god and google translate meme and mary poppins. I think she wanted to prove a point that fast translations are possible if one is willing to and not hog it.

and then there was a troll from mangadex who claim to be a translator from an established team, who trolled and translated chapter thirty out of spite with an ending meme that says that readers are ungrateful and should just read whatever scraps translators throw at them. Not realising that this kind of petty monopoly was the reason why vigilantes took it upon themselves to retaliate and scanlate on their own.

Then our recent translator is buttcheeks. who promised to translate till 29 to retaliate the petty spoiler troll.

    MotherRussia February 3, 2020 8:39 am

    Also if u meet any anonymous user in ur thread, its most likely 2seung and their friend. They got roast by my friend Bongocat for harrassing readers so they dont dare to use their accounts and they cant write with newly made accounts for thirty days

    see thread here.

    MotherRussia February 3, 2020 8:40 am


    SandyTree February 3, 2020 10:39 am

    This is all going down on Mangadex, where it's possible for multiple scanlators to post their version. Mangago is an aggregator so it only picks the version that's available first. So here's a summary/recap of who posted what when, and what their end notes said.

    DnA used to only upload one chapter per month, until NNG uploaded the next chapter, 2 days after DnA had uploaded Ch 4. The day after, DnA uploaded ch 5 too, but by then NNG had already uploaded ch 6 with the end note saying how they had seen the comments on their grammar etc. At this point DnA stopped uploading; Pretty sure this is when DnA sent the DM to NNG asking them to stop sniping / talk. Meanwhile NNG continued for the next few days.

    Ch 7 NNG asks readers if they should continue scanlating: "Claude Forever" etc.

    Ch 8 NNG thanks for the support, and addresses the complaints about their grammar asking them to wait for another version if they don't like it.

    Ch 9 was posted the same day as Ch 8, where they ask for reader's opinion after being DM-ed about sniping. "(...) and now the one who accuse us do snipe, doing the exact same thing as they accuse us :(. We don't undderstand why do we need permission from them. If we want to ask permission, we'll ask the author. And isn't what we all do now in here is not official, right :("

    Same day, DnA posts their version of Ch 9, where they announce they have been sniped, and urges the readers to make clear to NNG that sniping is bad. They also reveal they did send a DM to NNG but were ignored / haven't gotten a reply. Excerpt: "And ... I see many people supporting them. (...) Back to the point, I can't stand still when people are supporting this team. You guys are supporting "snipers" ... This is a *huge problem* that few other scanlation teams have been through/are going through and I would kindly ask everyone here to please ... *Not support anyone sniping*. This can lead to them thinking that "sniping" is a good thing that they can freely do, (...)"

    Basically DnA just says "sniping is bad, boo!" but without giving arguments to why it's bad. This prompts readers to discuss whether sniping is bad or not, and why DnA and NNG can't just both keep posting their own versions. And those who prefer DnA's higher quality scans, could just block NNG on Mangadex, while the rest can enjoy the faster scans of NNG.

    Ch 10 gets uploaded same day by NNG: "Well, seems like we finished chapter 10 earlier than we expected, but we're still waiting for your advice :D"

    For the next few days, no new upload from DnA. NNG continues uploading at their fast pace

    Ch 11 NNG refers to their comment in the chapter comment section, but I couldn't find it, since there's too many comments.

    Ch 12 NNG asks readers how we'd like them to deal with sfxs.

    Ch 13 NNG decides to not redraw sfx, and just leave the translation underneath instead.

    Ch 14 NNG leaves no end note.

    Ch 15 NNG apologizes for slower updates, since "we are busy helping our parents to prepare CNY. We hope you understand :D"

    After this NNG has not uploaded any chapters, since they're porbably on a break celebrating Chinese New Year, which ended 25th january 2020 according to Google.

    2 days later, DnA does a mass release of all the chapters they've got: ch 6-8 and ch 10-18.

    Ch 18 DnA announces they are dropping the series. Along with it, they write "PS. Do NOT scroll down any further." and shows a panel from a future chapter showing Ivona and Agentine's wedding; giving us a spoiler for some reason.

    This happened 8 days ago (26. jan) and since there has been no uploads from neither NNG nor DnA. From here on we get all these randoms uploading chapters.

    Ch 19 uploaded the day after DnA's mass release by a new account made 21. jan 2020 called player3. And this is the only upload they've made EVER.

    Ch 21 uploaded 2 days later by another new account made 28. jan 2020 called thegoodplayer. Again the only upload they've ever made. They even made a group called "Scanlation you need but don't deserve". The end note is just announcing they're neither DnA nor NNG, and then there's memes.

    Ch 20 uploaded 3 days later by another new account made 1. feb 2020 called atleastirdmysnipes. The end note is a sniping meme with batman and Robin and a caption saying "Nothing's Gucci when you have Bucci".

    Ch 30 uploaded same day as Ch 20 by another new account made same day as atleastirdmysnipes, but this one is called SnipingMachine. End note is a manga meme, showing readers complaining about chapters not being released in order, and the scanlators saying how can they complain when scanlators are working for free.

    Ch 22 uploaded today by yet another new account made yesterday called onlyforpractice. "ESH scans presents: Everyone sucks here!! (...) All y'all scanlators in the drama suck, both NNG for sniping what was a perfectly fine project and DnA for being petty and shirking your readers because you think you have the right to essentially C&D another non-profit scanlation group and then get mad when you're ignored. Also why tf did you spoil THAT SCENE, like that was so fucking unnecessary??? Anyways. I know 22 and 23 are already up elsewhere, but here's 22 anyways for GP. (...)"

    Then we get releases on Mangago by Crack Poppins.

    Ch 22 released 31. jan, a day before ch 20, by Crack Poppins using only Google Translator.

    Ch 23 released day after on 1. feb also by Crack Poppins.

    Now we have Butt Emoji uploading scans.

    Ch 24-26 uploaded yesterday on 2. feb by Butt Emoji: "You scanlators are a bunch of petty af babies. Are you kidding me? Translating chapter 30 and not the ones in between because you're salty that readers aren't loyal to your specific group? Readers want to read and nothing else dummy. Most of them don't care about your fat heads and inflated egos. Ya'll stink and smell like mayonnaise. This message is for the fools fighting on Mangadex! (...)"

    Ch 27 uploaded today, Crack Poppins is back (or Shaggy Poppins?). She answers some Mangago comments. She also replies to Ch 20 scanlator atleastirdmysnipes: "Scanning twenty cos u mad, but not realising that u did work for us. You got played son. (...) We dont need Gucci if Bucci is free."

    MotherRussia February 3, 2020 11:55 am
    This is all going down on Mangadex, where it's possible for multiple scanlators to post their version. Mangago is an aggregator so it only picks the version that's available first. So here's a summary/recap of ... SandyTree

    its not 27, its 25, for the last one

    MotherRussia February 3, 2020 11:59 am
    This is all going down on Mangadex, where it's possible for multiple scanlators to post their version. Mangago is an aggregator so it only picks the version that's available first. So here's a summary/recap of ... SandyTree

    Nonetheless, this is really detailed. Its so good I want to frame it on my wall

    2seung February 3, 2020 12:16 pm
    Also if u meet any anonymous user in ur thread, its most likely 2seung and their friend. They got roast by my friend Bongocat for harrassing readers so they dont dare to use their accounts and they cant write w... MotherRussia

    Dude, who are you even? I was at work. You and that BongoCat are here like all the time. I've already told BongoCat not to get so invested in this drama. She first accused me of being Poseidon just because that guy agreed with me, now you're randomly calling me anonymous? Let me guess, that person disagrees with you, huh? And by god, you must have a big ego to think that only one person would disagree with you.

    Real talk, don't you guys work or go to school or something? How do you find all this time to camp on this page?

    MotherRussia February 3, 2020 12:22 pm
    Dude, who are you even? I was at work. You and that BongoCat are here like all the time. I've already told BongoCat not to get so invested in this drama. She first accused me of being Poseidon just because that... 2seung

    I told u it was either u or the user anonymous, like the user name is anonymous, the one that harrass her along with you and made a meme. Where is the proof that bongo cat accused u of being poseidon. She knew you two were separate people. Lmao. Now I want to post you on reddit for being a fucking Karen. Look at the links before you feel offended.

    MotherRussia February 3, 2020 12:25 pm
    Dude, who are you even? I was at work. You and that BongoCat are here like all the time. I've already told BongoCat not to get so invested in this drama. She first accused me of being Poseidon just because that... 2seung

    Look at the non account, there are only 2 users who get orgasmic about their isekai inside joke. Look at bongocats thread with over 16 likes. And You must wonder, who else it could be. I wasnt gonna say any names at first, but you really outed yourself trying to drag bongocat down. You see a leaf fall and think you could control the wind.

    2seung February 3, 2020 12:31 pm
    I told u it was either u or the user anonymous, like the user name is anonymous, the one that harrass her along with you and made a meme. Where is the proof that bongo cat accused u of being poseidon. She knew... MotherRussia

    You are obsessed with me, and obsessed with a drama that isn't even yours. Calm down and go take a walk, man... You and bongocat camp on this page, fighting with people all day long and randomly accusing me of being them just because they disagree with you. Are you unemployed...? It's a Monday, how are you not working or at school?

    MotherRussia February 3, 2020 12:36 pm
    You are obsessed with me, and obsessed with a drama that isn't even yours. Calm down and go take a walk, man... You and bongocat camp on this page, fighting with people all day long and randomly accusing me of ... 2seung

    Lmao. Lets see who gave a shit about you in your original comment

    2seung February 3, 2020 12:38 pm
    Lmao. Lets see who gave a shit about you in your original comment MotherRussia

    Dude... It's not that serious... Take some deep breaths and really, just go out there and do something more productive. I sense that you're someone who's not doing very well. Life is more than some argument on mangago. How many hours have you spent loitering on this page...?

    MarypoppinsOnCrack February 3, 2020 1:08 pm

    Oh dear

    Kal February 3, 2020 4:50 am

    Indeed ( TT﹏TT )

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